Saturday, May 28, 2005

abt time 2 start mugging... ok, it's long overdue..

28th may: slept at 1 last nite... woke up at 630... left house at 710 2 meet pw group at kap at 8... thought i'll b late... n guess wat? i was e 1st one dere... on time summore... tsk tsk... but seems as though e other members slept even later than me so shall not complain. did pw until 10+ then 2 of my group members accompanied me til 12+ coz i had archery at 1 so i was heading over 2 e range directly... yup, they're real nice... actually only 1 person stayed all e way... coz e other member gotta b home 4 lunch... yeah... pw group real nice... then archery! wah! arm muscles were aching lyk crazy at e end of it... at 1st... arrows all v nice, grouping real close... so proud of myself... at least it was all on my lane n didn't cut into others... then coach made us learn e pro-er way of shooting... n well... my arrows missed e board 3 times... once... he was trying 2 ask me 2 pull my hand back... n well tt caused my arrow 2 fly over e board... damn embarrassing... but every1(3 others) were new juz lyk me so we were shooting n missing e board entirely sometimes... understandable... yeah... then was v tiring 2 shoot tt way... dunno y... anyway... my friend's arrow apparently missed e board n went under e storage rm door @ e other end of e rm... anywayz later, i got used 2 e new style of shooting n my groupings improved tremendously! 1 round looked lyk some pro shoot one coz e arrows were all so close 2 each other... n juz when i wanted 2 shoot e last arrow... archery capt came over... 2 watch... n my arrow went too much 2 e right... ruined my grouping... humph anyway... i kinda 4got how 2 set up my bow 2dae... so embarrassing... had 2 ask e others 2 check 4 me... arrggghhh... competition coming (18-19 june, august, dec) i better improve... tired... shall slp now... nitez.

Friday, May 27, 2005

i'm back!

i haven't been blogging since e 10th... n well... tt's coz i've been sick, been busy wif work, been too lazy/tired/no time 2 come online... yep... n a lot happened in e time i wasn't bloggin... so i'm gonna summarise as much as possible... only prob is tt i can't remember wat happened when so... nvm... let me start...
e wk of e 10th(10-15th may): fell sick... was feeling kinda ill on wed(11) but thought it was juz nthg... coz tt period of time, weather was lyk raining heavily 1 day n sun shining so brightly e next... every alternate day lyk tt... so i fell ill... perhaps also coz i caught e bug from my sis... anyway... felt real miserable on thurs(12) morn... so i didn't go 2 sch... went c doctor... waited 2 hr+... flu(fever, cough, phlegm, running nose) was getting worse during tt period of time... feeling cold n shivering coz e place was air-conditioned... my fault 4 not bringing sweater... anyway... went home 2 rest... tt dae, received a lot of msg asking where am i... y i nv go 2 sch... yup... my concerned classmates! hahaz... only 2 of 'em... e 2 i'm closest wif... 2nd intakers... anyway, e next dae still felt ill, even though much better alr... but went 2 sch still... even though got mc 4 2 days... didn't wanna end up not understanding anything in tut n lect... yeah... anyway, after sch fri(13) classmates went 2 each others' house 2 make jelly 4 college dae fd fair... i went home... was feeling ill... sat...14... college dae... had chem lab lesson in e morn... oh wait... messed up my timeline... nvm... then went home showered went back sch 2 help out in preparation 4 college dae... went home n left 1hr later... so tiring... in n out... reached sch at 1+ helped... set up stuff... b treasurer of e dae... stuff lyk tt... but then class stall(selling jelly n fruits) was situated @ linkway, both sides of linkway got ppl cooking away... smoke suffocating me... so felt ill... left @ 7 4 home... wanted 2 stay all e way... but couldn't take it... felt as if i failed in my duty as treasurer... nvm went home... had fever... haiz.

e following wk(16-22): mon 16 no sch, coz of college dae on sat... so had 1 more dae of rest... gd... can't remember much of this wk... sat i can remember... was real busy day... chem tut lesson in e morn(9-1040)... went kap n ate lunch... went friend's house 2 chat n get smthg(20 min) shall stay longer next time... felt so insincere... yeah then headed over 2 CDANS 4 archery... i finished shooting @ 3 on e dot(started @ 1) but admin matters... held me back til 530... rushed home 2 shower... reached home @ 6... left home @ 645 to meet pw group 4 meeting at jurong point @ 7... had dinner wif 'em n picked PI 4 our GPP... they picked mine... but it's got lots of probs... haiz... ended at 930, reached home at 955... yup... was a real tiring dae... but i enjoyed being so busy... workaholic... crazed...

