Friday, December 28, 2007

My bdae present!

Piglet! My bdae prezzie from Joey! My colleague/supervisor @ work (SNEC)... yah.. it's actually juz an xtra prezzie left over from xmas.. so it's a coincidence that it's a pig...
but hmm was a bit sad when at 12midnite there was only 1 sms... from DEBORAH TAY! hahahaha glad she rmbered.. but eh dere's been msges taking their time 2 come in wishing me happy bdae.. so i guess i'm satisfied :) haha silly me.. coz last yr got so many smses! @ 12 midnite some more.. this yr.. oh well, @ least thru-out e whole dae got smses so it's real nice :D I guess it's thx 2 facebk n friendster tt helped remind ppl tt it's my bdae.. which is gd i suppose.. haha.. thus my facebk wall got 3 posts wishing me happy bdae.. 1 from DEBORAH TAY! hahaha yah she's a great friend.. wish she'll relax abt results.. oh wells. yup blogging @ work again coz got 10 min break 2 slack a bit (cover reception for a while) so yah :P

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

xmas n e unexpected changes it brought into my life

starting from christmas eve, 15 ppl msged me merry xmas! whether it's juz a simple 'merry xmas' text or a more complicated one wif snowmen n xmas trees, i'm still really grateful for them... but i regret that i didnt reply most of 'em.. was a bit bz on xmas dae.. they were mainly from ntu ppl though dere were some which came from old friends, some of whom i havent been in touch for a while.. they're so sweet :) wonder how i can thank them for rmbering me..

Anyway.. had e ntu archery xmas party @ settlers cafe in holland v last tue... unexpectedly fun. It wasnt bad on the whole.. even got the biggest gift xchange prezzie.. a penguin water dispenser from action city! haha quite lucky for me :)

Hmmm then on thurs, tried 2 shoot in e morn but it started pouring once i reached e field so obviously no chance 2 train.. haiz, i really wanted 2 shoot coz been working n missing trngs.. oh well, guess it juz means i'm not fated 2 shoot that dae.. but managed 2 borrow xiangyuan's bow! haha yay.. but 34pounds leh.. i'm gonna hav a hard time pulling it next trng..
Since cant train, went 2 shop 4 groceries wif lance, yonghwa n karen for cooking dinner in hall that evening... haha quite fun the whole cooking process.. though sometimes it got a bit boring while waiting for the fd 2 b cooked.. but anyway e fd was quite gd.. n e cheesecake that was dessert is seriously one of e best i've eaten ever! hmm but i couldnt stay out too late so only got 2 eat 1 slice of cake n play 2 rounds of uno spin! haha yonghwa seriously got quite a number of boardgames in his room.. quite an interesting experience that dae :)

Sunday! mEt up wif my Nj Archery team! though 2 persons backed out in e end, namely xiangyuan n wendy (sprained ankle again) but most of e rest turned up! hmm but hav 2 find something else 2 do next gathering.. mebbe go boardgames cafe, else it's seriously juz walk ard n stone since they're not v pro-active in striking up conversations.. most of e time it was fred n benghui talking! me being sick tried my best alr.. (been sick since wed..) 9 of us dere that dae, rach being late (as usual) by 1.5hrs -.- Anyway, weide fred benghui fangjian colin junguang louis rach n me make up e 9 persons. so glad that a lot of 'em made e effort 2 turn up.. nxt time will b a better gathering! else ppl might start refusing 2 turn up :( hmm i turned up pretty early that dae, b4 the 1st meeting time of 4pm so i managed 2 drag weide n fred ard 2 help me buy xmas prezzies! haha they gave me lots of suggestions but none were gd enuff 4 me :P not creative enuff @ least.. but they helped :D v grateful 2 'em 4 that.)

Monday was Xmas Eve! Went bowling n played mahjong wif my family.. was more of a family dae which is gd.. coz i've been gg out too much n been spending too little time wif my family. bowling i was e 2nd lousiest in e family.. winning that place only coz my youngest sis obviously is too young 2 b able 2 play properly -.- sigh, it's unfair when ur other 2 sisters r either in bowling club or was in bowling team. Still. Seems lyk i need 2 brush up on my bowling skills!

Tuesday.. Xmas dae! early in e morn received a super heavy prezzie... e box was filled wif chocolate! but i having a bad cough now..guess e chocolate will hav 2 wait a while.. wait until i get better.. anyway, went 4 kay's xmas party or rather it's actually juz her church's xmas service which she helped 2 organise @ her place so yah. (It's a family church) She forced me 2 go. Humph. It's lyk a family thing!! Still make me go! I'm so not family despite her insisting that i'm in her mg family
Shucks, totally didnt noe any1 else dere cept from lance n kay n perhaps esther whom i dun really noe in e 1st place.. (n mebbe kay's parents whom i also dun really noe in e 1st place)felt so awkward la! Humph. Mebbe it's juz my imagination but felt as if all her cousins were wondering abt my presence. All her fault. Humph. Next time shall ignore her. Urgh.. i shall make an effort 2 avoid all sort of xmas church services from now on. Though this wasnt that bad.. quite ok, made me kinda miss mg's chapel services.. much better than city harvest's service that i went 4 last yr.. Nv ever will i attend another such service under city harvest. A super bad experience. No other way 2 describe it. Urgh.
hmm but anyway managed 2 get out after lunch n walk ard her condo a bit which is ALSO her suggestion -.- n also went up 2 her place 2 visit le le n an an.. her 2 little doggies which seem 2 hav been ard for v long.. n e male one (forgot who is who) kept bullying e female one! Tsk. Hmmm then went out after that.. headed over 2 esplanade's roof terrace b4 n after dinner.. nite view supposedly better but was pretty crowded thx 2 it being a public hol. Reached home late again..11 plus.. so much 4 spending e rest of xmas @ home.. i was wrong abt that.

Anyway, 2dae! was feeling v insecure this morn.. silly me.. was on the brink of being super depressed again i guess.. but lucky me.. got a phone call which changed my mood..
anyway supposed 2 b having a p6 dinner @ ms clarity's cafe (Havent been dere in a while), venue suggestion courtesy of urs truly, hmm i hardly rmber anything abt that class.. oh well, doesnt hurt meeting up wif other mg girls whom i c ard mg sec sch anyway.. hope it'll b fun.. i so dun lyk awkward situations.. those r so not fun. N well, obviously i'm supposed 2 b working but i've finished my work for the dae.. at lyk 3pm so used 1.5 hrs 2 write all these down since i've 2 pretend 2 do work anyway.. coz my colleague not here 2 give me more work.. e office is 1/2 empty since most ppl took leave 2dae.. it's only 430pm -.- despite me dragging e work n everything i still got so much time left.. humph gotta find stuff 2 do.. n singhealth went 2 block all those web messengers lyk meebo n ebuddy n even youtube! facebk n friendster also -.- so i'm left wif extremely limited options 2 entertain myself for the remaining 1 hr..

recent msn nick: cheesecake! :D

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ahh xmas xmas...

been watching lots of movies this mth! haha or so it seems 2 me.. esp when u dun really get 2 watch movies during sch term... watched 'fred claus', 'golden compass', 'enchanted' and 'alvin and the chipmunks' so far... all in 1 mth! n i enjoyed e last few lots.. enchanted n alvin r seriously v v fun 2 watch..

enchanted is so funny at times but @ e end it makes u feel that in reality.. dere wouldnt b such fairytale-like endings rite? haha no idea.. but having heard from 2 persons who r single n hav watched e movie, it made them feel lonely that they're unattached.. ok mebbe not so extreme, but it definitely made e viewer think abt where their prince charming/ damsel in distress is.. n when will they appear.. sounds odd but true.. hmm i watched it wif a friend of mine so i didnt think so much.. i was juz thoroughly enjoying myself laughing my head off at the way griselle opens e window 2 call all her ehh friends in nature... lyk cockroaches!!! EEEKKK... whahahahahaaa... seriously funny.. but i noe if i watched it alone.. i would've felt lyk 'em.. felt that it's a gd show n everything.. but it will make me feel so much more lonelier than b4 e movie.. w/o some1 lyk ur prince charming 2 b dere 4 u.. 2 save u from e evils of e world.. yah.. though @ this pt in time i dunno whether 2 feel afraid or happy.. so so v afraid of getting hurt.. i'm too fragile i noe.. not sure if i could withstand any pain of any form.. any.. more.. so afraid 2 b happy, 2 hav fun. haha wat irony.

Alvin.. was super fun! They were TOTALLY Cute!! ESP theodore!haha think i lyk theodore! he's soo cute! it's lyk u'll go awwww..when u c him! n seriously out of e 3 i would sae simon n theodore stands out more 2 me than alvin.. strange but true.. n the way they dance! way awesome.. their singing melts thy heart... hahahaa.. juz plain fun!

the golden compass was part 1 of a trilogy i realised... but i was super excited when we went in 2 watch!couldnt contain my excitment, i'm lyk some small little kid who's visiting e cinema 4 e 1st time watching a movie that i really wanna watch :P haha silly me.. but i enjoyed e movie thoroughly, not a comedy more of fantasy,.. cool graphics n everything.. in my opinion e movie was nicely done!

