Tuesday, April 26, 2005

PT-actually pretty fun ...*

24th Apr: sunday, yup, went archery again! coz mrs cheng really came down... however only lyk 5-6ppl turned up... coz rest were busy i think... she came at the wrong time lar... then my friend was telling me we came down 2dae not to train, came down 4 her... so it's not really considered a training... we set up our bows so fast lar... usually take our own sweet time... this time really rush... hav 2 make sure we're all set up n practising by the time she arrives... she turned up around 1.20 thereabt, then went off at ard 1.40pm... yup... short while... 'trained' for 1 1/2hr... arm was alr aching from the previous day... made it even worse... mebbe strained the muscles a bit... even now still aching but very slightly... then the coach sent us 2 west mall... the rest haven't eaten lunch yet... but i had so i went home... but really damn squeeze in the car... but super nice coach lar! offered 2 send me 2 bus-stop but missed it so nvm, sent me 2 west mall along wif the others.
25th Apr: monday, sch... 4.30pm day again... totally sian-ed diao the whole day... but ended at 3.40pm coz the math period got shifted up... n i sorta knew tt it got shifted up but wasn't sure so went 2 ask this classmate... who gave the wrong info! said nv shift up so my friends n i... went 2 library 2 mug... hahaz... actually 2 finish incomplete hwk tt had 2 b handed up tt day or the next... yah... was juz trying 2 finish the work they gave us... then this 2 Fmath students(galz) came along 2 borrow calculators from my friend n i... so we thought we were gonna stay there until 2pm.... so we agreed n juz lent them, without asking 4 name n class... yar, hp no also nv ask.... juz noe tt they r J1 students... so... we had math tut at 110pm... so we were informed by another classmate... she called me up n ask me where were we... then ask us 2 go back classrm now... yeah... so how? wat abt calculator? my friend asked one of her ex-classmate in the library 2 call her up if those 2 came back wif the calculators... but of coz u can't trust any1 but urself... so yah... didn't get the calculators back... thought it was gone for good... was quite upset... called up my Fmath friend(mg friend) n pestered her 2 help me... she did... sent 10 sms to her friends in all the 6 Fmath classes 2 ask abt the 2 calculators... 150 students taking Fmath, 75 galz... so yar... at least it was Fmath, narrowed down the search by somewat alr... then tues morn, met another friend in Fmath(sc gal) n asked her 2 check wif her class... n BINGO!!!! she sms me during assembly 2 ask me 2 meet her n yep, 2 pass the calculators back 2 me n my friend! sometimes, it's really gd 2 make as many friends as possible... connections... was very worried coz i thought had math test tt day.... turned out dun hav... but really glad 2 hav my calculator back.... only 1/2 - 3/4 yr old... then dun wanna buy new calculator also, no time. it wasn't those 2 galz fault at all... it's me lar... dunno tt i had lessons at tt time... turned up 15 min late... teacher was lyk being lame lar, but he real nice lar, nv lecture us or anything... joked wif us... told him we were in library then he said ' gd, library mugging, not lyk the rest of the class, in canteen eating'... then my classmate was lyk, 'we could b mugging in the canteen n they could b playing in the library wat...' yeah... mon nite was really worried 4 my calculator... but had 2 finish up hwk for the next few days coz... had PT on tues 4.30-7.30pm... yeah...
26th Apr: tues... short day! luv it! ended at 2.50pm... fell asleep in chem lect... lecturer damn noisy... n she kept repeating herself... wasted so much time lar.. lyk for e.g. she was supposed 2 finish chem bonding part 1 during the previous lecture but coz by the time the bell rang n she haven't even started on metallic bonds, she told us 2 go home n read ourselves! wat crap! she earn her salary 4 nthg! lyk tt any1 can b a teacher, juz tell students 'this part go home n read urself'... then she always blame us tt we come in so slow n make so much noise tt she can't start... she can juz start... when we see her teaching we will reduce our vol somewat... but no... she wants complete silence... lyk the other time... after pe... then the LT damn hot.. so many of us were fanning ourselves n u noe wat she said? 'stop fanning urselves!' per-leeeeze.... we were feeling hot n is it a crime 2 fan ourselves??? she damn siao lar. well... had PT(physical training) for archery at 4.30pm so in the meantime after dismissal, did hwk coz knew tt i'll b too tired 2 do work after PT... got econ test 2mrrw... haiz... mebbe go take a look @ my notes later... yeah... doing hwk... in canteen... felt quite happy wif myself coz finished half of hwk for the day. then PT... 3 hrs of it... but was actually quite ok... altogether 7 ppl... plus the one in charge lar... so 7 of us, 2 galz... rest were guyz.... went gym n worked out... quite ok... interesting in fact... learn how 2 use the equipment... nv actually worked out in a gym b4 so was quite an experience... but 1 big prob... too many mosquitos! got bitten 4 times in there lar! the gym was lyk ground floor right in front of track yeah... then 6 rounds round the track, tt was ok, guyz had 2 do 8... then cool down exercises... my friend in archery recre(apparently there is recre archery n they told me dun hav!) was lyk mocking us lar... coz she dun need 2 do... sigh... but then later chit chatted wif the j2 person in charge real fun... yep, actually left nj when it was dark...usually i can't wait 2 get outta nj but well, 1st time left nj when it was dark n realised tt i'm starting 2 lyk this place... the track was so dark yeah... no lights there then it was kinda cool walking out coz u can kinda c some ppl's figures walking in front of u n hear ppl shouting out 2 each other... saying bye... was really something else altogether. looked back at nj... very pretty... with the lights only illuminating the crest... n the rest were shrouded in darkness... glad i'm finally liking the place i'm gonna b in for 2 yrs... perhaps archery deserves the thanks more than anything else, yup. so now i'm eating dinner n typing this... time 2 end this n go do the rest of my hwk n study... guess no matter where i am, i'll always b a mugger... but thx mh n sher 4 letting me join the "slackers' club" even though jenny was being mean n say tt we should b more stringent wif the members' criteria... realised tt i really miss jenny... she looking so serious but so lame on the inside... hahaz... heard of the thing tt happened in econ lect hc side from qt... yeah... the one abt william n peter... plz lar, choose nicer names, but really funny... real joke of the day, so much happening over there... shall try not 2 b too envious... @ least i'm still part of 67 somewat... yeah... yesterday when talking 2 my classmates... i said too fast... said my class was 05s67 again! sheesh stupid reflex action, when will i stop? lucky it's between the 2 2nd intakers galz only, so they understand... hope my class wouldn't get offended if they find out... anyway signing off now... cya ppl! this wk kinda busy lots of tests so cya a few days later...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