e next wk(23-27): 23-mon-holidae... 24-tue-mon's timetable... chem spa... made horrible careless mistake i would nv make usually... hateful. somewhere this wk... e class galz were jumping into puddles... crazed... then there was this real big puddle tt no1 dared 2 jump into... 1 of e class guyz jumped in... n splashed himself n e other class galz(those who were jumping into puddles)... wat can i sae? serves 'em rite... real funny tt part... anyway... wed, 25... council investiture, 8-850... thought it ended at 10... so didn't bring pe attire... e few of us got scolded 4 tt n made 2 wear watever available shirt as replacement... hate tt teacher. anyway... thurs... 26... dickson's bdae... n this dae... haiz was feeling pissed off wif everything n every1... was impatient wif e class galz 4 moving so slowly... 4 taking so long 2 get outta classrm... yeah... was throwing a tantrum... haiz... really guilty abt tt... ended up... v impatient @ waiting 4 my friend... so erm... anyway, still waited 4 her even though i was highly irritated... was late 4 lessons alr... then she treated me 2 ice-cream 2dae as apology... i think i should b e one doing tt instead... haiz... shall find a way 2 repay her... fri... 27... short dae... last dae of sch.. ended @ 1230... went 2 class lunch after a short pw meeting... e rest had went ahead 2 golden rooster 1st... then when e 4 of us reached there... c 'em sitting as a big group... i... kinda felt as if i was intruding... i felt shy... by rights... shouldn't feel lyk tt anymore... haiz... then a 1st intaker came along... they were meeting him... khainam... cat high guy... no other 2nd intaker went 4 tt lunch only me... once again... e only 2nd intaker eating class lunch... anyway... then after eating, left 4 home... but then met my class as i was waiting 4 e bus @ e bus stop... so i joined 'em again... juz stood there n waited 4 bus... didn't interact much... then on bus... jenny called... asked me 2 meet her... coz she having bad dae... so i went home n showered b4 coming back out... went 2 hc... went 2 class bench... met charmaine @ bus stop... anyway... chatted wif jenny... juz accompanied her :) was glad 2 do tt also... v long nv c her... coz after tt i meeting my mg close friends @ kap also... so go visit bench 1st... then ivan, darren, ian, jackson came along... jackson went 4 his meeting... junwei was alr dere... zhiwei came later on... then chatted... had real fun! ivan was being lame... darren too... ian... being himself... junwei...stoned...zhiwei... same... then tried calling mh... she wasn't available... supposed 2 meet at 6... she came at 7... wif yinghong n yingjie hahaz... ivan was thinking of ways 2 err... 'punish' her if she decides 2 cancel e dinner... making every1 come down 2 hc... yup... darren left 4 dinner @ home b4 mh came... then i had 2 leave.... 2 meet my friends... jenny walked me 2 bus stop :) i was reluctant 2 leave... but a promise is a promise... 1st come 1st serve... mg 1st... went kap... chatted had fun,... but half e time i was wishing out loud tt i wanna join my hc class 4 dinner... my friends were being real understanding ... they asked me 2 go 1st... but being me... i stayed all e way... then i met my nj classmates dere... 4 of 'em n 1 senior... they saw i was wearing our class tee... :) they had juz finished their stuff in sch...yeah... 2 of 'em were wif our senior... e other 2 were from indian dance... they came in as i was leaving... 3 of 'em had e class tee wif 'em... 1 of 'em was wearing it... e other 2 had it in their bag... how coincidental... anyway... went over 2 johnson duck 2 meet 67. they were finishing dinner... we stayed n chatted n... i really had fun... very long haven't experienced this atmosphere... this feeling...