Watched enchanted n golden compass in e same wk.. golden compass 1 dae b4 enchanted! haha wif some ntu archery ppl.. enchanted was tgt wif xmas present buying dae so yup, bz bz dae :)

i watched alvin ytd! or rather mon.. it was after my 1st dae of work so it was smthg 2 look forward 2, 2 distract myself from work.. esp since i dun lyk working @ all... hmm gg back 2 work.. nice seeing some of e ppl again.. but e work's still no fun.. but my pay was increased! so kinda still a bit bearable.. anyway lucky me coz 1st dae back n they had a sort of party in e afternoon, some1's bdae celebration so had cake sushi red wine donut(from donut factory) chocolate wif liquor inside... all juz b4 i got off work...seriously too full 2 finish everything so left e donut behind.. dere was so much 2 eat!n my colleague juz happily piling fd on my plate lyk nobody's business..but it was nice 2 slack that 1.5hrs away :P anyway.. @ least it's juz 6 daes back at work... soon they'll pass.. shucks mine only 6 daes n i'm counting down.. wat abt those wif mths left at that place? tsk me..

oh yah.. hav 2 get so many gift xchange prezzies 4 e various xmas parties i'm gg 4...i even declined 2 go for 1 party.. tt 1 muz bring $10 gift 2 xchange but that's not e reason.. haha i dun think it's too gd 2 keep gg out everydae.. though i'm pretty much doing tt alr.. n i've been shopping 4 these prezzies n not spending on myself @ all.. haiz.. oh wells.. cant b helped i guess.. @ least it'll b fun attending all these parties n meeting up wif all my friends :D

hmmm it's e xmas holidaes! i realised that i really do quite like this feeling of xmas in e air though it may not seem evident but it's present n it's nice :D n i really do lyk this yr's xmas lights @ orchard.. 1st time i'm so interested.. haha funny me..
when schooling.. perhaps e xmas-y feeling isnt that obvious cept perhaps during e parties.. but @ work, it's lyk every1's preparing gifts 4 each other! haha dunno whether it's a gd idea 2 come back 2 work during this period of time.. i better go get my colleagues some snacks 4 xmas or smthg.. cant dun give's so not nice.. some more they giving me gifts! i muz reciprocate! haha hmm muz think of smthg.. chocolates would b gd.. better than nthg :P

recent msn nick: try then. (was really depressed when i wrote this. now feeling better i guess, juz filled wif uncertainty.. that's all.. :P )

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Exam time n after :P

Yay! Finally exams r over. As expected, the last paper wasnt ez. neither did i complete it in time so... there goes valuable marks. Hope i still do decently well in it.. in all of the papers. But what really matters is that they're all over so it's time to enjoy! :D

28nov wed: after aero paper had driving lesson -.- then headed down to raffles place to join deb huiwen songwei n justin @ minds' cafe 2 play boardgames :D haha even though i only got to play for less than 2hrs, but it was fun seeing how every1 became a bit crazy towards e end... muz mention tt i got LOST getting dere... for lyk 1/2 hr.. irritating... dirns werent v clear... n it sure took 'em long b4 songwei volunteered 2 come find me.. -.-" irritating... humph. Thankfully got 2 friends of mine msging me @ tt time asking me abt my papers.. they got 2 hear 1st hand how i was lost n everything.. haha thx 4 being dere (though dere's thankfully no chance they'll c this :P )... oh well. pretty fun nite n everything i guess... :)

29nov thurs: My cousin's wedding todae so went 2 their home in e morn.. then later my other cousin (his sis) painted my nails 4 me.. haha still quite surprised tt they're painted but anyway.. yah haha.. didnt really think of dressing up that nite 4 e dinner but did anyway, a bit, juz lack makeup only.. which was gd coz reached home late lyk 1230am haha yup. would've been troublesome 2 remove makeup too... took some photos that nite.. chatted lots wif my 2 sis.. been a while since i seem 2 hav chatted 2 'em lyk tt...prob thx 2 hall life bah... anyway had fun :D that's all tt matters!

30nov fri: driving test-urgh. Not enuff prac.. i knew it alr so was no surprise @ e end of it.. happily msging rach away abt it.. silly me haha... then had lunch wif a friend.. went 2 check out the singapore design festival! pretty interesting things dere! check out Brazilian architecture on 1st floor, design of marina south on 3rd floor as well as the new layout for the old supreme court as the centre of arts for singapore i guess.. haha lousy memory.. but spent super long dere! got quite a lot 2 c bah.. then nv check out e 4th floor though.. coz no time le gotta go meet kay 4 movie @ the cathay. Quite regrettable.. seems as though the 4th floor got interesting stuff.. too bad i guess... nvm... went met kay for 'Fred Claus' @ the cathay wif lance! Nice movie :D Typical christmas-y kind of movie.. but i really did wanna watch 'Enchanted'! Urgh... all thx 2 kay having watched it ALR! Humph. nvm gg watch it this fri hopefully :P should b haha.. Yay! kinda cant wait! hmm meanwhile gotta think abt who i gotta get christmas presents 4... =x this is difficult.. hopefully not so many ppl..? dunno........ oh wells. i'll figure smthg out. Anyway.. had dinner @ manhatten @ PS! Nice nice fd n place.. but queue was long too... anywayz... after dinner kay had 2 go home n pack coz she gg shanghai 4 hol so yah.. checked out christmas lightings @ orchard n reached home 1130pm :P later than wed... Oops.. but it was fun...

1 dec dental appt n trng.. great 2 c some of e archers again :D had fun! haha being silly talking abt nonsense n wat we've been up 2 n stuff... oh wells... hope every session will b as fun.. now tt trng has resumed 2 a 3 times a wk basis.. tue thurs sat.. haiz.. hope can still hav fun in between gg out n stuff!! hehe.

MSN nicks: i guess i'm not as strong as i thought i m

i cannot cannot cannot


this is the life!

sit back relax n enjoy e show!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Exams... in uni... :S

exams... the uni style... hmmm... so far, i've finished 4 papers... yay :D only left 2 more 2 go...

umm as deb n jingxin were saying.. we all hav an obstacle... mine would b physics n tt's over so i'm quite happy.. shall juz work hard for the last 2... last wed was math n econ... morn n evening paper... hmm quite tiring... but dere was dinner 2 look forward 2! haha dinner wif fangjing, kay, yanbing n yifang 2 celebrate ashley's bdae!! haha yah unlucky tt it's on e 1st day of exams but so glad 2 hav e dinner 2 look forward 2 :D then we could happily chitchat during the dinner! but too bad couldnt stay for long coz ash had a paper the nxt dae... so glad yifang came all e way down!! she's so wonderful!! :) but it's been super long since we met up.. humph... uni life... disconnects us 2 e rest of e world... haha the rest of our friends i mean... then after dinner stayed wif fj 2 wait 4 her friend then they walk me back 2 hall! so nice lar they! having so much fun talking 2 fj laughing n giggling away! hahahahaha gossiping lyk mad lar the both of us... v fun though hehe.. then got snacks tt nite also... in the form of ... smarties! haha... a bit erm... haha but nice all e same.. helps make u more grateful towards stuff when u juz had 2 papers in a dae haha..

nv had so much fun in a while alr... aiyo... mg friends r e best :D hahahaha... miss 'em loads... but realised tt recently i've been missing my archery team back in nj lots too... missing wendy rach... dx is here but i dun c her at all despite us being same hall.. so ironic... but yah... then iris also in faraway australia... but facebk got her! haha shall write on her wall soon.. after exams :)
hmm then dere's fred... who's always on msn but i havent talked 2 in a while.. shall chat soon... weide.. saw him came online twice!! super rare... but didnt talk 2 him coz i was supposed 2 b studying... hmmm junguang (my fellow blue fletch nj archer!) nv hear alr haha... fangjian always c online but nv talk once again.. soon soon... the rest lost touch alr bah... though they're still on my msn... haha... but i miss rach n wendy... was telling rach n she said dun worry will meet up during hols! hope so :) *cross my fingers*

umm... wat else... oh rite back 2 exams... then last fri had phy which was my obstacle paper... was feeling really miserable n horrible e nite b4... e dae b4 spent the whole dae in study room from abt 1030am until abt 10pm -.- cant believe i managed 2 stay dere 4 so long.. studying wif kenneth.. then dinner huiwen came down n ate wif us n we also ate wif muthaiah(dunno how 2 spell his name),huiwen n kenneth's friend wayne n his roomie n some ppl haha.. dunno.. then huiwen joined us in e studyroom then i got stressed so didnt do much le.. realised whole dae didnt do tt much but was ok i guess.. spent 45min in e morn chatting on e phone wif fangjing coz i was falling asleep inside! haha totally left kenneth alone in dere Oops! but i was really sleepy.. oh yah muz thank him 4 all e rides 2 sch! haha hallmate n kinda neighbour.. the time in between math n econ was also spent hanging out wif him n his friends.. haha n his program 'Game.cpp' totally entertained huiwen n deb... n impressed us all haha... but eh will tell him another time, when his ego needs boosting n not deflating ;)

anyway for phy i was juz super glad when it's over... i took my time 2 do e paper n it may seem as though i've given up hope since e 1st qns but thinking back properly, it's more as if i had no regrets coz i did my best :) even though i dunno whether i'll pass this time (yah it's tt bad) but i was juz relieved when it ended... even if i left 4b empty.. i was still glad... been a while since i felt this way.. when e rest were discussing ans i tuned out really... haha... deb n huiwen were saying tt i was quiet on e way back 2 hall but i guess it's juz tt i didnt feel lyk talking bah... was ok though haha though alison could tell i was a bit miserable, ok quite miserable when we met her at the nanyang heights bus stop.. so long nv c her alr... mebbe 1 dae can meet up n eat n chat :)
then after e paper me n deb went wif jingxin 2 JP 2 eat.. @ KFC haha... v long nv eat KFC alr bah,.. n jingxin was in e mood for fried stuff haha so we went dere... but b4 tt muz comment tt jingxin walked ALL E WAY 2 hall 11 bus stop! my gosh so far! haha he missed hall 9 bus stop totally... coz he thought tt it's hall 8 bus stop so yah he continued walking! haha cant believe he didnt complain tt it's so far.. not bad haha.. i think tt was more disbelievable 2 me than the fact tt he overshot.. haha i guess i havent met enuff guyz 2 start judging them haha..

