Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Little surprises in life~

wed, 18 apr: Turns out that life indeed has got little surprises in store for us, just round the corner.. wed, a colleague (perm staff) was treating every1 2 donuts she bought from some shop in vivo.. n juz when i was thinking abt donuts these days too.. hahaz.. rather ok.. but i feel the bakery near my home sells better donuts.. the chocolate-flavoured ones at any rate. But hey, who would reject free donuts! ;)

thurs, 19 apr: Todae, thurs was even better... at least at the end of the day.. ended work at 6pm instead of 530pm coz i wanted 2 finish up some work b4 leaving.. and seemed 2 b leaving on the dot at 530pm the previous 2 daes.. b4 all the perm felt quite bad.. hence decided 2 stay longer todae.. Anyway, went downstairs 2 wait 4 my company home.. n after walking 1 round in the lobby/1st floor.. i decided 2 take a seat.. n seated myself at the seats area beside the security desk (Kinda flopped down.. nvm)... N was surprised when the girl seated dere said hey:)... turns out tt she's my friend.. ex-temp staff at snec, she came back 2 visit us..surprise us 2 b exact! hahaz! i saw a person sitting dere but i didnt recognise her... coz she cut her hair.. from long hair to shoulder-length... saw her on mon but ya.. still not used 2 it yet..anyway i was really shocked 2 c her dere.. then she said she brought donuts.. from Donut Factory! Apparently she queued for 2.5 hrs!! Since 12noon! then she went home n cut it into neat little pieces b4 putting it in a tupperwear n coming down 2 let us eat!! How sweet can she get?! She's juz wonderful :D And the donuts were nice!! Totally worth its reputation! hahaz, somehow i got 2 taste the donuts despite thinking tt i might not hav the chance anytime soon.. little surprises in life indeed.. hmm but us temp staffs (used 2 meet up after work b4 heading down 2 e mrt station together) no longer meet up after work 2 go home together.. so her coming here meaning 2 surprise every1.. turns out tt there's only the 2 of us down dere 2 b surprised.. but thankfully, another 2 of our friends were still working upstairs coz i called 2 check n said ok so we'll go 1st.. haha yupz, then i put down the phone n said let's go up! ;) hehe.. so we did.. n surprised them wif e donuts! there was rather a lot so there was more than enuff 2 go ard.. :)

Hmmm was told sometime ago by my sis on how a neighbour of mine.. some1 i havent seen in close to 10yrs despite him living opp me(oops.. ;]), he apparently saw my youngest sis at our void deck one day after sch n came upstairs 2 tell my dad tt she was downstairs(coz my maid forgot 2 fetch her..) despite him being on his way out.. meaning he was downstairs then he came up specially 2 tell my dad b4 gg off for wherever he was headed b4 he saw my sis downstairs.. hmmm my dad totally couldnt recognise him n thought he was some friend of mine looking 4 me or smthg Lol.. well i guess he's a friend.. an old friend whom i havent talked 2 in ages..anyway, the thing is he ran the risk of being wrong abt my sis being forgotten downstairs.. as in he assumed tt my sis wasnt supposed 2 b down dere alone.. lol, true but anyway.. hard 2 explain, juz find tt he's not bad at all.. saw him juz last sun when i went out wif my family.. apparently my dad saw him gg out wif his mum but haha, we saw each other at chinatown! Such coincidence tt we were all gg out n headed 2 e same place n actually meeting each other dere! Hahaz... totally cool 2 me.. but the thing was tt i really really couldnt recognise him at all.. he's a far cry from his kindergarten years... he used 2 b real skinny, now he's not, though he still isnt v tall ;) but ya, he only looks a bit lyk the guy i used 2 noe 10 yrs ago.. or was it 13yrs? haha.. hardly look lyk at all. Anyway am real grateful to him for tt.. kinda wish tt we're at least still friends, on talking terms, find it a pity 2 not hav such a nice person as a friend, hmmm we'll c how things go in e future.

Was thinking back 2 archery stuff a while back n rmbered once, during the sembawang (small-scale) comp, while we were shooting, there was this scene of small leaves drifting off the trees in the wind in the distance while some of my team-mates n i stood dere watching, it was a scene tt u cant really capture on camera.. partly coz we didnt hav a cam at tt time.. anyway,.. it's better in memory than on film.. at least wif an average cam.. anyway ya, that was a beautiful picture, witnessed wif wonderful friends.. ah, such simple pleasures of life.. i'll forever b grateful for.

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