Sunday, December 20, 2009

some stuff....

finally e hols r here! i think i've lead a much more fulfilling life after e exams ended... did so many things, was so bz tt i didnt have time 2 note it all down! shucks.. i better get down 2 writing 'em down... hmm so e other day (juz a few days back) lance n i went town in search of my bdae cake but didnt find anything coz awfully chocolate didnt allow us 2 buy a slice 2 try 1st :( tsk tsk... but we did finally check out 313 @ somerset n iluma as well as vivo... getting re-acquainted with somewhere other than the west of singapore n ntu :p finally i have some sort of a life ;) haha esp since i've been complaining tt i didnt have a life this whole sem... e right phrase 2 describe yr 3 sem1 is seriously, life sucks! haha

I'm juz glad i made it thru that 14 weeks of torture... seriously, none of e previous sems could possibly match up 2 wat last sem was for me,... n after e exams ended, i really didnt wanna go back 2 trng, after all i juz ended exams that tue and had 2 get back to training tt sat! ouch... but at least I'm ok with training now, helping e juniors to e best of my abilities (not a lot though) is kinda nice though i really hope they can improve and do well... I hope i'm able to help them in some way or another coz I noe my abilities and if I could be of some use in teaching them or protecting them from the messed-up archery circle that would prob nv change in e yrs 2 come, I would have done my part :) ok, 4 mths left til i'm free from e stress n difficulties tt comes when u're in a position with loads of responsibilities... 4 mths more to clean up my act and improve e situation which to be honest, I have not done anything worthwhile for the past 5 mths or so... i guess i'm all talk n no action.. lazy n timid... argh i wanna make an impact isnt it? it's getting quite hard 2 rmber my original intentions when I first decided to take on this role.. so many things has happened to make me forget and dull my senses...

ok i shall try... soon... ehh real soon... gotta settle my IO stuff first n my bdae thing :) oh dear i'm really quite a slacker arent I? I should stop running away from e stuff tt needs 2 b done now...

Monday, November 09, 2009


i must believe i can do it.. that i can achieve big things, starting from this moment on... haha i am that capable even though i'm surrounded by people who're all way better than I am BUT i cannot lose focus, I cannot forget that I am an elite in my own way. Just because everyone else is better than I am does not mean that I am not someone with ability. It just means that I have positioned myself among the cream of the crop and I may not be as good as the rest but I cannot forget that in actual fact I'm that good when compared to the rest of the world.

So belief shall get me through this.


i need to learn how to be a nicer person

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Future Love by Kristinia DeBarge

Future Love

A couple of years
and I'm gonna know your name.
it's like I waited for you forever
and I know this might sound insane.
but it won't be long
til' we're gonna take this up.
what I'm talking about our future love.

it's so far away
and baby you're right next door.
got me picturing your face again,
something worth waiting for.
i put all others behind me,
they don't live up.
i know what I want, what I need, to the T.

Baby if they ask me
i would say I don't even know your name.
and when they ask me:
does it change?
no it don't change a thing.
'cause it's something about the way you love me
there's just something about the way you know me.
and I can't explain enough.

just something about our future love, future love, future love.
something about a future love, future love, future love.

Walking hand in hand,
going on a second date.
i can picture how we're touching
and the kiss I can almost taste.
i've imagined all the ways
we meet for the very first time.
i can see the place, feel the love, at first sight.

Baby if they ask me
i would say I don't even know your name.
and when they ask me:
does it change?
no it don't change a thing.
'cause it's something about the way you love me.
there's just something about the way you know me
and I can't explain enough.

just something about our future love, future love, future love.
something about a future love, future love, future love.

i know, the minute you pull up next to me.
we standing there like destiny.
when it feels like you're fighting just to breathe, that's when you know.

the minute I pull up next to you.
suddenly you don't know what to do,
everything inside you says that I'm the one.

Baby if they ask me.
i would say I don't even know your name.
and when they ask me:
does it change?
no it don't change a thing.
'cause it's something about the way you love me.
there's just something about the way you know me.
and I can't explain enough.[2x]

just something about our future love, future love, future love.
something about a future love, future love, future love.

future love, future love, future love,future love

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Avalanche by Marie Digby

Since when do you come around?
And the temperature's changed, nothing's the same
Left me, in yesterday
You don't see me that way, touched me that way, no more
When you get so cold, I'm not sure just how much longer I can hold

You got me standin' at the bottom of this mountain that we've made (mountain that we've made)
And the ground is shakin' from all of our mistakes (all of our mistakes)
But there's no one, but then the ice is in our way
It's a matter of time, We can rewind