4 a while back... i didn't feel lyk going into hc... guess i was trying 2 escape from reality? dunno... i juz didn't wanna step in... nj is situated on a hill... everydae will c e chinese high side... e clock tower... can even c e top of hcjc @ e rite angle... guess it's juz painful cing it so near yet so far... c-ing ppl whom i dunno... wearing e hc uniform... having e chance 2 wear it... i was jealous, envious... haiz... selfish. it's been a while since i've been back dere... even so it's hard 2 get a chance 2 interact wif every1 again... mainly e galz only... so dinner 2nite was really wonderful... esp e time b4 dinner, @ class bench... e chatting... really enjoyed myself... dinner: ivan's lameness, jackson's mocking of mh... abt karma... esp when jackson n ivan converse rite in front of mh... abt mh... suaning her indirectly... aik chuan's expression of exasperation @ mh's behaviour... mh's eagerness 2 save money... her money... jenny's company... basically juz all these little things tt makes e atmosphere so familiar... tt's wat i've been missing out on ever since i left... they related some of e many incidents during lessons... abt yoda... abt chem teacher... abt how funny it was... or how mean yoda can b... abt junwei n his ability 2 make every1 laugh wif his antics n his comments... wish i was dere... this sort of thing, this sort of over dinner conversation can't b experienced juz by going back 2 visit... was thinking abt all these... during bus ride home... shall focus more on mg friends during next gathering... was asked many times 2dae by many diff ppl 2dae... 'yl, r u happy in nj?' or 'how r u?.. how do u do?' ok tt's not counted... tt was ivan being lame... but 1st sentence yeah i was asked tt lots of times... n my reply... thought abt it... n said... i'm ok in nj... yup, can't sae whether i'm happy in nj yet... not when it feels lyk a prison...( security too tight... even if i wear home clothes n attempt 2 go back into nj... they'll not let me... even though i'm an nj student... )not when e econ notes r lousy... haiz... i juz noe i'm ok dere n am glad tt i'm accepted well.. but sometimes juz hard 2 feel 4 nj, 2 feel as if i belong... haiz. e dae b4 i was sick... i said i was alr feeling sick rite? anyway... was telling my classmates tt... i was sick... homesick... hc is my 2nd home... haiz... last wk suddenly missed hc n 67... haiz... dunno whether 2 phrase hc is/was my 2nd home... haiz

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

feeling very slack...

haiz... strange starting a post wif a sigh but i realised tt these days i hav been really really slack... too slack... heard tt 67 is having 2 SPA this wk... as in e actual thing... yeah.... so i feel really really slack as compared 2 'em hu hav 2 study so much. all e best guyz 67! u all can do it! i'm supposed 2 b doing my PI now... dateline: fri, 13/5 but i'm obviously slacking again... n i should b starting 2 study 4 e Common Tests alr... coz it's 1st wk of term 3 when sch reopens... plus i got archery comp coming up(i think) so might not hav much time 2 study later on... but really dunno y i'm not studying... as in now i got a lot of free time on my hands n i should juz make use of this time 2 study rite? i really feel lyk studying juz tt i dunno where 2 start n which subj 2 start wif... haiz... i'm a typical mugger... @ least i'm in e mood 2 b 1... not lyk after prelims last yr... didn't feel lyk touching my books alr... so ended up 'o's nv do as well... haiz... ppl lyk me need 2 study hard 2 get e gd grades if slack a bit then can kiss my gd grades gdbye...
7/5, sat: chose wrong arrows... thought tt i should try using e pink-tipped arrows 4 once... but they're damn bent! i suspect tt's 1 of e reasons y my groupings so lousy 2dae(groupings as in how close e arrows r 2 each other on e board)... n most of e rest were on time... i turned up late... sheesh... muz leave house earlier... coach not v. happy alr... hehe... then most of e members were taking e lvl 2 course then e newcomers (me inclusive) juz practised shooting... we hav 2 take e lvl 1 course 1st... so we taking e course separately from 'em... their instructor very... not nice dunno how 2 describe,... yeah... he teaching then we hav 2 wait 4 him 2 notice tt we(e rest who's not on course) hav finished shooting n he took a long time 2 notice... yeah so most of e time we were stoning coz we couldn't go collect our arrows if some1 still shooting n he was still shooting... wasting my money. but my back muscles aching this time round... showing tt i'm using e right muscles... yeah! but then i thought it was supposed 2 b e right back muscles not e left... sigh... hav 2 wait n c... then 2 dae i nv anchor.. how 2 sae... nv position my hand properly(4got 2 do this) so most of e time groupings lousy coz of this... waste money again.
8/5, sun: wasted most of e dae away... basically wasted e whole wkends! c i so damn slack lar! slept most of e day away... hardly did any work... n so ended up @ nite cannot slp... so mon morn got headache due 2 lack of slp how ironic... qt was laughing away @ me... sigh i so pitiful still laugh @ me,... tsk tsk...
9/5, mon: so she told me she went hc sports dae on sat n no1 from 67 turned up! wah... she wasted trip... almost wasted trip... @ least got snrs there... but they were only there 2 watch wuqiong run his race.... after he finish his race... qt sae all e snrs stood up n zao... no1 cared... ppl were juz walking in n out freely according 2 her... mebbe it's considered lucky i didn't go? coz i was too lazy... hahaz oh yeah... 2dae was... 1/3 DAY! u noe... lesser than 1/2... we had 2/3 of e day off! hahaz! some more it's my 4.30 day so 2dae ended lessons @ 11.40 instead HA! hehe... srry... juz being stupid... y got day off... it's coz e performing groups did very well in SYF... got lots of golds n golds wif honours yeah... so got dae off... but then i was very stressed when sch ended... coz of my PI... was feeling suffocated... stressed out in other words... feeling quite miserable... then class wanted 2 go out n watch movie(kingdom of heaven) i also kinda wanna go watch but then didn't feel lyk going out coz i wasted my wkends away so lots of hwk uncompleted... yeah... so instead went 2 KFC @ BTP wif 3 other galz classmates n ate lunch... chatted lots... 2 were 2nd intakers so we were talking abt our 1st 3 mths jc... n sec schs... yep... very nice, sitting down n talking lyk tt... heartwarming. went home n did PI until 1 am abt there... coz felt quite miserable... so wanted 2 finish it asap used an idea tt repeated popped up in my various conversations wif various ppl... so it wasn't my idea... srry 2 e original creator of this idea... think it's jenny then later my nj friends also got suggest... so hope u ppl don't mind me using this idea coz i really really ran outta ideas... srry! e idea is tt lyk jenny said... abt going back n taking lessons wif 67... of coz i modified it a lot... can't sae everything here if not some stranger take my idea too... or rather jenny's idea... e internet is not a safe place 4 new ideas.