wah... my accuracy damn lousy...

review of these 2 days...
22nd Apr: fri, shortest day of my week... n absolutely luv it! ended sch at 12.30pm... waited for qiuting until 2pm... her classes end then... hung out wif my classmates in the meantime... quite interesting sitting around... eating,... chatting... being lame... datz me... hehe... were in the canteen.. thought heard some1 said 'we got gold!' then they were discussing mebbe for some competition.. then i said mebbe not, mebbe they were juz saying tt they got the gold paint... srry.. being silly now... they got gold for CO? dunno... SYF for CO now? mebbe some private competition we dunno abt. yupz... then went library wif some classmates... hoping 2 vote 4 council candidates... then my classmate was abt 2 use this computer after this gal... then this IP student came up n said he haven't use finish the comp... n so my classmate let him use... but hello?? it was a gal who used the comp juz now... not a guy... sheesh... mebbe he knew the gal... hope so, mebbe they doing proj then not finished... rather hope so than he being irksome n trying 2 get the comp 1st... my friend in class... gal... was saying... let's go up 2 him n say... go away IP, i'm older than u... smthg lyk tt... anyway... met qt after tt... then went over to wait @ the gate of hc(am proud 2 sae tt for this whole wk i nv step into hc! not even once! ha! coz dun feel lyk going in anymore... yeah so pls understand guyz) 4 our dear friends, monghun, sher, jenny. then ash n darren tagged along... ok lar, they came along.. so nice rite? i mean it... i'm not being sarcastic... so nice 2 go lunch wif us! we (galz)walked into cafe wadever... n guess wat? the guyz walked rite past... n went into golden rooster instead... sigh... guess u can't expect much of guyz... but then... later... alice came!!!!!! wat a surprise! chit chatted n ate 2gether... fun... n decorated a paper wif 05s67 written on it so tt can paste it up... of coz... wrote every1's names on it... counted the names 2 ensure nv leave out anyone... the guyz came over later, after eating finish so i guess they should b complimented 4 tt... 2 2ndintakers came along too... dunno their names... tink it's junwei n another wei... srry ah... didn't catch his name... of coz, the paper had the 2nd intakers' names on it... mh write small print though... then darren said we missed out some1... then i said 'where got... we even included darren lor' ... kinda mean... srry abt tt... guess wat he said... 'u missed out mrs boo' ... err... got nthg 2 say 2 tt... except tt he snatched andrew tan's galfriend... hehe

23rd Apr: ARCHERY 2dae! @ beginning was fun, my arrows very close 2gether... then later... drop arrow on floor... 5-6 times altogether!!! arrggghhhhh!! can't believe myself... hope nv bend any of the arrows... $8 for 1 arrow... lucky not my arrow... friend said, should drop as many arrows as u want now... coz it's not ours... when get our own then should not drop the arrows anymore... my arrows went beside the board to drop on the floor behind... n got once... it erm... ... ... ... .... . .. . .............. .............................. ended up in the wall... so now the wall got a hole... so embarrassing! drop so many times... then later arrow hit metal part of wall then the j2 ask me 2 switch sides wif my friend so tt i'm in the middle n not @ the side so tt i wouldn't hit the wall again if my arrows go sideways... but 2day was really bad day 4 shooting.. heard lots of arrows being dropped on the floor. NOT juz mine lar, others also... i'm not tt bad... sigh... 2mrrw going archery range again... coz mrs cheng(principal) might come n watch... so hopefully dun drop arrows on the floor or go into the wall... will die if she sees it... she'll prob faint from shock lar! hahaz... jk only... hope everything will b better 2mrrw... arms aching... blue-black on arm... string make my arm even though got arm-guard protecting it... sigh... shall hold bow properly next time so wouldn't hit my hand again... all the best 2 me 2mrrw... n all the best in finishing my hwk... dunno whether i get 2 finish my hwk at this rate... esp competitions coming up, training thrice a wk... hope tests next wk will b ok... coz dunno whether got sufficient time 2 study 4 it... haiz... wait n c i guess... if i can cope... abt time i learned anyway. ^-^