umm then it's been computing todae... quite ok... but prob got some minor errors here n dere... hopefully still can do ok... we'll c... then stupid justin had 2 tell us tt results will come out on my bdae... great... a v nice bdae present... urgh... n he obviously doesnt rmber my name.. -.- haha but tt's only 2 b expected... i dun think i noe him tt well either... after computing had lunch wif deb, huiwen, siewhui, jingxin, nga, justin, zhirui n justin's friend.. dunno who... hahaha but yah.. lots of ppl.. ate @ quad, surprisingly got space, coz deb said tt every1 will think tt every1 else will go quad eat so they wouldnt head dere.. yah it was quite empty when we reached dere but quite full afterwards... umm then it rained HEAVILY! haha then had 2 take shuttle bus from can A n was a bit wet in e process.. then realised tt will hav 2 b a bit wet when walking back 2 hall.. then siewhui jingxin zhirui they all also coz their stop wouldnt b sheltered! haha we only realised when we boarded e bus.. some more e rain was super heavy @ tt time lor... haha as jingxin said take a shower dere n then.. after all clothes r meant 2 b washed.. -.- but yah haha...

ummm dunno wat things will b lyk in e near future.. was thinking tt life is so unpredictable, if i was told back in sec sch tt i'll b in engineering esp aero i wouldnt hav believed a word of it.. haha amazing wat life throws at u... but here, met a great group of ppl whom i believe i can call friends :) juz quite grateful for wat i hav rite now... :)

hmm then realised tt it's harder 2 get into JCs alr.. my sis' turn @ PAE n a bit troubling thinking of which JC 2 apply 2 coz muz c whether can get in... i msged ms chen my ex-form teacher back in j1 who is now known as mrs jalleh! haha anyway yup asked her n she said v hard 2 sae but even if can only half the cohort wif her score can get in bah.. so b prepared 2 b rejected lor.. hmm i even asked kay 2 ask her jc teachers 2 check out the cut-off score... well it's either nj, ac or sa... but the thing is sa is SO far away but tt's the only one where can more or less guarantee tt my sis can get in... haiz... we'll c... hopefully lady luck will smile on her :) guess i didnt realised tt it was so hard 2 get into a jc of ur own choice.. guess i got it ez for my 1st 3 mths n yet i wasnt grateful.. well i shall learn 2 appreciate wat i've got... now...

then e rest of my family juz flew off 2 china for a vacation juz last sunday morning.. then my youngest sis was being her usual rude self.. calling home at 530am! when every1 else was obviously asleep, demanding 2 speak 2 my maid n when i told her tt she's asleep lyk EVERY1 else she totally when ' r u sure a not? auntie leh!' wif the totally obnoxious tone tt told me i'm obviously not smart enuff 2 understand her... then she went 'aiya auntie went church lar' then she totally hung up on me urgh she can so make me angry. hello?! who goes 2 church @ 530am??!! irritating. @ least dere's peace n quiet for @ least a wk which doesnt really make a diff coz i'm in hall anyway. urgh. honestly. she juz keeps reminding me y i'm grateful for staying in hall... for all e wrong reasons i should think.. oh wells.

recent msn nicks:
perhaps 1 dae u might c me..not!
honoured beyond words :)
forgive your enemies but nv forget their names ;) rmber..?
我怀念的... 那不会再有的岁月...

Monday, November 12, 2007

it's time!!!

Time 2 face up 2 reality... the exams r really here.. strangely they feel lyk tests... how come the sense of urgency is lacking... crap, muz b thx 2 work that i'm feeling so nonchalent towards everything that comes my way... this cannot do... i muz work hard!! i muz feel e sense of urgency!! argh... haha...

recent msn nick: hah!I knew that i noe how 2 do computing,juz whether i wan 2 a not! (wif regards to tut 11 NOT the stupid quiz tt i flopped... )

Saturday, November 03, 2007

exams r here :(

exams r almost here n yet i feel as if i havent gotten down 2 any proper studying yet.. crap! gotta finish all e tut n studying for quizzes that dere's no time left for proper studying! Urgh.
Anyway juz had 3 tests on thurs, phy dunno how 2 do q2 n 3 but i feel ok after e paper, same wif mat sci, @ least i got 65%,better than my previous 55%.Gotta work harder for the exams or else :( computing was the 1 that made me feel bad... haiz :'( wonder if i'll even pass... i dun wan 2 get F or D this time round... stupid me.. dere was no time 2 study 4 computing at all wat wif phy n mat sci on the same day too...
then fri met andy n timothy in can B b4 computing lect in the morn... chatting then later zhen ming joined us followed by weiquan haha... so funny how we all met each other.. andy was commenting sit dere can meet so many of us so he should sit in can B n wait 4 us next time lol.. but then dere's no more comp lect so i guess this is the first time we all met up coincidentally n also the last time at least for now ;) but yay had company b4 lect which was nice..o/w always stand outside LT waiting 4 deb huiwen mf quite boring..
also had makeup computing tut at 130..rite b4 aero lect... oh well,@ least i only left 1ex for tut11 that i CANNOT solve YET! i shall consult genius siew hui who got 100% for the quiz coz she could run the whole prog... she's gd... i really admire her brains n intellect haha :D jingxin absolutely insists that it's intellect n not brains whereas i insist that brains hav got more than 1 meaning rather than the physical thing HAHA... then siew hui broke up the 'debate' by saying that she noes we eng-pro lar... Haha... computing tut wasnt that dull ytd thankfully :)

Recent msn nicks: it's beneath me 2 do computing..y muz i do comp??oh e tragedy!
aut viam inveniam aut faciam (i will either find a way or make one)
getting too stressed...

Friday, October 05, 2007

My tarot card for the day

The Chariot :
The Chariot is the representation of victory and the personality traits required to attain victory. The Chariot indicates self-awareness and control. Courage, the ability to overcome fear and confront the unknown head on, is a primary ingredient of any victorious campaign and is denoted by the Chariot. So too is force of will. Often, success is as much the product of will power and a refusal to surrender as it is anything else. The Chariot represents the healthy personality of someone who believes in themselves; someone who can take control of the situation and bring events to a positive end. Success comes in competition with others.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

wondering abt characteristics that attract me...

hmmm realised that i keep wishing i was back in mg or if that's really not possible, then back in nj... as long as not now, not wif my current level of awareness of wat relationships (BGR) mean and the various thoughts and feelings they bring...

Haha sounds extreme but well juz feel lyk that. Back in mg it was really innocence that i had... nj was more of ignorance and me not bothering abt wat other ppl r doing n stuff, heck care attitude, coz well, they dun matter 2 me. Wat matters was myself, my friends, my studies and my CCA. V simple focus in life. Now... it's not much different, juz that my time in nj, esp ard ppl lyk hx n mitch, really forced me 2 open my eyes n start looking ard @ potential bfs haha. They 2 were forever discussing eye candies and chiobus. Was always shaking my head at their actions... but now i'm pretty much 1 of them. Dun quite lyk how i became lyk that, feeling as if I've lost myself in the process. I juz wan 2 go back 2 focusing on myself and juz me. Even if watever i'm doing now is a pretty much sooner or later thing, i rather it's later i guess... But oh well... wat's done is done, my perception to things hav changed n it's impossible 2 turn back.

So the only thing now left 2 do would b 2 face this part of myself. This part of myself prob developed more so during my working days... working days were hard.... hard 2 pass bcoz of their tedious nature and monotonous lifestyle... realised that on gg back 2 studies, my creativity has been stifled by work.. there's not much creative juices left in me despite the fact that i used 2 pride myself on being such a person... saddened... i'm dreading the day when i've 2 face the working world, juz glad that at least i've 4 yrs in uni, in this studying envt where i relish the opportunity 2 live life to the fullest, meeting new ppl everydae, hanging out wif diff friends, experiencing the various activities uni has 2 offer n juz having a great time that every student ought 2 hav. So i think from now on i'll prioritise yes, but also try 2 not hold back anymore haha. Sounds lyk i'm turning wild, of coz that wouldnt happen, i'm v disciplined but yup, juz enjoy wat's left of my studying yrs b4 i'm forced 2 bcome a real adult, wif obligations, behaviourial restrictions and well, diff set of thoughts and values.

Facing this part of me means recognising wat kinda ppl attract my attention and gain my respect... those real nice gentlemanly guyz r definitely it. but this also means that bcoz they're so nice, u mistake them being nice as smthg more than juz friends... so yah. irritating but true. Messing wif others' emotions coz they're too nice... seems so wrong.. haha... for me, i'm kinda attracted 2 polar opposites of me somehow... dunno y but it's true... perhaps coz i dun quite lyk wat i m rite now... so i admire those wif traits i dun hav or dun possess rite now... well, bcoz they're polar opposites of me, dere's nthg 2 any kind of relationship other than juz friends.. irksome but true. Sigh. Sometimes life is so unfair and sometimes one will feel so lonely but it's ok, i gotta keep reminding myself that i've still got friends ard me, thankfully so... they're the only ones who'll always b dere 4 me :) ah, the value of sincere friendship! ;)

Recent msn nick: the world of fairytales is where i belong.illusions.

Friday, September 21, 2007

lots of things on my mind...n on my schedule

These 2 wks have been quite bz... hmmm lots of things going on...

