Sunday, August 26, 2007

3rd wk of sch over...

Time passes really quickly when you're studying, the 3rd wk of sch is alr over n yet i still feel so new 2 this whole system. Wishing that time could juz slow down a little to let me enjoy my time here in uni n 2 think over the stuff that i want 2 do here instead of rushing thru everything. Give me time 2 do my tutorials properly, 2 read my textbks properly, 2 understand the things i'm learning now properly... But well this is mainly my problem i believe. I'll juz hav 2 learn 2 manage my time properly, 2 quickly get back into the pace of things, 2 not waste time anymore n b lyk how i was last yr, when i could juz focus n get my things done quickly... 2 b efficient n not b easily distracted. 2 prioritize n 2 gauge 4 myself wat's really impt n wat can wait. Time 2 get back my focus again. Asap. Oh wells. I've gotta jia you.

Realised that i really do miss home when staying in hall... home is always the best of coz :) This wk of sch has been quite hectic? No more lyk busy... almost everydae dere's some activity but tt's only 2 b expected coz eating dinner alone in hall is so so so sad. Thankfully i havent had that experience yet.. was always able 2 find ppl 2 hav dinner wif me... real grateful 2 them 4 being so wonderful!

This wk... tue had the investment interactive club (iic) welcome 'tea' @ 630pm but it didnt start until abt 745pm... due 2 the large no. of ppl who turned up... found out that abt a 1000 ppl signed up 2 join iic... *shocked* it's lyk wow... so many... they had 2 use LKC-LT which is the biggest LT in NTU... haha i really respect their ability 2 attract ppl in. Esp since their subcomms don't require interviews or anything(juz higher membership fees -.-) hence the large no. of ppl signing up 2 b subcommers rather than juz members. I joined financial events subcomm despite my interest in financial controller subcomm coz i had 2 mg snrs dere n it was prob easier 4 kay, fj n me 2 work tgt in financial events. We were quite amusing that nite... dere was supposed 2 b a briefing 4 e subcommers but kay fj n i juz signed up n when every1 juz got settled down we were alr out of the LT, rushing 2 can A for Macs dinner lol... we were lyk 'srry but we're rushing off so we cant attend e briefing' n the guy was lyk oh it's ok, we'll contact you all @ a later date... haha we were lyk rushing here n dere.. coz @ 1st we were in the queue for members (which we rushed down 2 b @ e head of e queue as soon as those main comm ppl stopped talking lol) then later we found out that subcomm muz sign up in another part of the LT so we juz totally rushed dere too... haha it was v funny. That dae only really reached back hall ard 10pm after sending fangjing off @ e bus stop where she's heading back to her hall 7 after visiting my room n borrowing my dress from me :) oh wells. Campus + Hall life i guess.

Wed, Hao Wen got nite out! Haha he was supposed 2 hav nite out last wk but it got cancelled so shuyu was quite disappointed so this wk we werent banking on him really coming. But anyway he did! So we hurriedly informed mitch n fel who were sporting enuff 2 turn up despite mitch's apparent fatigue after tuition n fel's reluctance 2 abandon her og again(not e 1st time) for dinner... anyway in e end fel prob did eat wif her og.. coz she had alr eaten by e time shuyu hw n i were eating in can A. Hw dropped by my hall 1st... n we showed him our sparsely furnished room haha... he was in so formal an attire!But apparently that's the compulsory book-out attire.. quite odd..., then every1 in can A prob noticed him.. haha... met my og in can A who were waiting for the ogl interviews thing... hope some of 'em can get in!Then it'll b fun.. kinda haha. Then hw got a chance 2 check out mitch's hall too n then we went hall 6 to pick up his friend n they got a cab n went over 2 hall 11 to pick up another guy n @ e same time send shuyu n i back 2 hall :) haha no need walk back yay! Anyway hall 11 is lyk 3 min away from hall 9 only!SO close!Muz walk inside then v fast, walk along the main road quite slow. Haha i discovered the short distance that afternoon when marie they all asked me over 2 hall 11 to study tgt.. which wasnt v successful but anyway nvm tt. Quite fun that nite despite my undone material sci tutorial looming over me haha.

