Wednesday, August 08, 2007

oooh i'm an Uni student alr!

it's been a while since i last blogged... as commented by my room-mate shuyu! haha.. so i shall blog now... next time i blog i hope 2 b using my new notebk! hopefully it'll b of gd quality n wouldnt spoil or anything.. hmmm lots have happened since my last post.. fantastic 4 was great and we all had a good though short chat over dinner b4 the movie.

Found out that huixian is gg nus mech eng.. even though she got accepted into ntu mech eng.. isnt ntu better in terms of eng? oh well, her choice :) not mine hehe.. hmm realised that these 6-7mths break after JC passes really fast esp the last mth,...though when i was in the midst of it i wasnt enjoying it thx 2 work:( all work's fault! humph... haha.. anyway suddenly i'm alr a ntu student, a Uni student! Guess it only sank in after my first dae of sch.. which was boring come 2 think of it haha.

Anyway, should start from the beginning.. had dinner in mid-july wif yushu, fel, shuyu, mitch they all... haha fel was lyk how come yushu? then i was lyk 'coz he wan this outing.. mebbe coz he v long nv hang out wif girls alr haha' oh wells. had fun tt evening anyway..

Then 14 jul sat was my last dae of work! lyk FinAllY!! haha been waiting 4 this dae 4 quite a while..not that work is distasteful or smthg, in fact i learnt lots in work n even had fun sometimes during work.. but work 2 me is smthg nv 2 b loved i guess.. coz it's always routine, always lyk that. No matter how many mths hav passed, u're actually still doing the same thing n it's not fun in that sense..

Hmmm the wk rite after ending work was Camp Insinyur,... Engineering Camp in other words. When i was in camp, i seriously couldnt wait 2 get outta it. Guess it was that bad 2 me.But now that camp is over, looking back, i guess it was fun... coz looking back u'll only rmber the gd things n forget the other not so wonderful stuff that happened... n since i only seem 2 rmber 1 or 2 stuff abt camp (the last 2 daes of camp actually).. guess camp was mostly not fun for me when i was in it. haha.. anyway, seems lyk my orientation group (og name: Joker) is only enthu after camp lol. They keep having outings these days! which is rather expensive... i've been 2 abt 3 outings so far and they've had abt 5-6 so far. realised that if the outing drags too long, i'll get bored.. n wouldnt b contributing 2 their discussions.. meaning that i'll b quiet... n i kinda feel that i dun really click wif these ppl.. hmm they laugh over things i dun find that funny.. hmm haha i think i'm juz being silly.. they're nice ppl la, juz perhaps it's coz i'm more comfortable wif some ppl in the og as compared to others.. but i can easily integrate myself wif other ppl i think.. juz whether i wan 2. Think they're gg watch fireworks tonite but no thx.. muz save $ now that i'm staying in hall n arent they tired of seeing each other so often?? lol, well i m even if they're not.

My 2nd dae of sch was the first nite that i've stayed in hall haha. n the only nite i'm staying this wk hehe, coz got so much reason 2 stay at home than in sch..haha...but hmm hopefully next sem my timetable wouldnt b so bad o/w i would b wishing that i'm still staying in hall or smthg.. eh mebbe not used 2 e bed in hall yet so i found it hard 2 fall asleep... shuyu also haha..she was awake alr b4 me... but hall life is really boring w/o internet connection, w/o a notebk.. hmm cant wait 2 get mine.. but cant rush these things haha. Eh guess hall life is also boring when u dunno any1 else in hall aside from a handful of ppl... that's the result of not gg 4 hall camp but hearing the description of other ppl's hall camp, i'm not really sad that i missed mine haha.

Hmm guess it's gd that i went 4 @ least 1 of the camps, made friends dere, esp aerospace ppl.. haha, i need 2 noe some of the aerospace ppl b4 starting sch! impt esp when i cant seem 2 find any1 else 2 go 2 lect wif me... hmm when tutorials start next wk it's gonna b more difficult..hmm we'll c how. Anyway, todae's national dae! yay public holidae! haha n of coz muz wish singapore a happy bdae!

Went shopping wif mitch after lessons ended yesterdae. mitch's lesson ended at 130 while mine ended at 1130 haha.. but we only left sch at abt 3 thereabt.. was taking my time 2 get my stuff from hall b4 gg over 2 mitch's hall (4) 2 meet her. She was supposed 2 do my hair but upon inspection, her professional advice was 2 wait @ least 1 more mth 4 e highlights 2 fade more, 4 my hair 2 grow longer b4 i get her 2 re-do the highlights.. but she'll trim n cut my hair for me this sat i think.. assuming nthg goes wrong.. if anything crops up then my hair will juz hav 2 wait again haha. So since mitch wanted 2 go shopping 4 clothes.. i went wif her.. was in a pretty ok mood i guess haha. We went to cathay cine dere 2 check out the shops coz mitch saw smthg tt she wanted but changed her mind after she had a gd look @ it.. hmm then we saw this shop selling cute toys n bags n stuff dere.. neat! haha bet fel would love the toys dere n i'm sure cindy would luv the bags dere.. should tell her of that place, hmm but the bags rather ex.. oh well, cant expect anything less from a shop dere. Then we took bus 7 from centrepoint to bugis. mitch carried my bag 4 me in the bus coz my shoulder was getting tired.. so nice!! haha muz thank her somehow. Mitch's the best! hehe..

We went bugis street n i saw a top that i really like @ first look so i got it for $23 instead of $25 coz the auntie give me cheaper price haha.. first floor really can push price down.. muz look lyk u really lyk the top i guess haha. Then we went 2nd floor n mitch bought 2 shirts n a pinafore thingy.. she had a fruitful dae todae i believe haha. Then abt 620 dereabt then we left the place for home. Hmmm had a gd time todae, shopping n talking wif her.. n we're gonna hav a s15 girls @ ntu dinner on mon! Fel, wingy, kiki, dency, mitch, shuyu n i r all studying in ntu n all staying in hall! so we should meet up :) yay...

haiz for now need 2 go do tutorial alr.. fri morn i'll go library n print out my notes n tutorial... since printer at home not gd.. hopefully not so long queue if i go early. My nj snr i met in my og who's yr 1 aerospace eng too has alr done his phy tut... i better go start on my tut... honestly, it's only the 1st wk of sch! n the 1st wk is not yet over! haha.. oh wells.

Recent msn nick: time passes, life happens. i'm mean by nature. bcoz i've been hurt once.

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