(10-15 sep)Past wk:

Had lab formal report expt n up til now still havent started on it -.- hope i can still rmber wat 2 do 4 it... last wk was also the dateline for the stupid aero proj... designing ur own airship... really crappy, coz i guess e prof was looking 4 innovative designs but my group only concentrated on making the airship work, meaning that it has zero creativity in terms of design... Oh well, @ least it's over... it took up so much of my time last wk... we met 4 outta 5 days in the wk! the whole wk rather little slp coz gotta do proj n i noe how biz n acct ppl feel... n i slept @ 6am on thurs nite or rather fri morn thx 2 it... my groupmates not any better also haha, one slept abt 5 n e other abt 630am haha... we all were contemplating changing course ... dun wanna do aerospace anymore... lol, apparently we all had e same idea n when we voiced it out, we realised that all of us were thinking of the same thing haha... but i guess for now we're still toying wif e idea, not serious wif it i guess... oh wells... but really, these few days keep thinking along those lines... sigh we'll c....

last sat was also my driving test, failed @ 1st try... haiz i kinda expected it coz i didnt believe that i'll hav such an ez time on my 1st try but i also wasnt confident as i juz felt as if i dun hav enuff prac yet... oh well. Not that i didnt try my best 2 pass... was v tensed b4 n after the test... during test still ok... but i failed anyway... total of 34 demerit points... 20 from blind spot alone... coz i nv check my right blind spot or so the tester said... i did, juz not enuff i guess... he said i could drive but no safety... -.- watever.@ least i noe where i'm weak at now, so will use these 4 mths 2 correct them. Yup my next test date is 7 jan... 1st day of sch, mon 430-5pm... aiyo... that was the closest timing i could get... hopefully 1st day of sch not that packed... not sure yet... was talking 2 rach abt it juz 2 days b4 the test i think... n she was telling me things 2 look out 4... guess i'm still not gd enuff... felt rather down after the test... but then cant b helped, juz gotta wait(super long) 4 e next date... hopefully i'll b able 2 pass then...

Had lunch @ restaurant wif my family b4 my dad fetched me back 2 sch 4 archery trng... go dere lyk wasting time doing bow pulling form trng... they're wasting ppl(wif experience)'s time! Not as if we juz spent dunno how many yrs doing archery 4 nthg. So ridiculous. Juz coz they started out as beginners in uni doesnt mean other ppl r beginners when they reach uni. Things r gonna change in NTU archery... haha... it should anyway, otherwise no improvements will b seen. Got 'interviewed' in the field after trng, juz a few min of questions that dun really touch on my capabilities on being biz mag, so i juz said it all myself, y i deserve 2 b biz mag, their qns werent as valid as it should b so i juz give them ans which i feel ought 2 b given when interviewing for such a position. I guess i chose that position coz well publications n internal log werent really my kinda thing, i so dun wan 2 do logistics, n yup i wanted a main comm position so biz mag was it. Some more no 1 else running 4 e position... i was asking them if an interview was still required n they were lyk eh yah... haha... i got the position in the end so it's lyk 1 gd thing n 1 bad thing came outta that day...

Then after trng went back hall 2 shower n headed out of NTU wif my 2 archery friends who're in hall 9 too... had a pretty gd chat wif 'em on my way 2 bedok 2 get 2 derrick bdae party @ island resort chalet... saw Joker dere... haha they all playing cards upstairs so i not v into cards, ended up chatting wif some guyz outside... nice breeze blowing too... haha quite fun day, bz n fun! :)

This wk (17-21 sep):

Wed was quite bz... OBS briefing at 330 then dinner n bdae celebration for fangjing at the Quad then IIC(-.-) which me n fangjing went late(past 8) n NO MORE SEATS at e back!!! So we had 2 walk ALL e way 2 e front 2 sit down in front of e speaker... that was quite bad haha... n he was almost finishing his talk alr... aiyo... but we go for IIC lyk not 2 listen one so i guess it's ok lol... then went back hall n got free donuts! Lol... archery publications head who's staying my hall my block was doing room service!! lol... was great 2 take a break from studying n gg ard wif him finding all e archers in hall 9... 4 of us in total hehe... great fun... then when i went back hall i saw kenneth at e door... haha apparently he was on his way 2 supper n saw that my room door was open, so he was chatting wif shuyu haha... then later it was juz focusing on studies.... until 2am...

Had 3 quizzes all on thurs -.- it was quite a bad day i guess haha... but i didnt hav any violent mood swings or anything that day so it's quite ok.. despite the fact that i messed up all 3 quizzes, phy n mat sci early in the morn followed by computing which was the last lesson for the day... haiz. Cant do anything now, juz gotta work harder for the next tests... but i really did study for these 3 tests, more for phy n mat sci coz computing is more of a surprise(but i knew it was coming so i wasnt surprised haha)... sigh, kinda sad that i dun get the returns i deserve after working hard... guess it's a matter of working smart too... that's not ez for me... haiz... then after that still got trng... tiring but hmmm...

Fri had the RSAF talk n saw some familiar faces lyk weiquan, andy, kennerve n even... the ntu archery capt...that was a super big surprise... almost got heart attack haha... so unexpected, i usually dun c him ard in sch n then now... lol. Was quite cool, made air force out 2 b so fun n all but propaganda, wat can i expect. Though i wasnt convinced coz of diff treatment for girls... which is natural but still... anyway, dere was Gd fd!!! haha n freebie lyk coffee bean card n usb hub... haha... then went 2 check out the mid autumn festival celebrations at yun nan garden which was quite packed, surprisingly haha... but ya... i wasnt really interested n poor shuyu couldnt really enjoy stuff coz i wasnt really n2 abt it haha... we sat ard n check out the chinese structure dere n took some photos... then back 2 hall for a well-deserved rest while shuyu waited dere 4 her friend... yup.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

still ok...

last wed met up wif kay fj n ash 4 dinner... kay n ash were in south spine NBS reading room and free access lab dere while i was in lwn studying a bit of computing @ 430... left 4 can 2 @ abt 530... met fj dere n ate tgt :)

thurs, 1st NTU archery PT session. was quite light i admit, coz it was raining a bit during the 1st 1 n 1/2 hr of trng. So they did form trng for the 1st 1 n 1/2 hr... n they got us wif some experience 2 go ard helping... ;) lol but ya... i didnt really helped, ended up talking 2 e snr n eh distracting her from helping e others... oops... will not b so act pro next time haha. the PT dragged until 720pm, we did circuits, but v light as compared 2 wat nj used 2 hav, n they said this was juz an appetizer anyway haha.. quite ok, 4 rounds wif exercises lyk propping urself up on the ground kind of stuff... Dinner wif dency, fel, shuyu, ki n zhiyuan! haha yah, random class guyz keep turning up. ZY was totally unexpected, dency told me she was bringing some1 along so i thought he'll b kerby but ended up it was zy... haha v weird, i was lyk looking out 4 'em in can 14 then ZY called me... i was lyk how come u're here? haha amusing. Plus he was in uniform... haha quite interesting... anyway dinner was late thx 2 my trng ending late n eh shuyu n fel reaching late... -.- lyk they so free also reach dere later than me.... no excuse lor those 2. ki came wif her friends n ate wif her friends but got sit down n talk a bit so quite ok. Ok meal tgt. when u exclude e fact that zy was bz staring ard 4 pretty girls... his head nv stopped moving left n right haha...

Fri, went home!! yay... oh yah the hey gorgeous! from channel U came to NTU n i saw fiona xie n ben yeo ard sch... during 3 hr lunch break met up wif aero proj group 4 lunch @ can B n they were dere... then went sengwah's hall 2 discuss n then headed back 2 sch 4 aero discovery course n e ch U ppl were outside LT2... so after e lect went wif huiwen, deb n mf 2 c who's the winner,... m1 n f1... ok lar i guess. better than nthg haha...

Sat, NTU org pesta sukan comp @ segar lrt area dere(bkt panjang) that's y i went home fri nite instead of staying over coz gg over from my place abt e same as from boonlay... i stayed e whole dae partly coz of fred shooting n meeting wd 4 dinner wif fred xiangyuan n wendy(who joined us suddenly when fred called her as we passed by her lrt stop)... ate @ siam kitchen wendy's recommendation... great 2 b wif my team again :) So since i stayed whole dae i asked crystal(pres) if i could dun come on sun n she said yes! :) so nice! haha, glad she understands... was so afraid she'll say no... oh well, gotta do smthg abt my attitude...

Sun (2 sept) went JE lib 2 do research 4 proj b4 n after driving lesson, stayed til 9pm when lib closed... driving was 6-730.... after research then i go home eat,.....oh well, cant b helped, coz no time 2 do work, thankfully sun no need go back alr... o/w i will b worse off...

Recent msn nicks: i've an attitude problem... my poor pencil... ;)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

interview.. visitors...

Definition: Humility is the state of being humble. A humble person is generally thought to be unpretentious and modest: someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others.

Hmmm... was asked this during an interview for smthg... n i was lyk err humility to me is about being humble -.- haha... and then i juz anyhow started bringing in archery... lol, silly me. Haha the coincidence is that this happened to be my msn nick now... n i told those ppl interviewing me.. i think i was rattling on... talking nonsense not really making sense haha. But i feel ok after the interview so should b alright i hope. Hope i didnt talk too much nonsense n make myself out 2 b some super capable person which i'm so not. Juz hoping that things will b smooth-gg n that matters will go my way...