Thurs n Fri also got activities. Actually mon nite had dinner wif fel mitch shuyu so also considered got smthg on haha. Thurs nite had dinner wif puikhuan! who had a speech later than evening for current affairs club for main comm position... which she got!! haha she's gd! Anyway i went back hall but hardly did any work coz keep talking on msn n was dunno doing wat other things... tsk me. Then later at ard 12 i guess, kay msged me (so late!) n asked me abt a coursemate of mine, whether i noe him... haha, n since i saw her online i immediately started chatting 2 her on msn... despite the fact that i was supposed 2 b reading my notes... -.- oh wells. It was such a surprise n i was enjoying myself chatting that nite.. kay was lyk so excited when she found out that i noe him... n naturally i was surprised that my lab group mate who's also the guy sitting beside me during computing tutorial juz that afternoon is kay's relative... cousin's cousin.. haha.. v funny. N on tue b4 i met kay i was wif my lab mates in the library... so it's lyk they kinda missed each other by minutes! hah.. n i told my lab mates i was meeting a friend(who's kay) n i told kay abt 1 of my lab mate being in iic but wasnt gg 4 e welcome thing tt dae coz he go support his friend in star search... so that nite when kay invited him into the convo(coz apparently they were chatting n found out that we all knew each other..) they were happily chatting n was lyk 'Oh so that was you!' n 'so the guy that yl was telling me abt was u!!' yah... n i was feeling a bit ... it's as if i keep telling my friends abt my other friends.. hmm dunno how 2 describe, juz feel weird. But i was having fun chatting anyway so haha. So amusing how we're connected n all... n how coincidence that they juz missed each other...

Anyway, fri afternoon had lunch @ hall 14 canteen wif some joker ppl.. then evening had dinner wif mf,marie,deb n marie's friend in clementi b4 us girls headed 2 nus ucc 4 some martial arts display(10 martial arts groups)-it was quite gd actually, n quite scary certain parts coz worried 4 those ppl.. haha... it was quite impressive some parts 2 b honest. Guess i learnt more abt martial arts, was a bit reluctant 2 go in the 1st place but well... later apparently marie's friend paid 4 some tix so i kinda only need pay half price so juz go lor. Then reached back hall ard 11 showered, unpacked n juz do some stuff b4 gg over 2 marie room in hall 10 to play cards.. but anyway ended up studying half e time coz mf started teaching marie tutorial stuff... oh wells. i definitely didnt get much done that nite but it was fun.. derrick went out wif deb 2 buy stuff back 2 eat.. yum! then leilei was happily on msn chatting away... derrick later sent leilei back on his bike so it was ok us all meeting up in marie's place :) Fun actually! haha

Sat morn (slept @ lyk 3am that morn... thx 2 e session @ marie's hall) i had archery selection trials... wah found it difficult 2 wake up this morn... but had 2 pull myself outta bed... trials impt... took shuttle bus the long way n was late but thankfully they havent started yet. Went dere n juz nice they were calling 4 those ppl wif eq n experience so immediately headed 2 e field n start our 2 rounds of shooting w/o really getting a gd look @ the pretty big group of ppl who were beginners @ archery meeting dere this morn. Oh wells. Made friends wif e other 2 girls dere aside from dx n 2 guyz too. Nice ppl. Turns out 1 of e guy was a hall 9 person so he showed me n dx e shortcut back 2 hall which is really short! Next time i shall walk dere n not wait 4 e shuttle bus... Anyway the captain said that ya they'll c our scores but anyway most prob all of us will get in so no need worry haha. Though my score isnt much 2 look @ i think... prob e lowest among e girls, 470+ i think, cant rmber... Anyway,then wat's e selection 4?i seriously wonder.. Quite great feeling shooting again though i admit it was tiring..only 2 b expected i guess..hence e need 4 PT again... all of us were complaining by e end of e 1st round n we took a v long break hahaz. Had fun n that's wat really matters. Cheers 2 noeing more ppl who're hopefully friendly n nice in ntu, esp in archery.. but hmmm trng gonna b quite as intensive as back in nj so i gotta jia you... muz really study hard n well n effectively o/w sure will fall behind wif archery trng schedule as told 2 us. Gotta jia yoU!

Recent Msn Nicks: time 2 b humble, seeing red.anger fills my entire self, humility in the face of adversity.

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