Wednesday, August 29, 2007

interview.. visitors...

Definition: Humility is the state of being humble. A humble person is generally thought to be unpretentious and modest: someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others.

Hmmm... was asked this during an interview for smthg... n i was lyk err humility to me is about being humble -.- haha... and then i juz anyhow started bringing in archery... lol, silly me. Haha the coincidence is that this happened to be my msn nick now... n i told those ppl interviewing me.. i think i was rattling on... talking nonsense not really making sense haha. But i feel ok after the interview so should b alright i hope. Hope i didnt talk too much nonsense n make myself out 2 b some super capable person which i'm so not. Juz hoping that things will b smooth-gg n that matters will go my way...

Mon 27 aug, ate dinner wif mf marie deb... then headed 4 hall... was talking 2 kennerve @ nite who later asked if i wanted supper -.-" n the network here in ntu a bit lousy coz too many ppl using so i didnt get 2 reply him... then he called n asked if i wanted 2 eat prata... coz he's apparently buying... n well shuyu was suddenly in the mood for lots of junk fd (she went jp that evening 2 buy $26 worth of fdstuffs...) so she said ask him come... though i alr brushed my teeth n refused 2 eat anything else... shuyu was alr trying 2 force junk fd on me that evening alr... 12 midnite he popped by n they ate supper while we 3 juz chatted until 230am... haiyo...

so i was really sleepy in sch e next dae... hardly paid attention to the mat sci lecturer though he seems quite gd... couldnt absorb wat he was saying... wasted... then during lab i also not v alert... didnt really spot mistakes n my lab partner had 2 keep asking another group doing the same stuff as us 4 help... sigh, asked until he sianed diao alr i think haha... so we switched 2 asking the lab person who was supervising us ... haha... @ least we got our queries answered... n we ended juz past 3pm... yay lots of time 2 walk 2 computing... met mitch on e way 2 lkc n she was lyk 'yl i'm so tired... ' ya she looked v tired 2 me.. walking alone 2 her lecture... anyway so i went computing wif my 3 labmates n 1 other guy who's also in my lab but not my group... surprisingly i didnt fall asleep during computing n could follow wat he was teaching! :) yay so happy... @ least my day not entirely wasted...

evening, had dinner wif ashley :) went 2 visit her in her hall 11 coz @ 8pm she had kickboxing... yup ate at canteen 11... ok la i guess. Better than my canteen @ any rate... Then came back n did my phy tutorial! So proud of myself that i finished it... though i was wasting a lot of time juz staring @ e qns n was on msn half e time... only finished @ 1am then went 2 slp... really tired esp after e lack of slp e previous nite... oh kenneth from aero hall 9 3rd floor popped by 4 a visit coz i saw him b4 meeting ash but he was on e phone so he couldnt talk 2 me.. anyway he offered me n shuyu a ride 2 sch e next dae :D yay! haha... better than walking dere myself... but dun really noe his roomie n his friend who didnt talk 2 me so nvm 'em. Haha.

Wed, came back hall wif e intention of doing work but eh think i didnt really succeed... crap i gotta meet kay n ash @ 430 lkc 2 study.. then hav dinner tgt @ 630 coz they having some lindyhop thingy at nite... k better go rest b4 meeting 'em... even though it's alr 410pm on my watch... -.- yikes.

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