Mon 27 aug, ate dinner wif mf marie deb... then headed 4 hall... was talking 2 kennerve @ nite who later asked if i wanted supper -.-" n the network here in ntu a bit lousy coz too many ppl using so i didnt get 2 reply him... then he called n asked if i wanted 2 eat prata... coz he's apparently buying... n well shuyu was suddenly in the mood for lots of junk fd (she went jp that evening 2 buy $26 worth of fdstuffs...) so she said ask him come... though i alr brushed my teeth n refused 2 eat anything else... shuyu was alr trying 2 force junk fd on me that evening alr... 12 midnite he popped by n they ate supper while we 3 juz chatted until 230am... haiyo...

so i was really sleepy in sch e next dae... hardly paid attention to the mat sci lecturer though he seems quite gd... couldnt absorb wat he was saying... wasted... then during lab i also not v alert... didnt really spot mistakes n my lab partner had 2 keep asking another group doing the same stuff as us 4 help... sigh, asked until he sianed diao alr i think haha... so we switched 2 asking the lab person who was supervising us ... haha... @ least we got our queries answered... n we ended juz past 3pm... yay lots of time 2 walk 2 computing... met mitch on e way 2 lkc n she was lyk 'yl i'm so tired... ' ya she looked v tired 2 me.. walking alone 2 her lecture... anyway so i went computing wif my 3 labmates n 1 other guy who's also in my lab but not my group... surprisingly i didnt fall asleep during computing n could follow wat he was teaching! :) yay so happy... @ least my day not entirely wasted...

evening, had dinner wif ashley :) went 2 visit her in her hall 11 coz @ 8pm she had kickboxing... yup ate at canteen 11... ok la i guess. Better than my canteen @ any rate... Then came back n did my phy tutorial! So proud of myself that i finished it... though i was wasting a lot of time juz staring @ e qns n was on msn half e time... only finished @ 1am then went 2 slp... really tired esp after e lack of slp e previous nite... oh kenneth from aero hall 9 3rd floor popped by 4 a visit coz i saw him b4 meeting ash but he was on e phone so he couldnt talk 2 me.. anyway he offered me n shuyu a ride 2 sch e next dae :D yay! haha... better than walking dere myself... but dun really noe his roomie n his friend who didnt talk 2 me so nvm 'em. Haha.

Wed, came back hall wif e intention of doing work but eh think i didnt really succeed... crap i gotta meet kay n ash @ 430 lkc 2 study.. then hav dinner tgt @ 630 coz they having some lindyhop thingy at nite... k better go rest b4 meeting 'em... even though it's alr 410pm on my watch... -.- yikes.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

3rd wk of sch over...

Time passes really quickly when you're studying, the 3rd wk of sch is alr over n yet i still feel so new 2 this whole system. Wishing that time could juz slow down a little to let me enjoy my time here in uni n 2 think over the stuff that i want 2 do here instead of rushing thru everything. Give me time 2 do my tutorials properly, 2 read my textbks properly, 2 understand the things i'm learning now properly... But well this is mainly my problem i believe. I'll juz hav 2 learn 2 manage my time properly, 2 quickly get back into the pace of things, 2 not waste time anymore n b lyk how i was last yr, when i could juz focus n get my things done quickly... 2 b efficient n not b easily distracted. 2 prioritize n 2 gauge 4 myself wat's really impt n wat can wait. Time 2 get back my focus again. Asap. Oh wells. I've gotta jia you.

Realised that i really do miss home when staying in hall... home is always the best of coz :) This wk of sch has been quite hectic? No more lyk busy... almost everydae dere's some activity but tt's only 2 b expected coz eating dinner alone in hall is so so so sad. Thankfully i havent had that experience yet.. was always able 2 find ppl 2 hav dinner wif me... real grateful 2 them 4 being so wonderful!

This wk... tue had the investment interactive club (iic) welcome 'tea' @ 630pm but it didnt start until abt 745pm... due 2 the large no. of ppl who turned up... found out that abt a 1000 ppl signed up 2 join iic... *shocked* it's lyk wow... so many... they had 2 use LKC-LT which is the biggest LT in NTU... haha i really respect their ability 2 attract ppl in. Esp since their subcomms don't require interviews or anything(juz higher membership fees -.-) hence the large no. of ppl signing up 2 b subcommers rather than juz members. I joined financial events subcomm despite my interest in financial controller subcomm coz i had 2 mg snrs dere n it was prob easier 4 kay, fj n me 2 work tgt in financial events. We were quite amusing that nite... dere was supposed 2 b a briefing 4 e subcommers but kay fj n i juz signed up n when every1 juz got settled down we were alr out of the LT, rushing 2 can A for Macs dinner lol... we were lyk 'srry but we're rushing off so we cant attend e briefing' n the guy was lyk oh it's ok, we'll contact you all @ a later date... haha we were lyk rushing here n dere.. coz @ 1st we were in the queue for members (which we rushed down 2 b @ e head of e queue as soon as those main comm ppl stopped talking lol) then later we found out that subcomm muz sign up in another part of the LT so we juz totally rushed dere too... haha it was v funny. That dae only really reached back hall ard 10pm after sending fangjing off @ e bus stop where she's heading back to her hall 7 after visiting my room n borrowing my dress from me :) oh wells. Campus + Hall life i guess.

Wed, Hao Wen got nite out! Haha he was supposed 2 hav nite out last wk but it got cancelled so shuyu was quite disappointed so this wk we werent banking on him really coming. But anyway he did! So we hurriedly informed mitch n fel who were sporting enuff 2 turn up despite mitch's apparent fatigue after tuition n fel's reluctance 2 abandon her og again(not e 1st time) for dinner... anyway in e end fel prob did eat wif her og.. coz she had alr eaten by e time shuyu hw n i were eating in can A. Hw dropped by my hall 1st... n we showed him our sparsely furnished room haha... he was in so formal an attire!But apparently that's the compulsory book-out attire.. quite odd..., then every1 in can A prob noticed him.. haha... met my og in can A who were waiting for the ogl interviews thing... hope some of 'em can get in!Then it'll b fun.. kinda haha. Then hw got a chance 2 check out mitch's hall too n then we went hall 6 to pick up his friend n they got a cab n went over 2 hall 11 to pick up another guy n @ e same time send shuyu n i back 2 hall :) haha no need walk back yay! Anyway hall 11 is lyk 3 min away from hall 9 only!SO close!Muz walk inside then v fast, walk along the main road quite slow. Haha i discovered the short distance that afternoon when marie they all asked me over 2 hall 11 to study tgt.. which wasnt v successful but anyway nvm tt. Quite fun that nite despite my undone material sci tutorial looming over me haha.

Thurs n Fri also got activities. Actually mon nite had dinner wif fel mitch shuyu so also considered got smthg on haha. Thurs nite had dinner wif puikhuan! who had a speech later than evening for current affairs club for main comm position... which she got!! haha she's gd! Anyway i went back hall but hardly did any work coz keep talking on msn n was dunno doing wat other things... tsk me. Then later at ard 12 i guess, kay msged me (so late!) n asked me abt a coursemate of mine, whether i noe him... haha, n since i saw her online i immediately started chatting 2 her on msn... despite the fact that i was supposed 2 b reading my notes... -.- oh wells. It was such a surprise n i was enjoying myself chatting that nite.. kay was lyk so excited when she found out that i noe him... n naturally i was surprised that my lab group mate who's also the guy sitting beside me during computing tutorial juz that afternoon is kay's relative... cousin's cousin.. haha.. v funny. N on tue b4 i met kay i was wif my lab mates in the library... so it's lyk they kinda missed each other by minutes! hah.. n i told my lab mates i was meeting a friend(who's kay) n i told kay abt 1 of my lab mate being in iic but wasnt gg 4 e welcome thing tt dae coz he go support his friend in star search... so that nite when kay invited him into the convo(coz apparently they were chatting n found out that we all knew each other..) they were happily chatting n was lyk 'Oh so that was you!' n 'so the guy that yl was telling me abt was u!!' yah... n i was feeling a bit ... it's as if i keep telling my friends abt my other friends.. hmm dunno how 2 describe, juz feel weird. But i was having fun chatting anyway so haha. So amusing how we're connected n all... n how coincidence that they juz missed each other...

Anyway, fri afternoon had lunch @ hall 14 canteen wif some joker ppl.. then evening had dinner wif mf,marie,deb n marie's friend in clementi b4 us girls headed 2 nus ucc 4 some martial arts display(10 martial arts groups)-it was quite gd actually, n quite scary certain parts coz worried 4 those ppl.. haha... it was quite impressive some parts 2 b honest. Guess i learnt more abt martial arts, was a bit reluctant 2 go in the 1st place but well... later apparently marie's friend paid 4 some tix so i kinda only need pay half price so juz go lor. Then reached back hall ard 11 showered, unpacked n juz do some stuff b4 gg over 2 marie room in hall 10 to play cards.. but anyway ended up studying half e time coz mf started teaching marie tutorial stuff... oh wells. i definitely didnt get much done that nite but it was fun.. derrick went out wif deb 2 buy stuff back 2 eat.. yum! then leilei was happily on msn chatting away... derrick later sent leilei back on his bike so it was ok us all meeting up in marie's place :) Fun actually! haha

Sat morn (slept @ lyk 3am that morn... thx 2 e session @ marie's hall) i had archery selection trials... wah found it difficult 2 wake up this morn... but had 2 pull myself outta bed... trials impt... took shuttle bus the long way n was late but thankfully they havent started yet. Went dere n juz nice they were calling 4 those ppl wif eq n experience so immediately headed 2 e field n start our 2 rounds of shooting w/o really getting a gd look @ the pretty big group of ppl who were beginners @ archery meeting dere this morn. Oh wells. Made friends wif e other 2 girls dere aside from dx n 2 guyz too. Nice ppl. Turns out 1 of e guy was a hall 9 person so he showed me n dx e shortcut back 2 hall which is really short! Next time i shall walk dere n not wait 4 e shuttle bus... Anyway the captain said that ya they'll c our scores but anyway most prob all of us will get in so no need worry haha. Though my score isnt much 2 look @ i think... prob e lowest among e girls, 470+ i think, cant rmber... Anyway,then wat's e selection 4?i seriously wonder.. Quite great feeling shooting again though i admit it was tiring..only 2 b expected i guess..hence e need 4 PT again... all of us were complaining by e end of e 1st round n we took a v long break hahaz. Had fun n that's wat really matters. Cheers 2 noeing more ppl who're hopefully friendly n nice in ntu, esp in archery.. but hmmm trng gonna b quite as intensive as back in nj so i gotta jia you... muz really study hard n well n effectively o/w sure will fall behind wif archery trng schedule as told 2 us. Gotta jia yoU!

