Saturday, November 03, 2007

exams r here :(

exams r almost here n yet i feel as if i havent gotten down 2 any proper studying yet.. crap! gotta finish all e tut n studying for quizzes that dere's no time left for proper studying! Urgh.
Anyway juz had 3 tests on thurs, phy dunno how 2 do q2 n 3 but i feel ok after e paper, same wif mat sci, @ least i got 65%,better than my previous 55%.Gotta work harder for the exams or else :( computing was the 1 that made me feel bad... haiz :'( wonder if i'll even pass... i dun wan 2 get F or D this time round... stupid me.. dere was no time 2 study 4 computing at all wat wif phy n mat sci on the same day too...
then fri met andy n timothy in can B b4 computing lect in the morn... chatting then later zhen ming joined us followed by weiquan haha... so funny how we all met each other.. andy was commenting sit dere can meet so many of us so he should sit in can B n wait 4 us next time lol.. but then dere's no more comp lect so i guess this is the first time we all met up coincidentally n also the last time at least for now ;) but yay had company b4 lect which was nice..o/w always stand outside LT waiting 4 deb huiwen mf quite boring..
also had makeup computing tut at 130..rite b4 aero lect... oh well,@ least i only left 1ex for tut11 that i CANNOT solve YET! i shall consult genius siew hui who got 100% for the quiz coz she could run the whole prog... she's gd... i really admire her brains n intellect haha :D jingxin absolutely insists that it's intellect n not brains whereas i insist that brains hav got more than 1 meaning rather than the physical thing HAHA... then siew hui broke up the 'debate' by saying that she noes we eng-pro lar... Haha... computing tut wasnt that dull ytd thankfully :)

Recent msn nicks: it's beneath me 2 do computing..y muz i do comp??oh e tragedy!
aut viam inveniam aut faciam (i will either find a way or make one)
getting too stressed...

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