Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Today's coincidences

Today is really a interesting day. Met steph from sec4a1 whom i havent seen in >2 yrs. Met her on the train, she was boarding at buona vista n i was in the same carriage... haha @ first i thought she couldnt recognise me.. i was lyk, hey steph, do u recognise me? She nodded lol, coz we were separated by 1 person in the train so yah, a bit weird to talk as if the person blocking us wasnt dere. But we got 2 chat a little bit, found out she's gg nus econ.. haha she did look lyk an econ kind of person... She was heading 2 Marsiling which was quite far...

Anyway, upon disembarking from the train... as i was walking to the barrier,i saw cheryl!From 4a2 n also nj 05s17..haha she was gg 2 the ticketing office to get refund for her card... but yah interesting! Saw 2 ppl i noe with a min of each other.. haha coincidence.. both mg ppl.. n i was juz thinking (after meeting steph) that it'll b great 2 go back 2 sch n c every1 we noe again... b4 we go out into the real world n really start working.. when we'll most prob lose contact w/o much chance of doing much abt it.. In uni we can still more or less c some familiar faces if not all n maintain the relationships. I'll b satisfied, to c some old friends again :)

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