Saturday, May 28, 2005

abt time 2 start mugging... ok, it's long overdue..

28th may: slept at 1 last nite... woke up at 630... left house at 710 2 meet pw group at kap at 8... thought i'll b late... n guess wat? i was e 1st one dere... on time summore... tsk tsk... but seems as though e other members slept even later than me so shall not complain. did pw until 10+ then 2 of my group members accompanied me til 12+ coz i had archery at 1 so i was heading over 2 e range directly... yup, they're real nice... actually only 1 person stayed all e way... coz e other member gotta b home 4 lunch... yeah... pw group real nice... then archery! wah! arm muscles were aching lyk crazy at e end of it... at 1st... arrows all v nice, grouping real close... so proud of myself... at least it was all on my lane n didn't cut into others... then coach made us learn e pro-er way of shooting... n well... my arrows missed e board 3 times... once... he was trying 2 ask me 2 pull my hand back... n well tt caused my arrow 2 fly over e board... damn embarrassing... but every1(3 others) were new juz lyk me so we were shooting n missing e board entirely sometimes... understandable... yeah... then was v tiring 2 shoot tt way... dunno y... anyway... my friend's arrow apparently missed e board n went under e storage rm door @ e other end of e rm... anywayz later, i got used 2 e new style of shooting n my groupings improved tremendously! 1 round looked lyk some pro shoot one coz e arrows were all so close 2 each other... n juz when i wanted 2 shoot e last arrow... archery capt came over... 2 watch... n my arrow went too much 2 e right... ruined my grouping... humph anyway... i kinda 4got how 2 set up my bow 2dae... so embarrassing... had 2 ask e others 2 check 4 me... arrggghhh... competition coming (18-19 june, august, dec) i better improve... tired... shall slp now... nitez.

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