Thursday, April 21, 2005

let me rant n rave some more...

haiz... 2dae... long day again... 4.30pm... pw... pure crap... couldn't think of anything... brain kinda no ideas at all... wasn't even thinking... sigh... no inspiration of any sorts... muz come up wif smthg by next thurs... hav 2 hand up draft alr... chem test... next thurs... meaning next thurs sch ends at 5.20pm... sigh... econ test... next wed... math test... dunno when... all the topics until math ind. ... shall i sigh once more? sigh... math... dun understand trigo! need tuition! Alice! haiz... shall attempt once more 2 understand it later... endless stream of hwk... shall end here... need 2 do hwk... hav a gd nite ppl.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

council speeches... no content @ all...

2dae... comprised of only council matters... basically the whole day, from 8 to 2pm was totally devoted 2 council nominees speeches... n well... hav 2 say it has been interesting somewat... but totally devoid of content worth listening to... in other words, the council-wannabes cracked lame jokes... sang songs(sometimes out of tune... on purpose?) 2 express themselves ... or juz plain talk talk talk ... 'i shall tell u more abt myself...' ... stuff lyk tt... but not once, i repeat, not once did they tell us what they would do 4 us if they got voted in... so guess had 2 change my criteria in searching 4 some1 worth voting 4... so i voted 4 those confident speakers, those ppl i knew who were more or less worthy... n those ex-councillors who were running 4 office again... really quite a pity tt none of the councillors-2-b were able 2 give me wat i was looking 4... for instance if they said ' i'll make sure they fumigate nj(2 remove/reduce no. of mosquitos)@ least once a month'... they'll definitely get my vote... hahaz... juz kidding, but i juz might do tt... if they gave me tt... they could @ least tell us wat kind of policies they'll try 2 implement if they got elected... sigh, well, no one's perfect, much less us teenagers.
then later got Civics... so stayed until 3.10... stupid mosquito in class... bit me 3 times! hateful... practically ran outta class when dismissed... ;) then went 2 grandstand 2 meet qiuting n watch hc against nj friendly 4 softball n as expected hc won. :) qt was supporting nj... n me having sportsmanship, helped support the hc team who was not on home ground so very few supporters around. then... shermeen came! yup... on the pretext of supporting the hc softball team... but of coz the 1st place she headed 4 was the canteen... came here 4 bubble tea... guess 4 us njc-ians, we take these sort of 'luxuries' for granted... hahaz. darren n dickson tagged along... dickson even ate prata lar... then aik chuan finished his game... frederick too... then he(frederick) walked past the grandstand... so... dickson n darren started calling 'monghun!'... hahaz... they called frederick 1st... then he couldn't c us... so they started calling monghun... hahaz... he saw us... aik chuan of coz had sharper eyes.. saw us n headed straight 4 us... yep, the day basically passed lyk tt... quite fun having 'em over... but not quite possible 2 hav this done often coz of security guards n no trespassers... coz got recent spate of thefts going on... sigh, y steal? they should noe tt in the future they'll earn lots of money n there's no need 2 resort 2 stealing... assuming the thief is a student... sure hope not... if not his/her future's ruined... anyway, had fun 2dae, thx guyz 4 making my day by coming over!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

long days really drag on n on...

18 apr: mon... nv really believed in monday blues b4... but well... i guess i've changed my mind... esp since my mondays end at 4.30pm... juz looking @ the timetable makes u feel so tired alr... classmates always saying i always look so tired... maybe i really am... in nj... not very lively... naturally will b very sian... hahaz... monday... yeah... 1st thing in the morning is phy prac... skill C n D... plotted the x-axis wrongly... then had 2 redo on the spot... needed an extra 15 min... lucky had break after prac... so used tt time 2 do it... but i wasn't the slowest... another classmate(gal) was slower... she replotted her graph dunno how many time... hope she'll b ok during real phy spa... chem prac @ the end of the dae... not bad... but skill C n D again... sigh... getting really sick n tired of skill C n D... dun lyk D... stupid sources of error n suggestions... overshot titration value again.. sigh... lucky only needed 1 value n doesn't matter if overshot a not... stupid clip n stupid instructions, nv state clearly tt add starch only after pale yellow... sigh... should hav used my brain... but overall... could heave a sigh of relief when the day ended...