Recent Msn Nicks: time 2 b humble, seeing red.anger fills my entire self, humility in the face of adversity.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dreaming a little dream...*

Somehow i've always imagined myself to grow up into a businesswoman, firm and confident, at times stern but always fair.. but now, i'm studying to be an aerospace engineer, with mannerisms nothing lyk the gentle character i imagined myself to hav in the above. haha strange that i've always been training myself 2 become a better person, for this dream. I guess i've always thought that my life would eventually result in the above i juz described. Yet the path i've taken now is not likely to lead to wat i've always thought will be. Me, an engineer. To be honest, i dun even noe wat an engineer does.

Imaging myself as a careerwoman, wearing business suits as compared to wat i'll become now that i'm studying engineering... wat do engineers wear? i've no idea. Engineers arent really technicians but yet i seem 2 c ppl wearing overalls covered in grease and oil as smthg similar to wat an engineer muz appear to b. wat a stark contrast. Oh wells, studying engineering doesnt mean that i'll become an engineer, i can always go into business, banking, administrative(..boring) areas even if i dun hav the knowledge n expertise of these sectors.. i can always go learn and study, if i were 2 choose 2 enter these areas. So i guess, for now, this will be my path, watever i imagined myself 2 b previously, will no longer hold.. for now.

hmm uncertainties aside, let's get on wif wat's gg on wif me these days. A friend juz told me that dere's only abt 15 girls out of the 162 aerospace students in my batch this yr. Guess we were all disappointed that the cohort is so big... so much for 'our facilities cant accommodate too many students', guess we wanted our numbers to lie in the 80 - 100s... so that we were more exclusive, we were more special. I was shocked when i found out dere were 162 students, more so when i heard only 15 were girls.

I knew that there'll b very little girls, i've been warned innumerous times by countless ppl yet i was hoping that it being the dragon girls' intake, there'll b more girls. Apparently i was wrong. But i was checking out the other girls ( ;] ) hehe n i saw hey, most of them do noe how 2 dress up, hooray for female aerospace engineers! Guess u cant really tell that they're that capable n smart from their so-not nerdy get-up. Oops i seem 2 b insinuating smthg.. we dun dress bimbotic. We dress in line with the latest fashions n trends. We noe how 2 make ourselves look gd. Haha, for our sake than for those 147 guyz. Eww, dressing up for them is an insult to us, oh well, me @ least. i guess it was interesting to see who were the other 14 girls who would pick up this course. Amazingly i alr knew abt 1/3 of the girls in the aerospace cohort. 2 were from nj, 1 was from my og and another i got to know thru friends. Haha, somehow i managed 2 find so many aerospace girls ard me. No wonder i was shocked that dere were so few girls, that most were actually ard me haha.

Guess this juz made me wonder even more if this is the path that i ought to take. Perhaps i should hav taken accountancy, assuming i can get in. A career where e male to female ratio isnt so bad, where my image of wearing business suits would easily fit in.. hmm.. i guess it's too late to consider all these again. I've already thought thru it so many many times that i'm getting a bit tired of it all. Let's juz see wat happens in these 4 yrs. I will work hard. I wouldnt let myself down for 1 thing. Hopefully i'll b able 2 cope. I do wan 2 take certain biz electives. All e best 2 me.
Let the challenge of the 4 yrs ahead begin.

MSN nick: Sometimes i really hate myself.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

oooh i'm an Uni student alr!

it's been a while since i last blogged... as commented by my room-mate shuyu! haha.. so i shall blog now... next time i blog i hope 2 b using my new notebk! hopefully it'll b of gd quality n wouldnt spoil or anything.. hmmm lots have happened since my last post.. fantastic 4 was great and we all had a good though short chat over dinner b4 the movie.

Found out that huixian is gg nus mech eng.. even though she got accepted into ntu mech eng.. isnt ntu better in terms of eng? oh well, her choice :) not mine hehe.. hmm realised that these 6-7mths break after JC passes really fast esp the last mth,...though when i was in the midst of it i wasnt enjoying it thx 2 work:( all work's fault! humph... haha.. anyway suddenly i'm alr a ntu student, a Uni student! Guess it only sank in after my first dae of sch.. which was boring come 2 think of it haha.

Anyway, should start from the beginning.. had dinner in mid-july wif yushu, fel, shuyu, mitch they all... haha fel was lyk how come yushu? then i was lyk 'coz he wan this outing.. mebbe coz he v long nv hang out wif girls alr haha' oh wells. had fun tt evening anyway..

Then 14 jul sat was my last dae of work! lyk FinAllY!! haha been waiting 4 this dae 4 quite a while..not that work is distasteful or smthg, in fact i learnt lots in work n even had fun sometimes during work.. but work 2 me is smthg nv 2 b loved i guess.. coz it's always routine, always lyk that. No matter how many mths hav passed, u're actually still doing the same thing n it's not fun in that sense..

Hmmm the wk rite after ending work was Camp Insinyur,... Engineering Camp in other words. When i was in camp, i seriously couldnt wait 2 get outta it. Guess it was that bad 2 me.But now that camp is over, looking back, i guess it was fun... coz looking back u'll only rmber the gd things n forget the other not so wonderful stuff that happened... n since i only seem 2 rmber 1 or 2 stuff abt camp (the last 2 daes of camp actually).. guess camp was mostly not fun for me when i was in it. haha.. anyway, seems lyk my orientation group (og name: Joker) is only enthu after camp lol. They keep having outings these days! which is rather expensive... i've been 2 abt 3 outings so far and they've had abt 5-6 so far. realised that if the outing drags too long, i'll get bored.. n wouldnt b contributing 2 their discussions.. meaning that i'll b quiet... n i kinda feel that i dun really click wif these ppl.. hmm they laugh over things i dun find that funny.. hmm haha i think i'm juz being silly.. they're nice ppl la, juz perhaps it's coz i'm more comfortable wif some ppl in the og as compared to others.. but i can easily integrate myself wif other ppl i think.. juz whether i wan 2. Think they're gg watch fireworks tonite but no thx.. muz save $ now that i'm staying in hall n arent they tired of seeing each other so often?? lol, well i m even if they're not.

My 2nd dae of sch was the first nite that i've stayed in hall haha. n the only nite i'm staying this wk hehe, coz got so much reason 2 stay at home than in sch..haha...but hmm hopefully next sem my timetable wouldnt b so bad o/w i would b wishing that i'm still staying in hall or smthg.. eh mebbe not used 2 e bed in hall yet so i found it hard 2 fall asleep... shuyu also haha..she was awake alr b4 me... but hall life is really boring w/o internet connection, w/o a notebk.. hmm cant wait 2 get mine.. but cant rush these things haha. Eh guess hall life is also boring when u dunno any1 else in hall aside from a handful of ppl... that's the result of not gg 4 hall camp but hearing the description of other ppl's hall camp, i'm not really sad that i missed mine haha.

Hmm guess it's gd that i went 4 @ least 1 of the camps, made friends dere, esp aerospace ppl.. haha, i need 2 noe some of the aerospace ppl b4 starting sch! impt esp when i cant seem 2 find any1 else 2 go 2 lect wif me... hmm when tutorials start next wk it's gonna b more difficult..hmm we'll c how. Anyway, todae's national dae! yay public holidae! haha n of coz muz wish singapore a happy bdae!

Went shopping wif mitch after lessons ended yesterdae. mitch's lesson ended at 130 while mine ended at 1130 haha.. but we only left sch at abt 3 thereabt.. was taking my time 2 get my stuff from hall b4 gg over 2 mitch's hall (4) 2 meet her. She was supposed 2 do my hair but upon inspection, her professional advice was 2 wait @ least 1 more mth 4 e highlights 2 fade more, 4 my hair 2 grow longer b4 i get her 2 re-do the highlights.. but she'll trim n cut my hair for me this sat i think.. assuming nthg goes wrong.. if anything crops up then my hair will juz hav 2 wait again haha. So since mitch wanted 2 go shopping 4 clothes.. i went wif her.. was in a pretty ok mood i guess haha. We went to cathay cine dere 2 check out the shops coz mitch saw smthg tt she wanted but changed her mind after she had a gd look @ it.. hmm then we saw this shop selling cute toys n bags n stuff dere.. neat! haha bet fel would love the toys dere n i'm sure cindy would luv the bags dere.. should tell her of that place, hmm but the bags rather ex.. oh well, cant expect anything less from a shop dere. Then we took bus 7 from centrepoint to bugis. mitch carried my bag 4 me in the bus coz my shoulder was getting tired.. so nice!! haha muz thank her somehow. Mitch's the best! hehe..

