Wednesday, September 05, 2007

still ok...

last wed met up wif kay fj n ash 4 dinner... kay n ash were in south spine NBS reading room and free access lab dere while i was in lwn studying a bit of computing @ 430... left 4 can 2 @ abt 530... met fj dere n ate tgt :)

thurs, 1st NTU archery PT session. was quite light i admit, coz it was raining a bit during the 1st 1 n 1/2 hr of trng. So they did form trng for the 1st 1 n 1/2 hr... n they got us wif some experience 2 go ard helping... ;) lol but ya... i didnt really helped, ended up talking 2 e snr n eh distracting her from helping e others... oops... will not b so act pro next time haha. the PT dragged until 720pm, we did circuits, but v light as compared 2 wat nj used 2 hav, n they said this was juz an appetizer anyway haha.. quite ok, 4 rounds wif exercises lyk propping urself up on the ground kind of stuff... Dinner wif dency, fel, shuyu, ki n zhiyuan! haha yah, random class guyz keep turning up. ZY was totally unexpected, dency told me she was bringing some1 along so i thought he'll b kerby but ended up it was zy... haha v weird, i was lyk looking out 4 'em in can 14 then ZY called me... i was lyk how come u're here? haha amusing. Plus he was in uniform... haha quite interesting... anyway dinner was late thx 2 my trng ending late n eh shuyu n fel reaching late... -.- lyk they so free also reach dere later than me.... no excuse lor those 2. ki came wif her friends n ate wif her friends but got sit down n talk a bit so quite ok. Ok meal tgt. when u exclude e fact that zy was bz staring ard 4 pretty girls... his head nv stopped moving left n right haha...

Fri, went home!! yay... oh yah the hey gorgeous! from channel U came to NTU n i saw fiona xie n ben yeo ard sch... during 3 hr lunch break met up wif aero proj group 4 lunch @ can B n they were dere... then went sengwah's hall 2 discuss n then headed back 2 sch 4 aero discovery course n e ch U ppl were outside LT2... so after e lect went wif huiwen, deb n mf 2 c who's the winner,... m1 n f1... ok lar i guess. better than nthg haha...

Sat, NTU org pesta sukan comp @ segar lrt area dere(bkt panjang) that's y i went home fri nite instead of staying over coz gg over from my place abt e same as from boonlay... i stayed e whole dae partly coz of fred shooting n meeting wd 4 dinner wif fred xiangyuan n wendy(who joined us suddenly when fred called her as we passed by her lrt stop)... ate @ siam kitchen wendy's recommendation... great 2 b wif my team again :) So since i stayed whole dae i asked crystal(pres) if i could dun come on sun n she said yes! :) so nice! haha, glad she understands... was so afraid she'll say no... oh well, gotta do smthg abt my attitude...

Sun (2 sept) went JE lib 2 do research 4 proj b4 n after driving lesson, stayed til 9pm when lib closed... driving was 6-730.... after research then i go home eat,.....oh well, cant b helped, coz no time 2 do work, thankfully sun no need go back alr... o/w i will b worse off...

Recent msn nicks: i've an attitude problem... my poor pencil... ;)

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