19 apr: tues... pretty light day, ends @ 2... main focus is @ 2... but during GP... chatted wif classmates abt class stuff... abt diff sch... abt stuff i was curious abt... abt class scandals... pretty fun,... even though we were supposed 2 discuss n write out essay outline 4 cigarette smoking... hahaz... finished 2nd last ... had break so used tt time too... the last group muz hav been talking nonsense too... sitting rite beside us... hahaz
At 2 PM... went 2 Parliament House! woah... guess wat the 10th parliament house was discussing abt? Integrated resorts.... yep, casinos in other words...saw our PM Lee Hsien Loong... n then later our Senior Minister came in!!! yep... but kinda monotonous... the 'debate' more lykly juz telling those ppl whether u support or dun support casinos being built... saw some members of parliament sleeping... or rather juz closing their eyes... who knows... Eunice Olson was there too... she is 1 of the member of parliament... yeah... apparently, the 1st row seating the MPs wif positions(PM n his cabinet) had too little seats so yeah... some had 2 sit in 2nd row... quite poor thing... they should juz enlarge the whole thing lar... quite tight security ... searched my bag twice... n i got the admission 'order' (pass in other words) n guess wat my no. was? 67!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! hahaz... was so happy... all the class galz... highly amused wif me... my 'baggage' no. was unfortunately 68... was going 2 b 67 but then the person anyhow give one... sigh.... nvm, had the admission 'order' as 67 is juz as gd! from the corridors of parliament house got a wonderful view of clarke quay n the singapore river... really picturesque... too bad nv bring camera... doubt they'll allow a camera 2 b brought in anyway... took away handphone n bag... quite sad actually, juz missed the Minister Mentor by a few hours... when i reached home n switched on the tv... channel news asia... n there broadcasted live was our dear MM talking... live telecast from the parliament house... haiz... even though their debate quite boring... cannot sleep... coz seating in full view of PM, SM they all... so erm, will b highly obvious n very embarrassing 4 nj if some1 slept... hahaz.... my classmate slept 4 lyk a couple of minutes... luckily tt was in another room... quite high up... they can't c... hahaz... could hear him snoring away... damn funny lar... ^-^ then went home by mrt... was the only gal taking east west line... rest were guyz(4 of 'em)... other galz went back nj 2 collect their bags n some had some activities... yep... shall end now... 2mrrw is council speeches so whole day NO LESSONS!!!! HAHA! so happy! can perhaps rest... but actually still must go read my math lect notes coz haven't been understanding since 3 lect ago n didn't hav time 2 go thru notes... well, now's the time... mug mug mug sigh... shall watch tv 1st anyway... cya ppl!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

napfa retest*

4got 2 mention i did retest 4 napfa 5 items... n got B 4 sitnreach, B 4 situps, B 4 broad jump, A 4 shutter run[impressive rite? from E(12.48sec) to A(10.5sec)] and B 4 inclined... basically... overall... i did a GOLD!!! whahahaha... learnt tt from qt... juz tt her's muahahahaha.... nvm... impressed wif myself too... nv practised n managed 2 get a gold... even though i had 2 do a retest on it... but still... actually could try get an A for everything... but didn't feel lyk it... was satisfied wif my 1st try... for e.g.... broad jump, 1st try got 175 cm... then didn't wanna do again. hahaz... was too lazy.

blog-pros n cons

juz read an article on the newspaper... on how some PSC scholar put up racist comments on his blog... and how the whole issue landed in the papers... well i guess if he didn't want 2 end up in the papers in the 1st place 4 all his comments, he shouldn't even put those comments up in his blog... or even have a blog in the 1st place. i mean those with blogs have 2 b prepared 2 hav its content known publicly. datz the purpose of a blog... 2 announce stuff 2 the whole world, not 2 b kept private. so monghun... u over-reacted when we found out ur blog lar... u should noe tt dae would arrive... juz as i m prepared 2 hav my nj classmates find out my blog 1 dae... juz hope they understand all tt i've said in my blog abt nj... haiz... kinda wanna erase all tt i've written so far... but wat's the point... shall juz continue 2 write then.
for a blog which is a few days old... it's kinda out-dated alr... hahaz.. srry... fri i slept at 8.30-9.30 onwards... was too tired... so didn't come online... sat... was doing my hwk... so didn't come online... sun... should b doing hwk... but came online anyway. :) hahaz. time 4 an update!
fri: went out wif classmates 2 bukit timah plaza and ate at the 'foodcourt' there... very small foodcourt... the one beside KFC... yeah. the other time went wif 67 to tt KFC. then headed over 2 hc. as my 2 classmates and i were attempting 2 find the exit outta btp, 2 guy classmates came along and gave us the idea tt they were going 2 lead us out... n guess wat? we went 1 whole round... n they were headed 2 the toilet... STUPID GUYZ! we were so pissed off... the 3 of us(all galz btw)... i pretended 2 kick 1 of the guyz... kick his bag lar... n well... my friend really kicked him... serve him right. bluff us lyk tt. he totally deserved tt. then we went out... and on our way 2 the bus-stop ... met this crazed wild dog... was lyk barking @ us non-stop n almost tried 2 chase us... luckily was separated by railings and a drain... sigh.... then finally made it back 2 hc... didn't really feel lyk going back tt dae... but haiz... going home so early would b strange anyway... so went back n chatted a bit... walked around a bit... then went home... met joy, mh, alice, sher, yj, 2 galz 2nd-takers... jw, yichuan, yeah the seniors... and so on... the rest of the class guyz all disappeared 2 play pool... dickson was left behind... hahaz... then later he went over... they all went 2 eat steamboat @ marina 4 dinner.. didn't follow coz wanna watch tv n also no $ alr... hahaz.
sat: baby cousin Glenn came over in the morning! he woke me up! my aunt brought him into the room... hahaz... he's so cute!!! then later went archery! yeah! but arms aching now... i can't aim 4 nuts lar... n my arrows actually drop on the floor... wat's worse... it missed the board totally n erm... went 2 the other end of the room... had 2 retrieve it when they gave the all-clear signal... yeah... muz give 'clear, collect' if not later accidentally shoot ppl wat... hope tt i'll learn 2 aim the next time round... i'm using right-handed bow... coz my master eye is my right... even though i'm a left hander... sheesh... should hav tried bluffing tt my master eye is left... but oh well... wat's done is done, can't really bluff anyway. then slept the day away... was raining heavily... then did hwk until 2 am... wasn't tired.. coz sleep too much the nite b4... hahaz
sun: i slept all day again... then now blogging... quite boring lar... hahaz... shall end now... nitez all.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sometimes it feels no one understands*

