Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ahh xmas xmas...

been watching lots of movies this mth! haha or so it seems 2 me.. esp when u dun really get 2 watch movies during sch term... watched 'fred claus', 'golden compass', 'enchanted' and 'alvin and the chipmunks' so far... all in 1 mth! n i enjoyed e last few lots.. enchanted n alvin r seriously v v fun 2 watch..

enchanted is so funny at times but @ e end it makes u feel that in reality.. dere wouldnt b such fairytale-like endings rite? haha no idea.. but having heard from 2 persons who r single n hav watched e movie, it made them feel lonely that they're unattached.. ok mebbe not so extreme, but it definitely made e viewer think abt where their prince charming/ damsel in distress is.. n when will they appear.. sounds odd but true.. hmm i watched it wif a friend of mine so i didnt think so much.. i was juz thoroughly enjoying myself laughing my head off at the way griselle opens e window 2 call all her ehh friends in nature... lyk cockroaches!!! EEEKKK... whahahahahaaa... seriously funny.. but i noe if i watched it alone.. i would've felt lyk 'em.. felt that it's a gd show n everything.. but it will make me feel so much more lonelier than b4 e movie.. w/o some1 lyk ur prince charming 2 b dere 4 u.. 2 save u from e evils of e world.. yah.. though @ this pt in time i dunno whether 2 feel afraid or happy.. so so v afraid of getting hurt.. i'm too fragile i noe.. not sure if i could withstand any pain of any form.. any.. more.. so afraid 2 b happy, 2 hav fun. haha wat irony.

Alvin.. was super fun! They were TOTALLY Cute!! ESP theodore!haha think i lyk theodore! he's soo cute! it's lyk u'll go awwww..when u c him! n seriously out of e 3 i would sae simon n theodore stands out more 2 me than alvin.. strange but true.. n the way they dance! way awesome.. their singing melts thy heart... hahahaa.. juz plain fun!

the golden compass was part 1 of a trilogy i realised... but i was super excited when we went in 2 watch!couldnt contain my excitment, i'm lyk some small little kid who's visiting e cinema 4 e 1st time watching a movie that i really wanna watch :P haha silly me.. but i enjoyed e movie thoroughly, not a comedy more of fantasy,.. cool graphics n everything.. in my opinion e movie was nicely done!

Watched enchanted n golden compass in e same wk.. golden compass 1 dae b4 enchanted! haha wif some ntu archery ppl.. enchanted was tgt wif xmas present buying dae so yup, bz bz dae :)

i watched alvin ytd! or rather mon.. it was after my 1st dae of work so it was smthg 2 look forward 2, 2 distract myself from work.. esp since i dun lyk working @ all... hmm gg back 2 work.. nice seeing some of e ppl again.. but e work's still no fun.. but my pay was increased! so kinda still a bit bearable.. anyway lucky me coz 1st dae back n they had a sort of party in e afternoon, some1's bdae celebration so had cake sushi red wine donut(from donut factory) chocolate wif liquor inside... all juz b4 i got off work...seriously too full 2 finish everything so left e donut behind.. dere was so much 2 eat!n my colleague juz happily piling fd on my plate lyk nobody's business..but it was nice 2 slack that 1.5hrs away :P anyway.. @ least it's juz 6 daes back at work... soon they'll pass.. shucks mine only 6 daes n i'm counting down.. wat abt those wif mths left at that place? tsk me..

oh yah.. hav 2 get so many gift xchange prezzies 4 e various xmas parties i'm gg 4...i even declined 2 go for 1 party.. tt 1 muz bring $10 gift 2 xchange but that's not e reason.. haha i dun think it's too gd 2 keep gg out everydae.. though i'm pretty much doing tt alr.. n i've been shopping 4 these prezzies n not spending on myself @ all.. haiz.. oh wells.. cant b helped i guess.. @ least it'll b fun attending all these parties n meeting up wif all my friends :D

hmmm it's e xmas holidaes! i realised that i really do quite like this feeling of xmas in e air though it may not seem evident but it's present n it's nice :D n i really do lyk this yr's xmas lights @ orchard.. 1st time i'm so interested.. haha funny me..
when schooling.. perhaps e xmas-y feeling isnt that obvious cept perhaps during e parties.. but @ work, it's lyk every1's preparing gifts 4 each other! haha dunno whether it's a gd idea 2 come back 2 work during this period of time.. i better go get my colleagues some snacks 4 xmas or smthg.. cant dun give's so not nice.. some more they giving me gifts! i muz reciprocate! haha hmm muz think of smthg.. chocolates would b gd.. better than nthg :P

recent msn nick: try then. (was really depressed when i wrote this. now feeling better i guess, juz filled wif uncertainty.. that's all.. :P )

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