Sunday, April 10, 2005

city hall-marina sq

2dae was... simply put, boring and fun at the same time. okay, 1stly we were supposed to meet at 2pm then jackson and ivan changed it to 1.30pm... so being the almost punctual me, i reached city hall interchange at ... 1.36pm... and guess wat? only ian was there. he reached there at 1.30pm... then of coz, i called ppl up to ask 'em where were they... i called monghun and she said she was on the bus and she was quite shocked to hear that the time was changed to 1.30pm... haiz... inefficient communication system... so she said the pool ppl would reach there 20min later... at tt time, jinwei was there and then he went off to look around... and then i also went off to look around... leaving ian behind to wait for the rest... kinda feel bad doing tt... but he didn't wanna go walk around so nvm... then when i came back... i met sher and then we met ian and frederick at the control station there... i didn't see them even though i was lyk walking around for a min or so... guess i wasn't looking out 4 2 person... anyway... yea... then we waited around... super sian... then finally the pool ppl came... and there were only monghun and ash... we were expecting a group of ppl... ended up only 2... wat a disappointment... the worst class outing ever... only 1 of the 2nd intakers came... and at any 1 time, only 8 ppl were around... let's c, went pool watched jinwei and frederick play, ash, ian and monghun had a turn. then went bowling, then ian no socks, dun wanna buy so nv play, played arcade, played daytona, 5 players, got 4th 1st round, 5th 2nd round. played time crisis 3...FUN!!! pedal!! change of weapons(4)!!! $3 gone lyk tt... then played bowling.... 3 players, monghun, ash and me... of coz the others had their turn... had 47 in 1st round... (lousiest) got 71 in 2nd... beat monghun by 1... coz she wasn't playing... frederick and dickson playing for her... but they anyhow play one... so lucky i even got 71.. went gutter lots of times... ash was best... strike, spare... hardly gutter... still sae dunno how 2 play. next time dun play wif him... jinwei left... during game,... he was super sian... frederick left when we headed for marina bay, jackson joined us... ian left... so left dick, sher, jack, ash, mh, joy, jenny and me. went steamboat! yum... sher was so relieved... she was very hungry... after the ice-cream at 3... cooked ourselves, not bad, super hot though, sweating... and the stupid flies diving down... really fun eating as a small group.then went arcade! time crisis 3 again! this time wif joy(previous was wif mh).. played to area 2! yeah.. then my player died.. poor joy play alone,... then her player died too... so went to play bishibangi(?) smthg lyk tt and played tt panic watever... bang into each other game... joy damn strong lar... i got no strength to bang back... she won me 3-2, i won 1st 2 rounds... then she won last 3 rounds.... then played wif monghun... draw... had 2-2 and 1 draw... monghun at 1st not as rough... but was more so during last few rounds... i always win in front then lose at the back one...
anyway... then went home after tt. realised i'm the only east-west line gal... lucky my father fetched... not tt lonely... yup so now... time to slp! coz 2mrrw sao mu... oh no... wat abt my hwk and pft training... haiz... heck care abt tt now... now muz slp! yup! nitez!

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