Friday, April 08, 2005


sigh... 2dae was really tiring for me... even though it wasn't as long as thurs(4.30pm end sch) but it included pe... and datz not a gd thing, esp when PFT is coming up... so we had a female pe teacher which would equate nice teacher so she let us decide on wat we wanted to do tt period... and guess wat the class did... after running 2 rounds(warm-up) they decided to run 8 MORE rounds... so being the not-really-paying-attention me... i didn't realise tt, i thought they meant 8 rounds altogether and since ran 2 alr, it'll be 6 more... however, my friend clarified wif me after the 3rd round... even though i jogged/walked the whole 8 rounds... i was still lagging by 1 FULL round behind the last person... at least i can say for 1 thing: i survived... at 1st i wanted to stop at the 7th round... but then i couldn't bear bluffing myself so... went on to run the last round... dunno whether it's pure stupidity or wat... made myself super tired out... so not in the mood to do hwk, juz looking at the phy qns and i alr dunno how 2 do... plus my class happens 2 b a slack class... almost no one did their hwk at all... so i got queries also got no one to ask... i miss 67... i could ask 'em abt hwk freely and get help immediately... rather then get the answer: 'erm i haven't done it yet'... i'm really tired, not juz physically but mentally and emotionally too... after tt 10 rounds who wouldn't be tired(physically)... but i'm really tired of trying to do finish the assignments b4 the teacher starts going thru them... let me explain... it's lyk u spend ur time on geometrical progression then u finish it in time for the teacher to go thru it... then instead of being able to relax, he tells u tt he's going thru summation on mon so prepare tt by mon... do they noe how tiring(mentally) it is to try and keep up, esp for us 2nd intakers, it's worse for those who haven't learn tt topic until in the makeup lect... for me still okay coz hc teaches faster than any other jc... but i guess the teachers hav 4gotten tt we all happen to take 3 other subj, all of which we hav hwk... they should take tt in consideration... plus my econ teacher told us he expects us to finish all the topic 1 and 2 tut for him... is he mad??? finish 3 mths worth of hwk within this term, he's not taking into account we have normal lessons' hwk to do... i really feel as if i chuan bu guo qi lai... feeling really drained... as for emotionally, i feel kinda hard to connect wif my new class... it's lyk i got qns abt simple stuff lyk the dialect words they used but i dun wanna ask them... in 67 i freely ask 'em anything i dunno... so u c... it's really draining me... but on a gd note, i'm going out wif 67 2mrrw! hopefully tt will rejuvenate me... but all the hwk... heck care, teachers kick me out of class then kick lar, i'm too tired to care... when they push a student too far, esp a person lyk me... i'll rebel... i really dun understand, i've been hardworking so far but making me do so much at 1 shot is really the limit. they made me this way so can't blame me. after all i've learnt all those topics b4 so y muz i do those hwk AGAIN??? doesn't make sense to me... heck care really really heck care alr... enuff ranting and raving, shall end now! ^-^

1 comment:

MissLow said...

hello. i amm here...(=