Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sometimes it feels no one understands*

early in the morning... qiuting and i went over to hc... 2dae assembly starts at 8.30am... but since qt very long nv go back alr... so i might as well accompany her back... i miss the class bench anyway. but having 2 wake up earlier when i could sleep 4 another hour was not fun... plus 2dae super long dae... until 5.40pm... zzzz....
went back and stayed all the way until bell rang... hahaz... teachers down there giving us funny looks when we were taking our leave juz when ppl were going 4 assembly... sat @ bus-stop 4 a while... thinking whether or not 2 go back after hc assembly ended... coz thought 67 had free period... in the end.. qt wanted eat breakfast @ nj... so went 2 sch...
nthg much happened 2dae... aside from the funny phrases the phy lecturer used and the incident in class... during pw...
during phy lect... he was telling us abt some sub-atomic world to describe inelastic or elastic collisions, either one, can't remember... then he was saying we'll visit tt world next yr... how fun, we get 2 go 2 another 'world'... interesting phy... then he was telling us the collision theory using glass boxes... only thing is tt he sounded as if he said 'grass' boxes... so yeah, the grass boxes shattered upon impact... stuff lyk tt... then the apple was falling downwards and the world was falling upwards... tt so doesn't make sense... plus in the equation u1-u2=v2-v1... he described it as 1-2=2-1... which obviously doesn't hold... how can
-1=1? sigh... being really crappy here... u'll only understand wat i'm talking abt when u're there urself... basically all he said made sense... juz the way he phrased it... funny. being lame is 1 way of preventing 1 from falling asleep... esp in lect...
in pw... my class was being super lame and crappy... for instance... they were making fun of each other(class guyz) and were being kinda racist to this indian guy in my class... but he doesn't take it 2 heart... so it's quite alright. was laughing so hard during pw... lyk they were saying wat's the diff between a black brain and a bucket of shit... the bucket... sounds familiar rite? yeah... had a similar lame joke in hc... but the brain in this case was describing yeah... my classmate... anyway, ct wasn't too happy wif ppl calling each other names so she said since they were acting lyk kids... they should b treated as kids... they had 2 pull their ears or else get sent outta class... and read aloud the kind of attitude and characteristics a gd member of a group should have... yeah. poor them.
Anywayz, 2mrrw my class going 4 horror movie i believe... the eye 10... and obviously i'm not going. nv liked horror movies and will not start now. sigh... quite a boring post... but well, u'll only understand wat i'm trying 2 sae if u're there 4 urself... esp during pw... they were juz hilarious... and lame... ^-^

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