early in the morning... qiuting and i went over to hc... 2dae assembly starts at 8.30am... but since qt very long nv go back alr... so i might as well accompany her back... i miss the class bench anyway. but having 2 wake up earlier when i could sleep 4 another hour was not fun... plus 2dae super long dae... until 5.40pm... zzzz....
went back and stayed all the way until bell rang... hahaz... teachers down there giving us funny looks when we were taking our leave juz when ppl were going 4 assembly... sat @ bus-stop 4 a while... thinking whether or not 2 go back after hc assembly ended... coz thought 67 had free period... in the end.. qt wanted eat breakfast @ nj... so went 2 sch...
nthg much happened 2dae... aside from the funny phrases the phy lecturer used and the incident in class... during pw...
during phy lect... he was telling us abt some sub-atomic world to describe inelastic or elastic collisions, either one, can't remember... then he was saying we'll visit tt world next yr... how fun, we get 2 go 2 another 'world'... interesting phy... then he was telling us the collision theory using glass boxes... only thing is tt he sounded as if he said 'grass' boxes... so yeah, the grass boxes shattered upon impact... stuff lyk tt... then the apple was falling downwards and the world was falling upwards... tt so doesn't make sense... plus in the equation u1-u2=v2-v1... he described it as 1-2=2-1... which obviously doesn't hold... how can
-1=1? sigh... being really crappy here... u'll only understand wat i'm talking abt when u're there urself... basically all he said made sense... juz the way he phrased it... funny. being lame is 1 way of preventing 1 from falling asleep... esp in lect...
in pw... my class was being super lame and crappy... for instance... they were making fun of each other(class guyz) and were being kinda racist to this indian guy in my class... but he doesn't take it 2 heart... so it's quite alright. was laughing so hard during pw... lyk they were saying wat's the diff between a black brain and a bucket of shit... the bucket... sounds familiar rite? yeah... had a similar lame joke in hc... but the brain in this case was describing yeah... my classmate... anyway, ct wasn't too happy wif ppl calling each other names so she said since they were acting lyk kids... they should b treated as kids... they had 2 pull their ears or else get sent outta class... and read aloud the kind of attitude and characteristics a gd member of a group should have... yeah. poor them.
Anywayz, 2mrrw my class going 4 horror movie i believe... the eye 10... and obviously i'm not going. nv liked horror movies and will not start now. sigh... quite a boring post... but well, u'll only understand wat i'm trying 2 sae if u're there 4 urself... esp during pw... they were juz hilarious... and lame... ^-^

