Friday, May 27, 2005

i'm back!

i haven't been blogging since e 10th... n well... tt's coz i've been sick, been busy wif work, been too lazy/tired/no time 2 come online... yep... n a lot happened in e time i wasn't bloggin... so i'm gonna summarise as much as possible... only prob is tt i can't remember wat happened when so... nvm... let me start...
e wk of e 10th(10-15th may): fell sick... was feeling kinda ill on wed(11) but thought it was juz nthg... coz tt period of time, weather was lyk raining heavily 1 day n sun shining so brightly e next... every alternate day lyk tt... so i fell ill... perhaps also coz i caught e bug from my sis... anyway... felt real miserable on thurs(12) morn... so i didn't go 2 sch... went c doctor... waited 2 hr+... flu(fever, cough, phlegm, running nose) was getting worse during tt period of time... feeling cold n shivering coz e place was air-conditioned... my fault 4 not bringing sweater... anyway... went home 2 rest... tt dae, received a lot of msg asking where am i... y i nv go 2 sch... yup... my concerned classmates! hahaz... only 2 of 'em... e 2 i'm closest wif... 2nd intakers... anyway, e next dae still felt ill, even though much better alr... but went 2 sch still... even though got mc 4 2 days... didn't wanna end up not understanding anything in tut n lect... yeah... anyway, after sch fri(13) classmates went 2 each others' house 2 make jelly 4 college dae fd fair... i went home... was feeling ill... sat...14... college dae... had chem lab lesson in e morn... oh wait... messed up my timeline... nvm... then went home showered went back sch 2 help out in preparation 4 college dae... went home n left 1hr later... so tiring... in n out... reached sch at 1+ helped... set up stuff... b treasurer of e dae... stuff lyk tt... but then class stall(selling jelly n fruits) was situated @ linkway, both sides of linkway got ppl cooking away... smoke suffocating me... so felt ill... left @ 7 4 home... wanted 2 stay all e way... but couldn't take it... felt as if i failed in my duty as treasurer... nvm went home... had fever... haiz.

e following wk(16-22): mon 16 no sch, coz of college dae on sat... so had 1 more dae of rest... gd... can't remember much of this wk... sat i can remember... was real busy day... chem tut lesson in e morn(9-1040)... went kap n ate lunch... went friend's house 2 chat n get smthg(20 min) shall stay longer next time... felt so insincere... yeah then headed over 2 CDANS 4 archery... i finished shooting @ 3 on e dot(started @ 1) but admin matters... held me back til 530... rushed home 2 shower... reached home @ 6... left home @ 645 to meet pw group 4 meeting at jurong point @ 7... had dinner wif 'em n picked PI 4 our GPP... they picked mine... but it's got lots of probs... haiz... ended at 930, reached home at 955... yup... was a real tiring dae... but i enjoyed being so busy... workaholic... crazed...