We went bugis street n i saw a top that i really like @ first look so i got it for $23 instead of $25 coz the auntie give me cheaper price haha.. first floor really can push price down.. muz look lyk u really lyk the top i guess haha. Then we went 2nd floor n mitch bought 2 shirts n a pinafore thingy.. she had a fruitful dae todae i believe haha. Then abt 620 dereabt then we left the place for home. Hmmm had a gd time todae, shopping n talking wif her.. n we're gonna hav a s15 girls @ ntu dinner on mon! Fel, wingy, kiki, dency, mitch, shuyu n i r all studying in ntu n all staying in hall! so we should meet up :) yay...

haiz for now need 2 go do tutorial alr.. fri morn i'll go library n print out my notes n tutorial... since printer at home not gd.. hopefully not so long queue if i go early. My nj snr i met in my og who's yr 1 aerospace eng too has alr done his phy tut... i better go start on my tut... honestly, it's only the 1st wk of sch! n the 1st wk is not yet over! haha.. oh wells.

Recent msn nick: time passes, life happens. i'm mean by nature. bcoz i've been hurt once.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Today's coincidences

Today is really a interesting day. Met steph from sec4a1 whom i havent seen in >2 yrs. Met her on the train, she was boarding at buona vista n i was in the same carriage... haha @ first i thought she couldnt recognise me.. i was lyk, hey steph, do u recognise me? She nodded lol, coz we were separated by 1 person in the train so yah, a bit weird to talk as if the person blocking us wasnt dere. But we got 2 chat a little bit, found out she's gg nus econ.. haha she did look lyk an econ kind of person... She was heading 2 Marsiling which was quite far...

Anyway, upon disembarking from the train... as i was walking to the barrier,i saw cheryl!From 4a2 n also nj 05s17..haha she was gg 2 the ticketing office to get refund for her card... but yah interesting! Saw 2 ppl i noe with a min of each other.. haha coincidence.. both mg ppl.. n i was juz thinking (after meeting steph) that it'll b great 2 go back 2 sch n c every1 we noe again... b4 we go out into the real world n really start working.. when we'll most prob lose contact w/o much chance of doing much abt it.. In uni we can still more or less c some familiar faces if not all n maintain the relationships. I'll b satisfied, to c some old friends again :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

blogging @ snec ;)

I'm currently blogging from...WorK!! Haha, previously couldnt access either friendster or blogger coz the network prob blocked entry to such sites.. i would get re-directed to singhealth.. but now.. :) coz i'm using the notebook n surfing wireless using wireless@SG... was falling asleep n so decided to try opening these sites for fun..n yay, succeeded heh. Cant use desktop but at least their notebook works... but only when it wants to detect the signal for this wireless network... it totally refused to co-operate wif me this morn when i keep trying 2 connect.. n then when e perm staff used my temp table 4 a while, i saw tt it was working!It's lyk so temperamental. Biased too. Well at least now i have access n m slightly more awake..

Been ages since i last blogged. Lots happened since. Deciding on aerospace eng but actually m still pretty uncertain abt my choice.. dun really lyk how i'm feeling towards this prospective career of mine but i dun hav a choice.. in that sense of the word. N i've been alternately feeling excited n dreading entering uni.. 1/2 feeling gd tt there's 1 mth left 2 work, but it'll also mean uni entry is approaching n tt doesnt give me a gd feeling.. feeling excited coz of hostel living, but not looking forward to the assignments and examinations that comes with going back to school again...been playing the sims 2 university expansion pack so i've been comparin my future life with the life that the sims r living..hence the mixed feelings abt uni.. it looks gd, seems interesting but then i dun wan 2 get my hopes up too high..anyway, i've been hearing news abt the aerospace industry in singapore,fbeen eelin tt my future might b gd then the feeling is gone when i hear tt no matter wat, rite now, it'll b a small industry, main focus on maintenance,... esp when i'm more interested in the design component of aerospace engineering.. we'll c.. wat happens... in the future..

Later i'm meeting shuyu, mitch, hx n fel for a movie: fantastic 4:rise of the silver surfer.. hope it's gd... however hx not feeling well so she's only joining fel n i for dinner... oh well, hope that the 5 of us can still hav a gd chat despite the movie being at 740pm..PS, dhouby ghaut. Been a while since we've met up wif hx.. let's all hav a gd time together tonight:)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

NTU B.Eng: Aerospace Engineering

NTU B.Eng (Aerospace) : Nanyang Technological University, Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering)

Time to make a decision, went for NTU School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)'s tea party at Meritus Mandarin Hotel beside cineleisure juz now in the afternoon 130pm. I was late... as usual, lol, the reception area was devoid of potential students, only all the NTU staff dere... eh, they were real nice abt me being late though they did comment tt i was late, lol. Traffic jam not my fault wat. Feel as if i didnt really learn much abt aerospace eng programme... it's lyk the suntec talk... but hmmm i did realise that Mech eng is interesting in terms of their course content, erm more lyk their programmes lyk the overseas exchange prog...but their profs werent as passionate as the head of Aerospace eng... he was real convicted and proud of this brainchild of his and he has reasons to b proud. haha i got the feeling that he was trying hard 2 not seem as though aerospace is better than mech... but i think his passion is contagious... met a student of his previously at the NTU open House who was real enthusiastic abt aerospace,... real confident in his abilities too. I think it's such ppl who manage 2 attract ppl into their courses.. no matter how attractive the course may be, w/o such ppl promoting it, it's nthg. When i was dere, realised tt the 1st batch of graduates of aerospace engineers r not out yet... tt in this way the course may not b too attractive, but the prof meguin (i think) promoting it believed in its potential n was convincing in that aspect such that i feel aerospace has a future, esp in Singapore.

But i noe, really noe, that i dun lyk all of wat aerospace eng is offering me, i was checking out their exhibits n stuff, n realised that many technical aspects and really physics stuff which is a part of aerospace isnt smthg tt i'll like. At all. But hmmm the area of aerodynamics doesnt seem too horrible. And i was really interested when they were talking abt flight simulation and how it's used 2 check stress on the materials of the parts of the aircraft... Perhaps this will be enough to get me thru this course... 4 years direct honours prog... i was thinking i'll hav 2 do very well if i wan a gd resume... but i also noe that it wouldnt b easier than in jc, where my grades (esp phy) were only average... and that i gotta work very hard, at least try very hard if i were 2 even hope 2 b satisfied wif my results... haha, i'm pretty much facing reality, i wan 2 b the best but i noe my own limits. So wat should i do? My conclusion for now is to juz accept it, as i've accepted entering nj, as i've accepted entering jc n taking up pcme... i can only accept it now as there isnt any other option anyway. Perhaps it's meant to b. Hence no point getting so frustrated trying 2 decide if i wan this. Perhaps it's not smthg to be wanted, but smthg 2 b expected, 2 b accepted w/o much deliberation, perhaps this is fate. Since this path was given 2 me, y not take it? After all my parents think tt specialising in smthg lyk this is better than i take up accountancy which is rather common... wat wif having 2 compete wif the large pool of accountants in developing countries should they come over 2 singapore... haha i'm digressing.

Sigh. It seems as though i've a choice but i guess in the end i dun really hav any. This is as if the govt has chosen a path 4 u n all u've 2 do n can do is juz 2 take it. although in this case, obviously e govt didnt choose 4 me, i chose 2 put aerospace as my 1st choice, n acct 2nd, so it's pretty much my choice. Juz tt i feel as if i cant really choose anymore. Which is true. Haiz, i cant think thru this properly..

MSN Nick: Alis volat propiis(She flies on her own wings). Gotta think this thru.

btw. got real pissed off by the stupid irksome horrible driving instructor todae. Idiot. It's not my driving's tt is bad, it's his teaching. Crap shit him. Hope he had a horrible ride. I'll show him tt i'm gd. It's juz him. Wat crap. How dare he sae not once i let go of the clutch smoothly. SHIT him. It was so smooth 1/2 e time. N how dare he try 2 slp while teaching me. Made me real angry. Mebbe tt's y i drove badly todae, of coz his interruptions n comments didnt make things better. Wat a lousy instructor. Mebbe i should've juz crashed his car. Would hav been fun. HUMPH. shant let such a loser get on my nerves n affect my mood. it's sundown, time 2 forget it all.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Little surprises in life~

wed, 18 apr: Turns out that life indeed has got little surprises in store for us, just round the corner.. wed, a colleague (perm staff) was treating every1 2 donuts she bought from some shop in vivo.. n juz when i was thinking abt donuts these days too.. hahaz.. rather ok.. but i feel the bakery near my home sells better donuts.. the chocolate-flavoured ones at any rate. But hey, who would reject free donuts! ;)

thurs, 19 apr: Todae, thurs was even better... at least at the end of the day.. ended work at 6pm instead of 530pm coz i wanted 2 finish up some work b4 leaving.. and seemed 2 b leaving on the dot at 530pm the previous 2 daes.. b4 all the perm felt quite bad.. hence decided 2 stay longer todae.. Anyway, went downstairs 2 wait 4 my company home.. n after walking 1 round in the lobby/1st floor.. i decided 2 take a seat.. n seated myself at the seats area beside the security desk (Kinda flopped down.. nvm)... N was surprised when the girl seated dere said hey:)... turns out tt she's my friend.. ex-temp staff at snec, she came back 2 visit us..surprise us 2 b exact! hahaz! i saw a person sitting dere but i didnt recognise her... coz she cut her hair.. from long hair to shoulder-length... saw her on mon but ya.. still not used 2 it yet..anyway i was really shocked 2 c her dere.. then she said she brought donuts.. from Donut Factory! Apparently she queued for 2.5 hrs!! Since 12noon! then she went home n cut it into neat little pieces b4 putting it in a tupperwear n coming down 2 let us eat!! How sweet can she get?! She's juz wonderful :D And the donuts were nice!! Totally worth its reputation! hahaz, somehow i got 2 taste the donuts despite thinking tt i might not hav the chance anytime soon.. little surprises in life indeed.. hmm but us temp staffs (used 2 meet up after work b4 heading down 2 e mrt station together) no longer meet up after work 2 go home together.. so her coming here meaning 2 surprise every1.. turns out tt there's only the 2 of us down dere 2 b surprised.. but thankfully, another 2 of our friends were still working upstairs coz i called 2 check n said ok so we'll go 1st.. haha yupz, then i put down the phone n said let's go up! ;) hehe.. so we did.. n surprised them wif e donuts! there was rather a lot so there was more than enuff 2 go ard.. :)