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

i don't really noe y i do the things i do*

2.4km run todae... had practise run yesterdae and did 18min thereabt... so was quite uncertain of passing this last part of the pft... even though alr failed shutter run(E) but still i ran... dunno whether stupid or wat... nvm, i dun wanna b left watching my class run from the sidelines anyway. i muz say, my class sure noe how 2 run. their starting pace was kinda fast 4 me... so i had 2 speed up 2 catch up... still lagged behind... coz i rather run @ my own pace than risk being too tired out in the middle and stopping to walk. i ran all the way! i even sprinted the last lap! didn't noe i had the energy in me 2 do tt... but the class(galz) was cheering me on... i was the last... everybody finished so fast, galz lyk 12-14min finish alr... and i took 16.09min, gd! i passed! yeah! didn't noe whether i could pass a not and yet i did! so happy! hahaz, was real funny... coz my shoe quite loose... then when i was sprinting finish... shoe came out... ^-^ teacher was lyk 'why ur shoe so loose? tighten ur laces!' hahaz... but the prospect of having 2 redo everything doesn't sound gd,... quite a damper but nvm. the dae passed by quite ok...
then at the end of the day, juz when i was looking forward 2 going back 2 hc... qiuting called me n told me tt 67 got sent off 2 turf city 2 support some competition... n being the wonderful class it is, they pon... and went pool... according 2 monghun... so there was no 1 @ the bench... so wat could i do? ended at 3pm... so went home... met desmond on the bridge though and the 1st thing he said was 'jenny said hi' or did he say alice? wasn't sure... was quite surprised 2 c him... talked a little, lyk 10sec... coz i was abt 2 go bus-stop n catch the bus n my classmate was wif me... didn't wanna slow her down also... he was going 4 taiwan immersion prog... i received the 'invitation' too but no space @ home 2 host any1, much less some1 from taiwan so 4get it. then when i crossed over and reached the bus-stop... guess hu i met? bryan! imagine tt... 2 ppl i don't usually c ard the bench and yet 2dae i sae them on my way home... gd thing or bad? i really dunno... obvious where bryan was headed 4... he changed 2 outside clothes alr... over in nj, heard lots abt bryan and yeah, sj from my mg friend who was in angklung... funny hahaz,... enjoyed myself listening 2 such stories... but then was quite sad,... coz i was really looking forward 2 cing u guyz... coz visiting in the morning is quite different from visiting in the afternoon... ppl more relaxed in the afternoon? i dunno... juz diff atmosphere... sigh. guess will juz hav 2 wait n c.
these few days(weeks even)... realised smthg abt myself... for instance juz now... when i was signing up 4 some law as a career talk... they needed my class... so being the impatient 2 leave 4 hc me...(was going over after signing up 4 tt talk) i quickly wrote down my class... and only after checking my details again did i realise smthg... i had written in the class column, 05s67... reflex action? i really dunno... i seriously didn't mean 2 write tt down... sigh, had 2 cancel it and write 15 over... kinda strange... seeing another class there... but well this sort of thing has been happening these few days, lyk the other day, my youngest sis was asking me wat my class was so i replied quickly: 05s6...7 i realised my mistake... sigh.. . but i couldn't bear 2 correct myself... and tt time was in the car... drove past hc... pointed out my sch 2 her... parents were lyk... ur sis' sch is the other side... not this one... sigh... dunno y i did tt... lying lyk tt... felt very bad and guilty... sigh.
Anyway, all those ppl reading, dun worry abt me, these sort of things take time... juz tt i didn't expect it 2 take this long. but eventually, i'll prob stop going over 2 hc, j2 cannot go over alr anyway, very strange. by then, the fact would hav sunk in and i would b comfortable in nj alr hopefully, well, hope is quite a beautiful and wonderful thing... it can lift 1 from the darkest hours and gives 1 wings 2 dream on. hahaz... made tt up, make sense? luv making up such phrases, sound so logical and beautiful... sometimes doesn't make sense but nvm... 2mrrw... a long dae ahead of me... ends at 4.30.. then going 4 law talk... so prob 5.30... hope i'll hav time after sch 2mrrw 2 do my hwk... coz all 4 subj tut 2mrrw... so prob got hwk.. haiz, all the best 2 me then! ^-^

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

lotsa things happened

it's only been 3 days since i last blogged yet it felt like so long ago... so many things had occurred during these 3 days so much so that i believe that i'll miss certain things out but this post will be too long if i remembered everything too... :P well, let's get started.

10th Apr: Sao Mu. wakeup time: 5 a.m. time i slept: 2 a.m.
so... only had 3 hours of sleep... was talking online to about 4 ppl the previous nite... so slept late... but surprisingly in the morning, didn't really feel tired... had to force myself to sleep on the car if not no energy 4 the rest of the dae. Went sao mu! this yr went super early so... not tt much smoke to suffocate me or to make my eyes water. After sao mu half way, went to buy my new running shoes! actually just normal shoes for normal school days... but still followed monghun's advice and bought nike... hope it'll not b wasted... a whole $89 lyk tt... lucky got 30% discount... the design quite nice... dark blue and light blue.shall wear it after pft. after sao mu finish... went home and fell asleep... intended 2 do my hwk but was too tired... so didn't do much tt nite.

