Saturday, April 23, 2005

wah... my accuracy damn lousy...

review of these 2 days...
22nd Apr: fri, shortest day of my week... n absolutely luv it! ended sch at 12.30pm... waited for qiuting until 2pm... her classes end then... hung out wif my classmates in the meantime... quite interesting sitting around... eating,... chatting... being lame... datz me... hehe... were in the canteen.. thought heard some1 said 'we got gold!' then they were discussing mebbe for some competition.. then i said mebbe not, mebbe they were juz saying tt they got the gold paint... srry.. being silly now... they got gold for CO? dunno... SYF for CO now? mebbe some private competition we dunno abt. yupz... then went library wif some classmates... hoping 2 vote 4 council candidates... then my classmate was abt 2 use this computer after this gal... then this IP student came up n said he haven't use finish the comp... n so my classmate let him use... but hello?? it was a gal who used the comp juz now... not a guy... sheesh... mebbe he knew the gal... hope so, mebbe they doing proj then not finished... rather hope so than he being irksome n trying 2 get the comp 1st... my friend in class... gal... was saying... let's go up 2 him n say... go away IP, i'm older than u... smthg lyk tt... anyway... met qt after tt... then went over to wait @ the gate of hc(am proud 2 sae tt for this whole wk i nv step into hc! not even once! ha! coz dun feel lyk going in anymore... yeah so pls understand guyz) 4 our dear friends, monghun, sher, jenny. then ash n darren tagged along... ok lar, they came along.. so nice rite? i mean it... i'm not being sarcastic... so nice 2 go lunch wif us! we (galz)walked into cafe wadever... n guess wat? the guyz walked rite past... n went into golden rooster instead... sigh... guess u can't expect much of guyz... but then... later... alice came!!!!!! wat a surprise! chit chatted n ate 2gether... fun... n decorated a paper wif 05s67 written on it so tt can paste it up... of coz... wrote every1's names on it... counted the names 2 ensure nv leave out anyone... the guyz came over later, after eating finish so i guess they should b complimented 4 tt... 2 2ndintakers came along too... dunno their names... tink it's junwei n another wei... srry ah... didn't catch his name... of coz, the paper had the 2nd intakers' names on it... mh write small print though... then darren said we missed out some1... then i said 'where got... we even included darren lor' ... kinda mean... srry abt tt... guess wat he said... 'u missed out mrs boo' ... err... got nthg 2 say 2 tt... except tt he snatched andrew tan's galfriend... hehe

23rd Apr: ARCHERY 2dae! @ beginning was fun, my arrows very close 2gether... then later... drop arrow on floor... 5-6 times altogether!!! arrggghhhhh!! can't believe myself... hope nv bend any of the arrows... $8 for 1 arrow... lucky not my arrow... friend said, should drop as many arrows as u want now... coz it's not ours... when get our own then should not drop the arrows anymore... my arrows went beside the board to drop on the floor behind... n got once... it erm... ... ... ... .... . .. . .............. .............................. ended up in the wall... so now the wall got a hole... so embarrassing! drop so many times... then later arrow hit metal part of wall then the j2 ask me 2 switch sides wif my friend so tt i'm in the middle n not @ the side so tt i wouldn't hit the wall again if my arrows go sideways... but 2day was really bad day 4 shooting.. heard lots of arrows being dropped on the floor. NOT juz mine lar, others also... i'm not tt bad... sigh... 2mrrw going archery range again... coz mrs cheng(principal) might come n watch... so hopefully dun drop arrows on the floor or go into the wall... will die if she sees it... she'll prob faint from shock lar! hahaz... jk only... hope everything will b better 2mrrw... arms aching... blue-black on arm... string make my arm even though got arm-guard protecting it... sigh... shall hold bow properly next time so wouldn't hit my hand again... all the best 2 me 2mrrw... n all the best in finishing my hwk... dunno whether i get 2 finish my hwk at this rate... esp competitions coming up, training thrice a wk... hope tests next wk will b ok... coz dunno whether got sufficient time 2 study 4 it... haiz... wait n c i guess... if i can cope... abt time i learned anyway. ^-^

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