Sunday, April 17, 2005

blog-pros n cons

juz read an article on the newspaper... on how some PSC scholar put up racist comments on his blog... and how the whole issue landed in the papers... well i guess if he didn't want 2 end up in the papers in the 1st place 4 all his comments, he shouldn't even put those comments up in his blog... or even have a blog in the 1st place. i mean those with blogs have 2 b prepared 2 hav its content known publicly. datz the purpose of a blog... 2 announce stuff 2 the whole world, not 2 b kept private. so monghun... u over-reacted when we found out ur blog lar... u should noe tt dae would arrive... juz as i m prepared 2 hav my nj classmates find out my blog 1 dae... juz hope they understand all tt i've said in my blog abt nj... haiz... kinda wanna erase all tt i've written so far... but wat's the point... shall juz continue 2 write then.
for a blog which is a few days old... it's kinda out-dated alr... hahaz.. srry... fri i slept at 8.30-9.30 onwards... was too tired... so didn't come online... sat... was doing my hwk... so didn't come online... sun... should b doing hwk... but came online anyway. :) hahaz. time 4 an update!
fri: went out wif classmates 2 bukit timah plaza and ate at the 'foodcourt' there... very small foodcourt... the one beside KFC... yeah. the other time went wif 67 to tt KFC. then headed over 2 hc. as my 2 classmates and i were attempting 2 find the exit outta btp, 2 guy classmates came along and gave us the idea tt they were going 2 lead us out... n guess wat? we went 1 whole round... n they were headed 2 the toilet... STUPID GUYZ! we were so pissed off... the 3 of us(all galz btw)... i pretended 2 kick 1 of the guyz... kick his bag lar... n well... my friend really kicked him... serve him right. bluff us lyk tt. he totally deserved tt. then we went out... and on our way 2 the bus-stop ... met this crazed wild dog... was lyk barking @ us non-stop n almost tried 2 chase us... luckily was separated by railings and a drain... sigh.... then finally made it back 2 hc... didn't really feel lyk going back tt dae... but haiz... going home so early would b strange anyway... so went back n chatted a bit... walked around a bit... then went home... met joy, mh, alice, sher, yj, 2 galz 2nd-takers... jw, yichuan, yeah the seniors... and so on... the rest of the class guyz all disappeared 2 play pool... dickson was left behind... hahaz... then later he went over... they all went 2 eat steamboat @ marina 4 dinner.. didn't follow coz wanna watch tv n also no $ alr... hahaz.
sat: baby cousin Glenn came over in the morning! he woke me up! my aunt brought him into the room... hahaz... he's so cute!!! then later went archery! yeah! but arms aching now... i can't aim 4 nuts lar... n my arrows actually drop on the floor... wat's worse... it missed the board totally n erm... went 2 the other end of the room... had 2 retrieve it when they gave the all-clear signal... yeah... muz give 'clear, collect' if not later accidentally shoot ppl wat... hope tt i'll learn 2 aim the next time round... i'm using right-handed bow... coz my master eye is my right... even though i'm a left hander... sheesh... should hav tried bluffing tt my master eye is left... but oh well... wat's done is done, can't really bluff anyway. then slept the day away... was raining heavily... then did hwk until 2 am... wasn't tired.. coz sleep too much the nite b4... hahaz
sun: i slept all day again... then now blogging... quite boring lar... hahaz... shall end now... nitez all.

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