11th Apr: my sis had brought back the sch mag so i decided on impulse to bring it and show it to sher... went back hc in the morning and saw... MongHun!!! surprise surprise! so early... super rare... of coz... she was there to do hwk... hahaz... wat else could make her come so early? but tt dae when i went back in the morn... didn't meet anybody i knew on the way in... felt very strange on my way in... as if i didn't really belong... not anymore. i felt worse and worse sitting at the class bench... noticed some ppl watching... prob only glancing ard... but still didn't feel gd... asap, i left, to go back to nj, where i now belong. yet as i was walking in, i again was thinking, this place is where i'm supposed to belong to now, yet the feeling of home isn't there. hc no longer felt lyk home... neither does nj, so where do i belong? really felt as if i didn't belong here or there. quite sad. Anyway, later on my classmate(who's in air rifle) informed me tt i can go join archery! yeah! finally, 1 of my aims in nj is being achieved i think... coz not confirmed yet... muz go c their training 1st... hope no trials or anything so i can stay for sure... then there's somewhere i might finally belong to after all. later on, during contact time... my dear ct, an ex-mg gal(ms chen)... asked us 2nd-intakers to private talk wif her... the 9 of us. she asked us how are we doing so far in nj. basically she was concerned for our welfare, it's part of her job anyway. then the ans came rolling in. 'wat we lyk and dun lyk abt nj' : 'lyk the fd only' 'dun lyk the mosquitos' 'dun lyk the stairs' 'dun lyk/lyk atmosphere' (some ppl lyk the atmosphere whereas others dun) my ans: i lyk nthg in nj, i dun lyk everything in nj. then she asked us who's still going back to their previous jc... my hand was raised... she made me feel kinda guilty 4 going back... even though her tone was nice... but i guess i sorta imagined a feeling of accusation in it... she's really a nice teacher, not lyk ah-hem, ya, u noe hu. (hypocrite) i mean all mg galz are nice wat so she's no exception. then she asked us 2 give her suggestions 2 make life easier 4 us 2nd intakers... so we did.
during phy lect, there was this qns abt raindrops hitting the roof of a building... so when lecturer short-cut write: 'hitting the roof = Force...' then some ppl started laughing... u noe... hitting the roof... angry until got force... watever, i was very bored then... so was kinda lame too...
tt dae included chem prac... was quite happy... coz the clip was gd and my readings were more or less accurate, to me. i managed to do dropwise to get 1 drop and soln became colourless, was so proud of myself. lucky got no need 4 graduated flask, prob bcoz of tt, tt's y i wasn't so flustered. but pipette still 10.0cm3 so can't help it.
after chem prac was... pft 5 items! arrrggghhh... at 1st was ok. had sit and reach 1st, did 48cm, a B i think. inclined did 9, a C. then came shutter run... 12.48sec... E. so basically everything muz redo alr lar... nj doesn't allow 4 bronze. nv had bronze b4 anyway. then was quite unhappy, contacts giving me probs too... so looked lyk i was crying... sigh, my classmates prob all think i'm so emotional... clarified wif 'em alr... so nvm abt tt. then did 26 sit-ups, a C (quite satisfied i could do this... coz usually cannot do). Broad jump, 162cm, only jumped once, was quite satisfied alr and didn't feel lyk doing anymore pft. had headache then. so another D i think. well i can sae 4 sure i only got 1 E which ruined my whole test... hav 2 do 5 items again retest.. heck care, now not impt.

12th Apr: 2dae... was very sleepy... almost fell asleep in math and chem lect... nthg went in... hav 2 go read notes again... oh yeah! hav 2 tell smthg really really interesting tt happened 2dae... coz erm, i didn't hav time 2 do hwk... chem(periodicity) and thought the teacher was nice... even though he set ground rules alr... abt muz do assignment or else... so yeah... got kicked outta class... made 2 do assignment outside of class... and i had the whole class as company! fun rite? it was not embarrassing or anything coz everybody was there... the whole class also nv do hwk... well, said b4 this class is slack, now can c the extent of their 'slackness'. hahaz. anyway, teacher let us back in after a while(half period) and warned us not 2 do it again. he's a nice teacher juz tt shouldn't bully him. sms monghun and told her... she replied 'WAH y ur class so zai? and ur teacher so hen...' hahaz... damn funny... was thoroughly enjoying myself. then in afternoon got econ 'diagnostic' test of sorts... 4 2nd intakers only.. compulsory.so had 2 go... sorta studied 4 it... also went 2 run 2.4km on my own for practice 4 2mrrw... datz y now so tired... zzzzzz... nvm, anyway, expected test 2 b easy, guess i was too confident... esp since i was so proud of hc and their pace of lessons... anyway, it was hard, still can do, but was definitely not easy at all. qiuting arranged 2 sit beside me... hoping 2 copy ans lar, but then i also dunno... hahaz... nvm... 1st time lt was so full(teacher's comment)... hahaz, she should noe y. so basically dat was my dae. was too busy trying 2 finish up hwk 2 come online but now i'm back(even though i shld b sleeping...^-^)

anywayz, gonna join recre. squash too. finally mebbe life will be more fun over in nj. dunno whether can pass 2.4 2mrrw... juz hope so... if not hav 2 retake everything... darn, but my practise run this afternoon was a failure... timing too slow, nvm, shall wait n c. ^-^ nitez!zzzzzzzzz

