Saturday, May 07, 2005

real lazy 2 come online...haiz*

haven't been online in a long long while... too lazy... too tired... too busy... excuses or reasons i'm not sure of... basically juz didn't come online so really short summary of wat happened 2 me this wk:
sun 1/5: nthg much...
mon 2/5: sentosa... pretty ok... some guyz turned up in e end... managed 2 persuade some of 'em out... got sunburnt in e end... still hurts... bag strap always resting on shoulder where it's very painful...
tues 3/5: fell down on e track... during PT... kinda made every1 got lectured coz of me... feeling very bad n guilty... y wasn't i careful... poor j2 got all e blame... still wanna say srry! even though there's no chance they'll c this... so now injured all over... aside from e sunburns... but wounds not as painful as e sunburns... shoulder injured, face injured, hand injured(left more serious than right), knee(left) kinda injured... basically all abrasions... left hand is e worst... face will not b disfigured coz of this incident so i guess tt's a relief... when fell down felt so disorientated when i stood up... so dizzy couldn't stand straight... hahaz
wed 4/5: juz chit chatted wif classmates during civics... hahaz quite funny coz there was this classmate... he was trying 2 slp... but e teacher thinks tt e other guyz should go make friends wif him so she made some ppl go n sit beside him 2 noe 3 things abt him n tell e class abt him... so funny... not juz tt 1 guy... she made a few guyz go find out more abt others... hehe
thurs 5/5: super long day... early in the morn PT... 9 rounds... but e guyz finished their 12 rounds during e end of my 9th round.... haiz... n my shirt was lyk soaked... sheesh... sweated so much... tt doesn't really make sense... didn't really think my shirt was as wet last wk(12 rounds)... during e day wasn't really tired... juz felt lyk slping now n then... dunno how 2 sae lar...
fri 6/5: 2dae went OCS(officer cadet school) - SAFTI - Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute.. e one near Jurong there... saw it b4... realised 2dae it's a real big place inside... very nice architecture even though their bunk area not air-conditioned... e cadet sounded so sad 4 those cadets inside(including himself) when he was describing life in there... while we were c-ing wat kind of conditions they hav in their bunks... saying haiz... quite sad... their life there quite busy... so when hav such bf pls try 2 understand coz he was saying when many guyz enter NS they break up wif their gf n all.... yeah he was saying it's not e guyz fault... not e galz' fault either... dunno wat 2 say... but he very funny... e way he said it... every morn those ppl run 1.5km... now n then got PT which have included 10+km run(?) at MacRitchie... stuff lyk tt... got galz cadet there too... but didn't c any... very few probably... they hav 2 march everywhere they go... as long as they're on e 1st floor... but e officer(adrian) showing us around wasn't marching... hahaz... CJC was also there... then we visited e 256 steps high tower... think it's 60m? not sure... wasn't paying attentn coz during 1st part of 'tour' was raining heavily... sigh was walking in e heavy rain... but e view from up there really gd... 2dae a bit misty but e guy said could c 80% of Singapore on a clear day... could c suntec but not changi too misty... tt guy was lyk saying tt galz u all very lucky coz galz officer cannot come up(i think),.. even e guyz who can come up r e top 10% they climb stairs all e way up b4 taking lift down... only 2 stories... 1st floor n 2nd floor... n fun part was watching them demonstrate close combat... poor guy fall on e floor so many times... painful by e looks of it... got wat neutralisation = using minimal forces 2 neutralise e enemy... stuff lyk tt ... very fun 2 watch... 12.30-5pm.... very long... not sure if it beats lessons... coz quite warm... humid... after e rain...e guyz there... some not bad looking lar... officer bringing us around quite ok... e guy who looked n sounded so woeful when he telling us life in there while checking out their bunks... he quite cute... hahaz... he was saying if u want get a bf out of NS alr... if not pls try 2 understand those in NS... hahaz. came home nv do work... went slp... then woke up n here i am... nitez all.

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