Hmmm was told sometime ago by my sis on how a neighbour of mine.. some1 i havent seen in close to 10yrs despite him living opp me(oops.. ;]), he apparently saw my youngest sis at our void deck one day after sch n came upstairs 2 tell my dad tt she was downstairs(coz my maid forgot 2 fetch her..) despite him being on his way out.. meaning he was downstairs then he came up specially 2 tell my dad b4 gg off for wherever he was headed b4 he saw my sis downstairs.. hmmm my dad totally couldnt recognise him n thought he was some friend of mine looking 4 me or smthg Lol.. well i guess he's a friend.. an old friend whom i havent talked 2 in ages..anyway, the thing is he ran the risk of being wrong abt my sis being forgotten downstairs.. as in he assumed tt my sis wasnt supposed 2 b down dere alone.. lol, true but anyway.. hard 2 explain, juz find tt he's not bad at all.. saw him juz last sun when i went out wif my family.. apparently my dad saw him gg out wif his mum but haha, we saw each other at chinatown! Such coincidence tt we were all gg out n headed 2 e same place n actually meeting each other dere! Hahaz... totally cool 2 me.. but the thing was tt i really really couldnt recognise him at all.. he's a far cry from his kindergarten years... he used 2 b real skinny, now he's not, though he still isnt v tall ;) but ya, he only looks a bit lyk the guy i used 2 noe 10 yrs ago.. or was it 13yrs? haha.. hardly look lyk at all. Anyway am real grateful to him for tt.. kinda wish tt we're at least still friends, on talking terms, find it a pity 2 not hav such a nice person as a friend, hmmm we'll c how things go in e future.

Was thinking back 2 archery stuff a while back n rmbered once, during the sembawang (small-scale) comp, while we were shooting, there was this scene of small leaves drifting off the trees in the wind in the distance while some of my team-mates n i stood dere watching, it was a scene tt u cant really capture on camera.. partly coz we didnt hav a cam at tt time.. anyway,.. it's better in memory than on film.. at least wif an average cam.. anyway ya, that was a beautiful picture, witnessed wif wonderful friends.. ah, such simple pleasures of life.. i'll forever b grateful for.

wolf quiz

What kind of Wolf are You?(with

are a Gray Wolf! You hunt in packs of 2-6 wolves and are very strong,
brave wolves. You are one of the most popular wolves probably because you all are
fast, smart, and unique animals!
Take this quiz!



A Quiz

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

wat's wrong wif me todae...

haiz suddenly feeling v down. lyk wat's wrong wif me todae? perhaps coz of todae's events.. everything finally sinking in or smthg... the full impact of wat i did. hmmm todae wore blue top plus white skirt. n during lunch it got dirtied!! by sweet n sour sauce. i didnt lyk e sauce 2 begin wif but i guess it's juz fate tt i decided 2 let e auntie put it into my fd todae... n it got spilt on my clothes!Damn. Hurriedly ate finish n immediately headed 2 e toilet 2 clean up as much as i could. Thankfully by e time i'm done, e stain wasnt easily visible..i'm so gonna b more careful wif fd if i'm gonna wear light-coloured clothes again.. was alr being extra cautious todae... mebbe coz too cautious.. n made it worse. HAIZ. dunno dun wanna care.

Then coz i was acting stupid n got teased abt a so-called eye candy whom i only saw once... a glimpse... puh-leeze. My fault for acting lyk a pure bimbo n a brainless fool. Then tried 2 sa jiao 2 my relative 2 get him 2 buy donuts 4 me... lol, i am an idiot. Didnt get my way n got talked 2 in a condescending tone. Dont PatroNise Me!! Urgh. Hateful. Talking abt me who's hateful. Lyk wat's wrong wif me todae. Idiot, fool, twit, bimbo, pig, Argh.

Yesterdae went 2 e temp chinatown market (hawker centre) 2 hav dinner coz of a colleague's bdae... fd was ok. Then we went esplanade mall for chocolate drink... as in the whole place specialise in chocolate drinks... interesting concept, drink was ok, juz tasted lyk normal hot chocolate. Shall try something more special dere next time. But gg esplanade made me feel nostalgic? Dunno, hateful feeling. Lyk y am i forcing myself 2 rmber memories which will only make me sad now.. juz coz i feel it's expected of myself 2 feel down, 2 rmber stuff lyk all those drama serial ppl??! I'm crazed. I am a twit. Idiot. Crap. I'm stupid. I'm stronger than this. I know I am and I'm not a fool 2 begin wif, why start now? I think i shall go study 2 occupy my mind or smthg. Honestly, muz b coz i got nthg 2 keep my mind busy wif. Wish i could turn time back... these few daes keep wishing i could press Ctl+Z... Undo... but realised tt this is reality, i cant change wat i juz did, i cant undo wat i juz did... n i'll juz hav 2 do everything e hard way. There's only one chance in all that we do, now i really feel it. Really. Ah regrets.

Anyway, i was thinking, y am i even forcing myself 2 hav an eye candy in e first place? this stinks.. juz coz friends ask if dere's any shuai guyz ard i muz go purposely find? Am i stupid or wat. Dun care, i dun wan any eye candies in e first place n i sure dun wan any now. Haiz. juz let me turn back time 2 JC or sec sch.. anything but this horrible period of time i'm experiencing.

Ok, Enough, time 2 b more optimistic n forget all tt juz happened. Let time cause all these 2 fade.. fade away to nothingness.... it'll b for e best.

Recent msn nick: appearances r deceiving, ppl r not wat they appear 2 b, 2 dream a fairytale romance, 2 dream a fairytale, cease dont juz dont, dont patronise me!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have low extroversion.
You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.
A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.
You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play.
When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.


You have low agreeableness.
Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.
In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.
And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.


You have low neuroticism.
You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.
Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.
Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is low.
You're a pretty conservative person, and you favor what's socially acceptable.
You think that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea.
While some may see this as boring, many see you as dependable and wise.

You Have Low Self Esteem 36% of the Time

Generally, you feel pretty darn great about who you are, even when you mess up or fail.
Occasionally, a huge setback will make you question yourself, but you pick yourself up quickly.

Your Inner Blood Type is Type A

You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy.
You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself.
Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in.
People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal.

You are most compatible with: A and AB

Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter

You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

You Are a Mermaid

You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.

Your Dosha is Kapha

Calm and grounded, you are not prone to mood swings or anger.
However, once you do get angry, it takes a lot to cool you down.
You tend to think a little slower than most people, but your logic is astounding.
Overall, you very loyal and trustworthy. You're not scared of being who you really are.

With friends: You enjoy their company, but often listen more than talk

In love: You crave connection and affection. It's hard for you to be single.

To achieve more balance: Exercise vigorously (especially in the sun) and let go of attachments.

Your Love Type: ISFP

The Artist

In love, you feel deeply and experience intense emotions.
For you, sex is serious. It's how you best express your feelings.

Overall, you are laid back, warm, and a good listener.
However, you tend to seem lazy and disinterested sometimes.

Best matches: ESFJ and ENFJ

what are you looking for in a relationship?girrrlz [awesomely awesome pix]

you're looking for a soul-mate. someone who knows you so well, you couldn't imagine your life without them
Take this quiz!


heh was kinda bored during work n also suddenly quizzes seem 2 appeal 2 me. Had lots of fun taking quizzes! :D

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Your Birthdate: December 28

You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.

Your strength: Your bold approach to life

Your weakness: You don't accept help

Your power color: Bronze

Your power symbol: Pyramid

Your power month: October
Was reading thru a friend's blog n saw this n decided 2 try it... interesting outcome..
Anyway, when reading thru her blog,realised how mean i was/am, dunno... insensitive 2 others' feelings... esp wif the words i say. She wrote smthg down on her blog, smthg tt i said... n i realised it was a rather mean thing of me 2 sae... though she wrote thx as wat i said apparently woke her up 2 e need 2 b a better person n all... but it was evil of me all the same. N i thought i was always careful wif my words. Guess i thought wrong. Anyway, life's ok. First day of new job, was super late... haha, typical of me but honestly, 1st dae of work, tsk.
Was missing yijia n cindy lyk crazy... wat wif a new envt n strangers all ard. Of coz i made new friends... ppl dere r juz as nice but well, cant help thinking abt my ex-colleagues n dearest friends haha... Work's ok. After all, there isnt much gd stuff tt a temp staff can do lol... happening colleauges make e place better heh. Dinner outings is something 2 b expected, on a wkly basis, heh. Going out wif friends after work is of coz even better! Watched stomp e yard recently, similar 2 step up. But cool nonetheless. Pity fred didnt get his movie outing.. i still got 2 watch e movie in e end which is gd 2 me :)
Anyway, saw this in an email n thought the advice is gd:
Love is not 2 forget but 2 forgive, not 2 c but 2 understand, not 2 hear But 2 listen, not 2 let go but 2 HOLD ON !!!!
Don't ever leave the one you love for the one you like, because theone You like will leave you for the one they love.
Find a guy, who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much heCares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's Her."
Pretty interesting advice(it was after a love story..chain letter style so ya). Anyway, rite now, for me, it's time 2 make friends n hav fun! :D My heart shall b warm 2 friends n family only :)