Sunday, May 01, 2005

too lazy 2 come online these days... no time also*

haven't been updating my blog coz i haven't been coming online coz i too lazy 2 come online... hehe... also too busy... shall i give an idea of wat my wk was lyk? but i can hardly remember wat went on this wk... shall try 2 write down e interesting part then.
27th Apr: wed... short day i remember... wif pe... ran 2 rounds 2 warm up n then juz sat down n watched other classes play captain's ball... teacher didn't care... another teacher came along(my class's 1st 3 mths pe teacher) n asked y were we slacking... they said we're learning from the other class... learn strategy... stupid ans... really sian-ed tt day... of coz e guyz juz went off 2 play bball n soccer by emselves... whereas us gals.... really bored... n tired... was sleepy n tired from tues PT... but i think PT is quite ok dun mind it.
28th Apr: thurs... ah a day i was sorta looking forward 2... PT in the morning... sch starts at 8.30am... PT at 7... had thunder but didn't rain... n e j2-in-charge came late... not lyk he cared... tsk tsk... took his time 2 come n e rest of us was there @ 7 am ShaRP... n he didn't run wif us.... coz he had 2 c mrs cheng(principal) tt dae... so he said he didn't wanna turn up all sweaty n smelly... understandable i guess... lucky he said 13 unlucky no.... so run 12 rounds instead... but heard 2dae tt need 2 run 14 rounds next wk... wish myself all e best... it was actually quite ok running e 12 rounds... fun 2 run as a small group... all abt e same pace... stopped following e guyz' pace after my 6th round... altogether got 3 guyz running n 2 galz... me inclusive... but e guyz slowed down 2 follow my pace... e other gal rested 4 a while coz she injured her leg b4 so cannot run 2 long... then when she came back n ran wif me they went off ahead... when finishing last lap e guyz ran it wif us.... yeah... e whole 12 rounds were slow n steady. tt dae ended @ 5.20pm... but didn't feel as tired as i thought i'll b... then had a shower after e morning run in sch... felt really gd! wah so cooling n comfortable...
29th Apr: fri... nthg much... 12.30dae... then my class had a bball match against another class... s15(my class) vs s19... but instead of watching... me n e other 2 2nd-intaker galz went off 2 lunch @ coro... very anti-social rite... i noe... we've been doing tt awfully often... always going off by ourselves n leaving e class behind... real srry abt tt... shall try bonding next wk... then... came back ... heard tt e match's score was 43-38... S15 won!!!! hahaz.... guess they didn't need our support @ all which is a gd thing :) then wait 4 qt 2 come out... then we went coro 2 eat @ cafe wadever... she ate i watched... met yongkai there wif his tahan ppl... they came in n saw e paper we stuck up on e board e last time we went wif jenny mh sher alice they all... he only came in 2 c e board... not 2 eat... they left soon after... we talked n then called sher 2 meet us @ hc gate 2 bring us in... yupz... we stood outside gate 4 a while coz we didn't c sher standing @ e stairs... then we went in when qt met her hc friend who went in wif us... we felt awkward going in... as if we were intruding... didn't feel lyk going in... n were kinda looking out 4 table tennis ppl... coz erm... they were quite pissed off wif nj table tennis team 4 disqualifying 'em i heard... yeah so we saw mh wif her super short hair! wah she look so diff n kinda strange but dun worry u look ok mh! mh, yj, alice 2gether wif sher were waiting there 4 us... walked in n met darren, ivan they all @ canteen... heard table tennis team all went 2 support galz team so lucky they not ard... hehe... then went 2 class bench... met jenny n minli... sure looked as if most of e 1st intaker galz were back... a congregation of e jcs @ s67 class bench... rj, nj, aj, hc n later ac... when shuwen came! b4 tt... i learnt 2 play bridge thx 2 qt n company... in ivan's 'office'... not bad, in central area of singapore, no need pay rent some more... air-conditioned comfort... no need pay bills too... hahaz... e rest of e class guyz seem 2 hav disappeared... all tahan-ners wat... yeah... so cannot waste e long wkend away... then we gave shuwen her present(bought by jenny)-mini skirt... 4 sw's bf 2 c only... hahaz... had fun chatting n sitting ard... n took photo wif phone coz kinda 4got 2 bring camera... shall go activate my mms soon so can send those photos.
30th may... finally reached e last dae i hav 2 describe... achery! woke up ard 12 noon... hav 2 leave 4 CDANS @ 12.30 so was rushing ard eating changing... shall learn 2 wake up earlier... slept @ lyk 10pm previous nite... still so tired... yeah... 2dae's shooting not bad, didn't drop on floor didn't fly off into e wall or anything... had fun. then later my friends purposely took lane 1... coz lane 1 got 3 places 4 3 ppl... n was e shortest distance... no need 2 shoot so far... they pushed me 2 lane 2 which was furthur off... hav 2 shoot furthur... as in e board is furthur off... was so afraid my arrows would miss e board totally n fly off behind e board... shall not let 'em hav a chance 2 get lane 1 again! then went home... yup... nthg much... watched tv... supposed 2 do hwk... online until so late... sunday busy... mon... sentosa... tsk, muz end now... nitez

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