10/5, tues: No PT 2dae! yay!!!!!! coz achery 'captain' sick so let us off 4 1 day... but still got running on thurs... anyway, almost slipped n fell again 2dae... it's lyk juz last wk(also tues) tt i fell... so erm... starting 2 wonder if tues is a bad dae 4 me or whether may is a bad mth 4 me... lucky my friends caught me b4 i fell... was saved from a bad fall(n muddy fall) coz ground damn slippery(raining) n was a very steep slope too... shall not attempt tt again on a rainy day... very grateful 2 them 4 catching me... now suddenly struck wif a thought... really glad 2 hav friends there 4 me 2 catch me if i should fail n fall... they help set me on my feet again, it's really both literally n well not literally. 1 of them is a real close 2nd intaker gal... e other is surprisingly a 1st intaker gal in class i dun really talk 2... also didn't hav a gd impression of her... didn't lyk her character... but i noe she can b nice it's juz tt i dun really lyk her habits? those little things tt make up a person... i was biased against her in e 1st place when juz entering s15, so i feel bad 4 being mean... srry... i'm usually not easily influenced but tt time... guess didn't lyk her look either... she kinda tomboyish... n not e cute tomboyish... yeah... her skirt @ knee length, blouse tucked in... guess i was juz being stupid... shall stop finding fault wif her. well PI time... cya ppl... all e best 67! heard frederick injured his leg... well get well soon(even though it's not possible 4 him 2 c this). sigh how come everything abt 67 i hear from qt one... i'm so outdated... n no1 inform me also... sigh... should i feel left out? no. nv. not in a million yrs. ^-^

