Saturday, May 12, 2007

NTU B.Eng: Aerospace Engineering

NTU B.Eng (Aerospace) : Nanyang Technological University, Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering)

Time to make a decision, went for NTU School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)'s tea party at Meritus Mandarin Hotel beside cineleisure juz now in the afternoon 130pm. I was late... as usual, lol, the reception area was devoid of potential students, only all the NTU staff dere... eh, they were real nice abt me being late though they did comment tt i was late, lol. Traffic jam not my fault wat. Feel as if i didnt really learn much abt aerospace eng programme... it's lyk the suntec talk... but hmmm i did realise that Mech eng is interesting in terms of their course content, erm more lyk their programmes lyk the overseas exchange prog...but their profs werent as passionate as the head of Aerospace eng... he was real convicted and proud of this brainchild of his and he has reasons to b proud. haha i got the feeling that he was trying hard 2 not seem as though aerospace is better than mech... but i think his passion is contagious... met a student of his previously at the NTU open House who was real enthusiastic abt aerospace,... real confident in his abilities too. I think it's such ppl who manage 2 attract ppl into their courses.. no matter how attractive the course may be, w/o such ppl promoting it, it's nthg. When i was dere, realised tt the 1st batch of graduates of aerospace engineers r not out yet... tt in this way the course may not b too attractive, but the prof meguin (i think) promoting it believed in its potential n was convincing in that aspect such that i feel aerospace has a future, esp in Singapore.

But i noe, really noe, that i dun lyk all of wat aerospace eng is offering me, i was checking out their exhibits n stuff, n realised that many technical aspects and really physics stuff which is a part of aerospace isnt smthg tt i'll like. At all. But hmmm the area of aerodynamics doesnt seem too horrible. And i was really interested when they were talking abt flight simulation and how it's used 2 check stress on the materials of the parts of the aircraft... Perhaps this will be enough to get me thru this course... 4 years direct honours prog... i was thinking i'll hav 2 do very well if i wan a gd resume... but i also noe that it wouldnt b easier than in jc, where my grades (esp phy) were only average... and that i gotta work very hard, at least try very hard if i were 2 even hope 2 b satisfied wif my results... haha, i'm pretty much facing reality, i wan 2 b the best but i noe my own limits. So wat should i do? My conclusion for now is to juz accept it, as i've accepted entering nj, as i've accepted entering jc n taking up pcme... i can only accept it now as there isnt any other option anyway. Perhaps it's meant to b. Hence no point getting so frustrated trying 2 decide if i wan this. Perhaps it's not smthg to be wanted, but smthg 2 b expected, 2 b accepted w/o much deliberation, perhaps this is fate. Since this path was given 2 me, y not take it? After all my parents think tt specialising in smthg lyk this is better than i take up accountancy which is rather common... wat wif having 2 compete wif the large pool of accountants in developing countries should they come over 2 singapore... haha i'm digressing.

Sigh. It seems as though i've a choice but i guess in the end i dun really hav any. This is as if the govt has chosen a path 4 u n all u've 2 do n can do is juz 2 take it. although in this case, obviously e govt didnt choose 4 me, i chose 2 put aerospace as my 1st choice, n acct 2nd, so it's pretty much my choice. Juz tt i feel as if i cant really choose anymore. Which is true. Haiz, i cant think thru this properly..

MSN Nick: Alis volat propiis(She flies on her own wings). Gotta think this thru.

btw. got real pissed off by the stupid irksome horrible driving instructor todae. Idiot. It's not my driving's tt is bad, it's his teaching. Crap shit him. Hope he had a horrible ride. I'll show him tt i'm gd. It's juz him. Wat crap. How dare he sae not once i let go of the clutch smoothly. SHIT him. It was so smooth 1/2 e time. N how dare he try 2 slp while teaching me. Made me real angry. Mebbe tt's y i drove badly todae, of coz his interruptions n comments didnt make things better. Wat a lousy instructor. Mebbe i should've juz crashed his car. Would hav been fun. HUMPH. shant let such a loser get on my nerves n affect my mood. it's sundown, time 2 forget it all.

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