Sunday, April 10, 2005

city hall-marina sq

2dae was... simply put, boring and fun at the same time. okay, 1stly we were supposed to meet at 2pm then jackson and ivan changed it to 1.30pm... so being the almost punctual me, i reached city hall interchange at ... 1.36pm... and guess wat? only ian was there. he reached there at 1.30pm... then of coz, i called ppl up to ask 'em where were they... i called monghun and she said she was on the bus and she was quite shocked to hear that the time was changed to 1.30pm... haiz... inefficient communication system... so she said the pool ppl would reach there 20min later... at tt time, jinwei was there and then he went off to look around... and then i also went off to look around... leaving ian behind to wait for the rest... kinda feel bad doing tt... but he didn't wanna go walk around so nvm... then when i came back... i met sher and then we met ian and frederick at the control station there... i didn't see them even though i was lyk walking around for a min or so... guess i wasn't looking out 4 2 person... anyway... yea... then we waited around... super sian... then finally the pool ppl came... and there were only monghun and ash... we were expecting a group of ppl... ended up only 2... wat a disappointment... the worst class outing ever... only 1 of the 2nd intakers came... and at any 1 time, only 8 ppl were around... let's c, went pool watched jinwei and frederick play, ash, ian and monghun had a turn. then went bowling, then ian no socks, dun wanna buy so nv play, played arcade, played daytona, 5 players, got 4th 1st round, 5th 2nd round. played time crisis 3...FUN!!! pedal!! change of weapons(4)!!! $3 gone lyk tt... then played bowling.... 3 players, monghun, ash and me... of coz the others had their turn... had 47 in 1st round... (lousiest) got 71 in 2nd... beat monghun by 1... coz she wasn't playing... frederick and dickson playing for her... but they anyhow play one... so lucky i even got 71.. went gutter lots of times... ash was best... strike, spare... hardly gutter... still sae dunno how 2 play. next time dun play wif him... jinwei left... during game,... he was super sian... frederick left when we headed for marina bay, jackson joined us... ian left... so left dick, sher, jack, ash, mh, joy, jenny and me. went steamboat! yum... sher was so relieved... she was very hungry... after the ice-cream at 3... cooked ourselves, not bad, super hot though, sweating... and the stupid flies diving down... really fun eating as a small group.then went arcade! time crisis 3 again! this time wif joy(previous was wif mh).. played to area 2! yeah.. then my player died.. poor joy play alone,... then her player died too... so went to play bishibangi(?) smthg lyk tt and played tt panic watever... bang into each other game... joy damn strong lar... i got no strength to bang back... she won me 3-2, i won 1st 2 rounds... then she won last 3 rounds.... then played wif monghun... draw... had 2-2 and 1 draw... monghun at 1st not as rough... but was more so during last few rounds... i always win in front then lose at the back one...
anyway... then went home after tt. realised i'm the only east-west line gal... lucky my father fetched... not tt lonely... yup so now... time to slp! coz 2mrrw sao mu... oh no... wat abt my hwk and pft training... haiz... heck care abt tt now... now muz slp! yup! nitez!

Friday, April 08, 2005


sigh... 2dae was really tiring for me... even though it wasn't as long as thurs(4.30pm end sch) but it included pe... and datz not a gd thing, esp when PFT is coming up... so we had a female pe teacher which would equate nice teacher so she let us decide on wat we wanted to do tt period... and guess wat the class did... after running 2 rounds(warm-up) they decided to run 8 MORE rounds... so being the not-really-paying-attention me... i didn't realise tt, i thought they meant 8 rounds altogether and since ran 2 alr, it'll be 6 more... however, my friend clarified wif me after the 3rd round... even though i jogged/walked the whole 8 rounds... i was still lagging by 1 FULL round behind the last person... at least i can say for 1 thing: i survived... at 1st i wanted to stop at the 7th round... but then i couldn't bear bluffing myself so... went on to run the last round... dunno whether it's pure stupidity or wat... made myself super tired out... so not in the mood to do hwk, juz looking at the phy qns and i alr dunno how 2 do... plus my class happens 2 b a slack class... almost no one did their hwk at all... so i got queries also got no one to ask... i miss 67... i could ask 'em abt hwk freely and get help immediately... rather then get the answer: 'erm i haven't done it yet'... i'm really tired, not juz physically but mentally and emotionally too... after tt 10 rounds who wouldn't be tired(physically)... but i'm really tired of trying to do finish the assignments b4 the teacher starts going thru them... let me explain... it's lyk u spend ur time on geometrical progression then u finish it in time for the teacher to go thru it... then instead of being able to relax, he tells u tt he's going thru summation on mon so prepare tt by mon... do they noe how tiring(mentally) it is to try and keep up, esp for us 2nd intakers, it's worse for those who haven't learn tt topic until in the makeup lect... for me still okay coz hc teaches faster than any other jc... but i guess the teachers hav 4gotten tt we all happen to take 3 other subj, all of which we hav hwk... they should take tt in consideration... plus my econ teacher told us he expects us to finish all the topic 1 and 2 tut for him... is he mad??? finish 3 mths worth of hwk within this term, he's not taking into account we have normal lessons' hwk to do... i really feel as if i chuan bu guo qi lai... feeling really drained... as for emotionally, i feel kinda hard to connect wif my new class... it's lyk i got qns abt simple stuff lyk the dialect words they used but i dun wanna ask them... in 67 i freely ask 'em anything i dunno... so u c... it's really draining me... but on a gd note, i'm going out wif 67 2mrrw! hopefully tt will rejuvenate me... but all the hwk... heck care, teachers kick me out of class then kick lar, i'm too tired to care... when they push a student too far, esp a person lyk me... i'll rebel... i really dun understand, i've been hardworking so far but making me do so much at 1 shot is really the limit. they made me this way so can't blame me. after all i've learnt all those topics b4 so y muz i do those hwk AGAIN??? doesn't make sense to me... heck care really really heck care alr... enuff ranting and raving, shall end now! ^-^

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

my first post=)

juz me... in construction stage... so yeah... basically settling the settings 1st so not blogging yet. but will soon enuff =)