Saturday, May 07, 2005

real lazy 2 come online...haiz*

haven't been online in a long long while... too lazy... too tired... too busy... excuses or reasons i'm not sure of... basically juz didn't come online so really short summary of wat happened 2 me this wk:
sun 1/5: nthg much...
mon 2/5: sentosa... pretty ok... some guyz turned up in e end... managed 2 persuade some of 'em out... got sunburnt in e end... still hurts... bag strap always resting on shoulder where it's very painful...
tues 3/5: fell down on e track... during PT... kinda made every1 got lectured coz of me... feeling very bad n guilty... y wasn't i careful... poor j2 got all e blame... still wanna say srry! even though there's no chance they'll c this... so now injured all over... aside from e sunburns... but wounds not as painful as e sunburns... shoulder injured, face injured, hand injured(left more serious than right), knee(left) kinda injured... basically all abrasions... left hand is e worst... face will not b disfigured coz of this incident so i guess tt's a relief... when fell down felt so disorientated when i stood up... so dizzy couldn't stand straight... hahaz
wed 4/5: juz chit chatted wif classmates during civics... hahaz quite funny coz there was this classmate... he was trying 2 slp... but e teacher thinks tt e other guyz should go make friends wif him so she made some ppl go n sit beside him 2 noe 3 things abt him n tell e class abt him... so funny... not juz tt 1 guy... she made a few guyz go find out more abt others... hehe
thurs 5/5: super long day... early in the morn PT... 9 rounds... but e guyz finished their 12 rounds during e end of my 9th round.... haiz... n my shirt was lyk soaked... sheesh... sweated so much... tt doesn't really make sense... didn't really think my shirt was as wet last wk(12 rounds)... during e day wasn't really tired... juz felt lyk slping now n then... dunno how 2 sae lar...
fri 6/5: 2dae went OCS(officer cadet school) - SAFTI - Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute.. e one near Jurong there... saw it b4... realised 2dae it's a real big place inside... very nice architecture even though their bunk area not air-conditioned... e cadet sounded so sad 4 those cadets inside(including himself) when he was describing life in there... while we were c-ing wat kind of conditions they hav in their bunks... saying haiz... quite sad... their life there quite busy... so when hav such bf pls try 2 understand coz he was saying when many guyz enter NS they break up wif their gf n all.... yeah he was saying it's not e guyz fault... not e galz' fault either... dunno wat 2 say... but he very funny... e way he said it... every morn those ppl run 1.5km... now n then got PT which have included 10+km run(?) at MacRitchie... stuff lyk tt... got galz cadet there too... but didn't c any... very few probably... they hav 2 march everywhere they go... as long as they're on e 1st floor... but e officer(adrian) showing us around wasn't marching... hahaz... CJC was also there... then we visited e 256 steps high tower... think it's 60m? not sure... wasn't paying attentn coz during 1st part of 'tour' was raining heavily... sigh was walking in e heavy rain... but e view from up there really gd... 2dae a bit misty but e guy said could c 80% of Singapore on a clear day... could c suntec but not changi too misty... tt guy was lyk saying tt galz u all very lucky coz galz officer cannot come up(i think),.. even e guyz who can come up r e top 10% they climb stairs all e way up b4 taking lift down... only 2 stories... 1st floor n 2nd floor... n fun part was watching them demonstrate close combat... poor guy fall on e floor so many times... painful by e looks of it... got wat neutralisation = using minimal forces 2 neutralise e enemy... stuff lyk tt ... very fun 2 watch... 12.30-5pm.... very long... not sure if it beats lessons... coz quite warm... humid... after e rain...e guyz there... some not bad looking lar... officer bringing us around quite ok... e guy who looked n sounded so woeful when he telling us life in there while checking out their bunks... he quite cute... hahaz... he was saying if u want get a bf out of NS alr... if not pls try 2 understand those in NS... hahaz. came home nv do work... went slp... then woke up n here i am... nitez all.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

