Tuesday, April 26, 2005

PT-actually pretty fun ...*

24th Apr: sunday, yup, went archery again! coz mrs cheng really came down... however only lyk 5-6ppl turned up... coz rest were busy i think... she came at the wrong time lar... then my friend was telling me we came down 2dae not to train, came down 4 her... so it's not really considered a training... we set up our bows so fast lar... usually take our own sweet time... this time really rush... hav 2 make sure we're all set up n practising by the time she arrives... she turned up around 1.20 thereabt, then went off at ard 1.40pm... yup... short while... 'trained' for 1 1/2hr... arm was alr aching from the previous day... made it even worse... mebbe strained the muscles a bit... even now still aching but very slightly... then the coach sent us 2 west mall... the rest haven't eaten lunch yet... but i had so i went home... but really damn squeeze in the car... but super nice coach lar! offered 2 send me 2 bus-stop but missed it so nvm, sent me 2 west mall along wif the others.
25th Apr: monday, sch... 4.30pm day again... totally sian-ed diao the whole day... but ended at 3.40pm coz the math period got shifted up... n i sorta knew tt it got shifted up but wasn't sure so went 2 ask this classmate... who gave the wrong info! said nv shift up so my friends n i... went 2 library 2 mug... hahaz... actually 2 finish incomplete hwk tt had 2 b handed up tt day or the next... yah... was juz trying 2 finish the work they gave us... then this 2 Fmath students(galz) came along 2 borrow calculators from my friend n i... so we thought we were gonna stay there until 2pm.... so we agreed n juz lent them, without asking 4 name n class... yar, hp no also nv ask.... juz noe tt they r J1 students... so... we had math tut at 110pm... so we were informed by another classmate... she called me up n ask me where were we... then ask us 2 go back classrm now... yeah... so how? wat abt calculator? my friend asked one of her ex-classmate in the library 2 call her up if those 2 came back wif the calculators... but of coz u can't trust any1 but urself... so yah... didn't get the calculators back... thought it was gone for good... was quite upset... called up my Fmath friend(mg friend) n pestered her 2 help me... she did... sent 10 sms to her friends in all the 6 Fmath classes 2 ask abt the 2 calculators... 150 students taking Fmath, 75 galz... so yar... at least it was Fmath, narrowed down the search by somewat alr... then tues morn, met another friend in Fmath(sc gal) n asked her 2 check wif her class... n BINGO!!!! she sms me during assembly 2 ask me 2 meet her n yep, 2 pass the calculators back 2 me n my friend! sometimes, it's really gd 2 make as many friends as possible... connections... was very worried coz i thought had math test tt day.... turned out dun hav... but really glad 2 hav my calculator back.... only 1/2 - 3/4 yr old... then dun wanna buy new calculator also, no time. it wasn't those 2 galz fault at all... it's me lar... dunno tt i had lessons at tt time... turned up 15 min late... teacher was lyk being lame lar, but he real nice lar, nv lecture us or anything... joked wif us... told him we were in library then he said ' gd, library mugging, not lyk the rest of the class, in canteen eating'... then my classmate was lyk, 'we could b mugging in the canteen n they could b playing in the library wat...' yeah... mon nite was really worried 4 my calculator... but had 2 finish up hwk for the next few days coz... had PT on tues 4.30-7.30pm... yeah...
26th Apr: tues... short day! luv it! ended at 2.50pm... fell asleep in chem lect... lecturer damn noisy... n she kept repeating herself... wasted so much time lar.. lyk for e.g. she was supposed 2 finish chem bonding part 1 during the previous lecture but coz by the time the bell rang n she haven't even started on metallic bonds, she told us 2 go home n read ourselves! wat crap! she earn her salary 4 nthg! lyk tt any1 can b a teacher, juz tell students 'this part go home n read urself'... then she always blame us tt we come in so slow n make so much noise tt she can't start... she can juz start... when we see her teaching we will reduce our vol somewat... but no... she wants complete silence... lyk the other time... after pe... then the LT damn hot.. so many of us were fanning ourselves n u noe wat she said? 'stop fanning urselves!' per-leeeeze.... we were feeling hot n is it a crime 2 fan ourselves??? she damn siao lar. well... had PT(physical training) for archery at 4.30pm so in the meantime after dismissal, did hwk coz knew tt i'll b too tired 2 do work after PT... got econ test 2mrrw... haiz... mebbe go take a look @ my notes later... yeah... doing hwk... in canteen... felt quite happy wif myself coz finished half of hwk for the day. then PT... 3 hrs of it... but was actually quite ok... altogether 7 ppl... plus the one in charge lar... so 7 of us, 2 galz... rest were guyz.... went gym n worked out... quite ok... interesting in fact... learn how 2 use the equipment... nv actually worked out in a gym b4 so was quite an experience... but 1 big prob... too many mosquitos! got bitten 4 times in there lar! the gym was lyk ground floor right in front of track yeah... then 6 rounds round the track, tt was ok, guyz had 2 do 8... then cool down exercises... my friend in archery recre(apparently there is recre archery n they told me dun hav!) was lyk mocking us lar... coz she dun need 2 do... sigh... but then later chit chatted wif the j2 person in charge real fun... yep, actually left nj when it was dark...usually i can't wait 2 get outta nj but well, 1st time left nj when it was dark n realised tt i'm starting 2 lyk this place... the track was so dark yeah... no lights there then it was kinda cool walking out coz u can kinda c some ppl's figures walking in front of u n hear ppl shouting out 2 each other... saying bye... was really something else altogether. looked back at nj... very pretty... with the lights only illuminating the crest... n the rest were shrouded in darkness... glad i'm finally liking the place i'm gonna b in for 2 yrs... perhaps archery deserves the thanks more than anything else, yup. so now i'm eating dinner n typing this... time 2 end this n go do the rest of my hwk n study... guess no matter where i am, i'll always b a mugger... but thx mh n sher 4 letting me join the "slackers' club" even though jenny was being mean n say tt we should b more stringent wif the members' criteria... realised tt i really miss jenny... she looking so serious but so lame on the inside... hahaz... heard of the thing tt happened in econ lect hc side from qt... yeah... the one abt william n peter... plz lar, choose nicer names, but really funny... real joke of the day, so much happening over there... shall try not 2 b too envious... @ least i'm still part of 67 somewat... yeah... yesterday when talking 2 my classmates... i said too fast... said my class was 05s67 again! sheesh stupid reflex action, when will i stop? lucky it's between the 2 2nd intakers galz only, so they understand... hope my class wouldn't get offended if they find out... anyway signing off now... cya ppl! this wk kinda busy lots of tests so cya a few days later...

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