e next wk(23-27): 23-mon-holidae... 24-tue-mon's timetable... chem spa... made horrible careless mistake i would nv make usually... hateful. somewhere this wk... e class galz were jumping into puddles... crazed... then there was this real big puddle tt no1 dared 2 jump into... 1 of e class guyz jumped in... n splashed himself n e other class galz(those who were jumping into puddles)... wat can i sae? serves 'em rite... real funny tt part... anyway... wed, 25... council investiture, 8-850... thought it ended at 10... so didn't bring pe attire... e few of us got scolded 4 tt n made 2 wear watever available shirt as replacement... hate tt teacher. anyway... thurs... 26... dickson's bdae... n this dae... haiz was feeling pissed off wif everything n every1... was impatient wif e class galz 4 moving so slowly... 4 taking so long 2 get outta classrm... yeah... was throwing a tantrum... haiz... really guilty abt tt... ended up... v impatient @ waiting 4 my friend... so erm... anyway, still waited 4 her even though i was highly irritated... was late 4 lessons alr... then she treated me 2 ice-cream 2dae as apology... i think i should b e one doing tt instead... haiz... shall find a way 2 repay her... fri... 27... short dae... last dae of sch.. ended @ 1230... went 2 class lunch after a short pw meeting... e rest had went ahead 2 golden rooster 1st... then when e 4 of us reached there... c 'em sitting as a big group... i... kinda felt as if i was intruding... i felt shy... by rights... shouldn't feel lyk tt anymore... haiz... then a 1st intaker came along... they were meeting him... khainam... cat high guy... no other 2nd intaker went 4 tt lunch only me... once again... e only 2nd intaker eating class lunch... anyway... then after eating, left 4 home... but then met my class as i was waiting 4 e bus @ e bus stop... so i joined 'em again... juz stood there n waited 4 bus... didn't interact much... then on bus... jenny called... asked me 2 meet her... coz she having bad dae... so i went home n showered b4 coming back out... went 2 hc... went 2 class bench... met charmaine @ bus stop... anyway... chatted wif jenny... juz accompanied her :) was glad 2 do tt also... v long nv c her... coz after tt i meeting my mg close friends @ kap also... so go visit bench 1st... then ivan, darren, ian, jackson came along... jackson went 4 his meeting... junwei was alr dere... zhiwei came later on... then chatted... had real fun! ivan was being lame... darren too... ian... being himself... junwei...stoned...zhiwei... same... then tried calling mh... she wasn't available... supposed 2 meet at 6... she came at 7... wif yinghong n yingjie hahaz... ivan was thinking of ways 2 err... 'punish' her if she decides 2 cancel e dinner... making every1 come down 2 hc... yup... darren left 4 dinner @ home b4 mh came... then i had 2 leave.... 2 meet my friends... jenny walked me 2 bus stop :) i was reluctant 2 leave... but a promise is a promise... 1st come 1st serve... mg 1st... went kap... chatted had fun,... but half e time i was wishing out loud tt i wanna join my hc class 4 dinner... my friends were being real understanding ... they asked me 2 go 1st... but being me... i stayed all e way... then i met my nj classmates dere... 4 of 'em n 1 senior... they saw i was wearing our class tee... :) they had juz finished their stuff in sch...yeah... 2 of 'em were wif our senior... e other 2 were from indian dance... they came in as i was leaving... 3 of 'em had e class tee wif 'em... 1 of 'em was wearing it... e other 2 had it in their bag... how coincidental... anyway... went over 2 johnson duck 2 meet 67. they were finishing dinner... we stayed n chatted n... i really had fun... very long haven't experienced this atmosphere... this feeling...

4 a while back... i didn't feel lyk going into hc... guess i was trying 2 escape from reality? dunno... i juz didn't wanna step in... nj is situated on a hill... everydae will c e chinese high side... e clock tower... can even c e top of hcjc @ e rite angle... guess it's juz painful cing it so near yet so far... c-ing ppl whom i dunno... wearing e hc uniform... having e chance 2 wear it... i was jealous, envious... haiz... selfish. it's been a while since i've been back dere... even so it's hard 2 get a chance 2 interact wif every1 again... mainly e galz only... so dinner 2nite was really wonderful... esp e time b4 dinner, @ class bench... e chatting... really enjoyed myself... dinner: ivan's lameness, jackson's mocking of mh... abt karma... esp when jackson n ivan converse rite in front of mh... abt mh... suaning her indirectly... aik chuan's expression of exasperation @ mh's behaviour... mh's eagerness 2 save money... her money... jenny's company... basically juz all these little things tt makes e atmosphere so familiar... tt's wat i've been missing out on ever since i left... they related some of e many incidents during lessons... abt yoda... abt chem teacher... abt how funny it was... or how mean yoda can b... abt junwei n his ability 2 make every1 laugh wif his antics n his comments... wish i was dere... this sort of thing, this sort of over dinner conversation can't b experienced juz by going back 2 visit... was thinking abt all these... during bus ride home... shall focus more on mg friends during next gathering... was asked many times 2dae by many diff ppl 2dae... 'yl, r u happy in nj?' or 'how r u?.. how do u do?' ok tt's not counted... tt was ivan being lame... but 1st sentence yeah i was asked tt lots of times... n my reply... thought abt it... n said... i'm ok in nj... yup, can't sae whether i'm happy in nj yet... not when it feels lyk a prison...( security too tight... even if i wear home clothes n attempt 2 go back into nj... they'll not let me... even though i'm an nj student... )not when e econ notes r lousy... haiz... i juz noe i'm ok dere n am glad tt i'm accepted well.. but sometimes juz hard 2 feel 4 nj, 2 feel as if i belong... haiz. e dae b4 i was sick... i said i was alr feeling sick rite? anyway... was telling my classmates tt... i was sick... homesick... hc is my 2nd home... haiz... last wk suddenly missed hc n 67... haiz... dunno whether 2 phrase hc is/was my 2nd home... haiz

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