too lazy 2 come online these days... no time also*

haven't been updating my blog coz i haven't been coming online coz i too lazy 2 come online... hehe... also too busy... shall i give an idea of wat my wk was lyk? but i can hardly remember wat went on this wk... shall try 2 write down e interesting part then.
27th Apr: wed... short day i remember... wif pe... ran 2 rounds 2 warm up n then juz sat down n watched other classes play captain's ball... teacher didn't care... another teacher came along(my class's 1st 3 mths pe teacher) n asked y were we slacking... they said we're learning from the other class... learn strategy... stupid ans... really sian-ed tt day... of coz e guyz juz went off 2 play bball n soccer by emselves... whereas us gals.... really bored... n tired... was sleepy n tired from tues PT... but i think PT is quite ok dun mind it.
28th Apr: thurs... ah a day i was sorta looking forward 2... PT in the morning... sch starts at 8.30am... PT at 7... had thunder but didn't rain... n e j2-in-charge came late... not lyk he cared... tsk tsk... took his time 2 come n e rest of us was there @ 7 am ShaRP... n he didn't run wif us.... coz he had 2 c mrs cheng(principal) tt dae... so he said he didn't wanna turn up all sweaty n smelly... understandable i guess... lucky he said 13 unlucky no.... so run 12 rounds instead... but heard 2dae tt need 2 run 14 rounds next wk... wish myself all e best... it was actually quite ok running e 12 rounds... fun 2 run as a small group... all abt e same pace... stopped following e guyz' pace after my 6th round... altogether got 3 guyz running n 2 galz... me inclusive... but e guyz slowed down 2 follow my pace... e other gal rested 4 a while coz she injured her leg b4 so cannot run 2 long... then when she came back n ran wif me they went off ahead... when finishing last lap e guyz ran it wif us.... yeah... e whole 12 rounds were slow n steady. tt dae ended @ 5.20pm... but didn't feel as tired as i thought i'll b... then had a shower after e morning run in sch... felt really gd! wah so cooling n comfortable...
29th Apr: fri... nthg much... 12.30dae... then my class had a bball match against another class... s15(my class) vs s19... but instead of watching... me n e other 2 2nd-intaker galz went off 2 lunch @ coro... very anti-social rite... i noe... we've been doing tt awfully often... always going off by ourselves n leaving e class behind... real srry abt tt... shall try bonding next wk... then... came back ... heard tt e match's score was 43-38... S15 won!!!! hahaz.... guess they didn't need our support @ all which is a gd thing :) then wait 4 qt 2 come out... then we went coro 2 eat @ cafe wadever... she ate i watched... met yongkai there wif his tahan ppl... they came in n saw e paper we stuck up on e board e last time we went wif jenny mh sher alice they all... he only came in 2 c e board... not 2 eat... they left soon after... we talked n then called sher 2 meet us @ hc gate 2 bring us in... yupz... we stood outside gate 4 a while coz we didn't c sher standing @ e stairs... then we went in when qt met her hc friend who went in wif us... we felt awkward going in... as if we were intruding... didn't feel lyk going in... n were kinda looking out 4 table tennis ppl... coz erm... they were quite pissed off wif nj table tennis team 4 disqualifying 'em i heard... yeah so we saw mh wif her super short hair! wah she look so diff n kinda strange but dun worry u look ok mh! mh, yj, alice 2gether wif sher were waiting there 4 us... walked in n met darren, ivan they all @ canteen... heard table tennis team all went 2 support galz team so lucky they not ard... hehe... then went 2 class bench... met jenny n minli... sure looked as if most of e 1st intaker galz were back... a congregation of e jcs @ s67 class bench... rj, nj, aj, hc n later ac... when shuwen came! b4 tt... i learnt 2 play bridge thx 2 qt n company... in ivan's 'office'... not bad, in central area of singapore, no need pay rent some more... air-conditioned comfort... no need pay bills too... hahaz... e rest of e class guyz seem 2 hav disappeared... all tahan-ners wat... yeah... so cannot waste e long wkend away... then we gave shuwen her present(bought by jenny)-mini skirt... 4 sw's bf 2 c only... hahaz... had fun chatting n sitting ard... n took photo wif phone coz kinda 4got 2 bring camera... shall go activate my mms soon so can send those photos.
30th may... finally reached e last dae i hav 2 describe... achery! woke up ard 12 noon... hav 2 leave 4 CDANS @ 12.30 so was rushing ard eating changing... shall learn 2 wake up earlier... slept @ lyk 10pm previous nite... still so tired... yeah... 2dae's shooting not bad, didn't drop on floor didn't fly off into e wall or anything... had fun. then later my friends purposely took lane 1... coz lane 1 got 3 places 4 3 ppl... n was e shortest distance... no need 2 shoot so far... they pushed me 2 lane 2 which was furthur off... hav 2 shoot furthur... as in e board is furthur off... was so afraid my arrows would miss e board totally n fly off behind e board... shall not let 'em hav a chance 2 get lane 1 again! then went home... yup... nthg much... watched tv... supposed 2 do hwk... online until so late... sunday busy... mon... sentosa... tsk, muz end now... nitez