Wednesday, April 20, 2005

council speeches... no content @ all...

2dae... comprised of only council matters... basically the whole day, from 8 to 2pm was totally devoted 2 council nominees speeches... n well... hav 2 say it has been interesting somewat... but totally devoid of content worth listening to... in other words, the council-wannabes cracked lame jokes... sang songs(sometimes out of tune... on purpose?) 2 express themselves ... or juz plain talk talk talk ... 'i shall tell u more abt myself...' ... stuff lyk tt... but not once, i repeat, not once did they tell us what they would do 4 us if they got voted in... so guess had 2 change my criteria in searching 4 some1 worth voting 4... so i voted 4 those confident speakers, those ppl i knew who were more or less worthy... n those ex-councillors who were running 4 office again... really quite a pity tt none of the councillors-2-b were able 2 give me wat i was looking 4... for instance if they said ' i'll make sure they fumigate nj(2 remove/reduce no. of mosquitos)@ least once a month'... they'll definitely get my vote... hahaz... juz kidding, but i juz might do tt... if they gave me tt... they could @ least tell us wat kind of policies they'll try 2 implement if they got elected... sigh, well, no one's perfect, much less us teenagers.
then later got Civics... so stayed until 3.10... stupid mosquito in class... bit me 3 times! hateful... practically ran outta class when dismissed... ;) then went 2 grandstand 2 meet qiuting n watch hc against nj friendly 4 softball n as expected hc won. :) qt was supporting nj... n me having sportsmanship, helped support the hc team who was not on home ground so very few supporters around. then... shermeen came! yup... on the pretext of supporting the hc softball team... but of coz the 1st place she headed 4 was the canteen... came here 4 bubble tea... guess 4 us njc-ians, we take these sort of 'luxuries' for granted... hahaz. darren n dickson tagged along... dickson even ate prata lar... then aik chuan finished his game... frederick too... then he(frederick) walked past the grandstand... so... dickson n darren started calling 'monghun!'... hahaz... they called frederick 1st... then he couldn't c us... so they started calling monghun... hahaz... he saw us... aik chuan of coz had sharper eyes.. saw us n headed straight 4 us... yep, the day basically passed lyk tt... quite fun having 'em over... but not quite possible 2 hav this done often coz of security guards n no trespassers... coz got recent spate of thefts going on... sigh, y steal? they should noe tt in the future they'll earn lots of money n there's no need 2 resort 2 stealing... assuming the thief is a student... sure hope not... if not his/her future's ruined... anyway, had fun 2dae, thx guyz 4 making my day by coming over!

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