Wednesday, December 26, 2007

xmas n e unexpected changes it brought into my life

starting from christmas eve, 15 ppl msged me merry xmas! whether it's juz a simple 'merry xmas' text or a more complicated one wif snowmen n xmas trees, i'm still really grateful for them... but i regret that i didnt reply most of 'em.. was a bit bz on xmas dae.. they were mainly from ntu ppl though dere were some which came from old friends, some of whom i havent been in touch for a while.. they're so sweet :) wonder how i can thank them for rmbering me..

Anyway.. had e ntu archery xmas party @ settlers cafe in holland v last tue... unexpectedly fun. It wasnt bad on the whole.. even got the biggest gift xchange prezzie.. a penguin water dispenser from action city! haha quite lucky for me :)

Hmmm then on thurs, tried 2 shoot in e morn but it started pouring once i reached e field so obviously no chance 2 train.. haiz, i really wanted 2 shoot coz been working n missing trngs.. oh well, guess it juz means i'm not fated 2 shoot that dae.. but managed 2 borrow xiangyuan's bow! haha yay.. but 34pounds leh.. i'm gonna hav a hard time pulling it next trng..
Since cant train, went 2 shop 4 groceries wif lance, yonghwa n karen for cooking dinner in hall that evening... haha quite fun the whole cooking process.. though sometimes it got a bit boring while waiting for the fd 2 b cooked.. but anyway e fd was quite gd.. n e cheesecake that was dessert is seriously one of e best i've eaten ever! hmm but i couldnt stay out too late so only got 2 eat 1 slice of cake n play 2 rounds of uno spin! haha yonghwa seriously got quite a number of boardgames in his room.. quite an interesting experience that dae :)

Sunday! mEt up wif my Nj Archery team! though 2 persons backed out in e end, namely xiangyuan n wendy (sprained ankle again) but most of e rest turned up! hmm but hav 2 find something else 2 do next gathering.. mebbe go boardgames cafe, else it's seriously juz walk ard n stone since they're not v pro-active in striking up conversations.. most of e time it was fred n benghui talking! me being sick tried my best alr.. (been sick since wed..) 9 of us dere that dae, rach being late (as usual) by 1.5hrs -.- Anyway, weide fred benghui fangjian colin junguang louis rach n me make up e 9 persons. so glad that a lot of 'em made e effort 2 turn up.. nxt time will b a better gathering! else ppl might start refusing 2 turn up :( hmm i turned up pretty early that dae, b4 the 1st meeting time of 4pm so i managed 2 drag weide n fred ard 2 help me buy xmas prezzies! haha they gave me lots of suggestions but none were gd enuff 4 me :P not creative enuff @ least.. but they helped :D v grateful 2 'em 4 that.)

Monday was Xmas Eve! Went bowling n played mahjong wif my family.. was more of a family dae which is gd.. coz i've been gg out too much n been spending too little time wif my family. bowling i was e 2nd lousiest in e family.. winning that place only coz my youngest sis obviously is too young 2 b able 2 play properly -.- sigh, it's unfair when ur other 2 sisters r either in bowling club or was in bowling team. Still. Seems lyk i need 2 brush up on my bowling skills!

Tuesday.. Xmas dae! early in e morn received a super heavy prezzie... e box was filled wif chocolate! but i having a bad cough now..guess e chocolate will hav 2 wait a while.. wait until i get better.. anyway, went 4 kay's xmas party or rather it's actually juz her church's xmas service which she helped 2 organise @ her place so yah. (It's a family church) She forced me 2 go. Humph. It's lyk a family thing!! Still make me go! I'm so not family despite her insisting that i'm in her mg family
Shucks, totally didnt noe any1 else dere cept from lance n kay n perhaps esther whom i dun really noe in e 1st place.. (n mebbe kay's parents whom i also dun really noe in e 1st place)felt so awkward la! Humph. Mebbe it's juz my imagination but felt as if all her cousins were wondering abt my presence. All her fault. Humph. Next time shall ignore her. Urgh.. i shall make an effort 2 avoid all sort of xmas church services from now on. Though this wasnt that bad.. quite ok, made me kinda miss mg's chapel services.. much better than city harvest's service that i went 4 last yr.. Nv ever will i attend another such service under city harvest. A super bad experience. No other way 2 describe it. Urgh.
hmm but anyway managed 2 get out after lunch n walk ard her condo a bit which is ALSO her suggestion -.- n also went up 2 her place 2 visit le le n an an.. her 2 little doggies which seem 2 hav been ard for v long.. n e male one (forgot who is who) kept bullying e female one! Tsk. Hmmm then went out after that.. headed over 2 esplanade's roof terrace b4 n after dinner.. nite view supposedly better but was pretty crowded thx 2 it being a public hol. Reached home late again..11 plus.. so much 4 spending e rest of xmas @ home.. i was wrong abt that.

Anyway, 2dae! was feeling v insecure this morn.. silly me.. was on the brink of being super depressed again i guess.. but lucky me.. got a phone call which changed my mood..
anyway supposed 2 b having a p6 dinner @ ms clarity's cafe (Havent been dere in a while), venue suggestion courtesy of urs truly, hmm i hardly rmber anything abt that class.. oh well, doesnt hurt meeting up wif other mg girls whom i c ard mg sec sch anyway.. hope it'll b fun.. i so dun lyk awkward situations.. those r so not fun. N well, obviously i'm supposed 2 b working but i've finished my work for the dae.. at lyk 3pm so used 1.5 hrs 2 write all these down since i've 2 pretend 2 do work anyway.. coz my colleague not here 2 give me more work.. e office is 1/2 empty since most ppl took leave 2dae.. it's only 430pm -.- despite me dragging e work n everything i still got so much time left.. humph gotta find stuff 2 do.. n singhealth went 2 block all those web messengers lyk meebo n ebuddy n even youtube! facebk n friendster also -.- so i'm left wif extremely limited options 2 entertain myself for the remaining 1 hr..

recent msn nick: cheesecake! :D

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