If only you knew, Why my heart is through for you
I'm tryna break through, Don't you think it's worth the chance?
Let's lead the past, Is that too much to ask?
And where do we stand? (Where do we stand?)
Can we pull through this avalanche? (avalanche, avalanche, oh, this avalanche, avalanche, avalanche)
Can we pull through this avalanche? (avalanche, avalanche, yeah, this avalanche, avalanche, avalanche, ooooh)

We see what's up ahead, Why do we stay? Watchin' us fadin'
Trapped in, by regret
There's no way out, and there's no way in (no)
And it's so cold, I'm not sure just how much longer I can hold

You got me standin' at the bottom of this mountain that we've made (mountain that we've made)
And the ground is shakin', from all of our mistakes (all of our mistakes)
But there's no one, but then the ice is in our way
It's a matter of time, We can rewind

If only you knew, Why my heart is through for you
I'm tryna break through, Don't you think it's worth the chance?
Let's lead the past, Is that too much to ask?
And where do we stand? (Where do we stand?)
Can we pull through this avalanche? (avalanche, avalanche, oh, this avalanche, avalanche, avalanche)
Can we pull through this avalanche? (avalanche, avalanche, yeah, this avalanche, avalanche, avalanche, ooooh)

The bond is breaking, and it's taking over, my spirit (quickly, quickly)
Something's shifted, have we drifted too far, apart now?

If only you knew, Why my heart is through for you
I'm tryna break through, Don't you think it's worth the chance?
Let's lead the past, Is that too much to ask?
And where do we stand? (Where do we stand?)
Can we pull through this avalanche? (avalanche, avalanche, oh, this avalanche, avalanche, avalanche)
Can we pull through this avalanche? (avalanche, avalanche, yeah, this avalanche, avalanche, avalanche, ooooh)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

things that make a day better

i always savour the memory of a good conversation with friends whom I havent met in a long while and as always, when you're having fun, time passes so fast :)

juz ytd i felt a bit pampered by some of e archery guys, whenever u're with ppl who help you do things or does things 4 u, it's always more enjoyable :p like utensils being taken for you, being sent to the bus stop and everything... basically when you're in the company of a gentleman, you appreciate the lack of them when they're not...
N i've the best gentleman by my side alr :p who went with me 2 make my new specs ytd nite! haha though it was a bit of a 'shop til he drops' kind of situation to quote levi's t-shirt... hmm actually i think my back was abt 2 break with all e hesitation of mine involved in deciding which frame 2 get... oh well, cant wait 4 my new specs! hope it'll fit my face! :)

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Best of both worlds ;)

Juz ytd for my lunch i had seaweed shaker fries, mcwings, green tea and whipped potato!

haha yes the best of both worlds: Macs n KFC!

my bf is so sweet, he bought e whipped potato for me from kfc so that i can eat Macs n KFC @ e same time :p

and he stayed for an extra half an hour so that i can finish lunch though he had 2 go for tuition (though it was postponed to later on at night)

haha i juz have to say that i had the best of both worlds! :D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

thoughts abt the person that i m

hmm was juz thinking wat sort of a person i m, whether i have any friends i can think of that i can count on to be there for me or rather for me to look for them when i'm feeling down or upset or anything and @ first i thought there wasnt many and i was feeling a bit down and then i decided to come to my blog and i saw that weide had commented on my post :D

and yup suddenly it felt like there's actually a lot of ppl out there that i can count on (those that i havent pissed off yet :s) and that's what i shall make myself believe. though i have made many ppl angry in the past (especially the not too long ago past) i realised that if i give it time, the relationship will heal and they'll become friends that i'm closer to than before... haha ppl lyk rach, not sure whether she still recalls that i made her angry before but i rmber it all too clearly and well i'm glad that she's still a v dear friend of mine... sometimes i feel that i'm distancing myself from my friends nowadays, not really gg out 2 catch up with them, juz staying at home/gg 2 sch, using e excuse of studying to well study.. i dunno, i sure dun wan 2 lose them n especially when i noe i have to meet them if i wan e relationship 2 b better than b4 (especially if i made them angry recently)... and well i'm a petty person (my bf noes this v well) so i dun forgive easily or forget fast so if i got angry too, it's true that i havent quite got over it yet and well i dun lyk this part of me but it's there and well, to be a better person, i gotta overcome it asap... but argh the grudge is there but then again when i think more abt it, what's e point of holding onto smthg so insignificant when I should not be holding back in order to live life to its fullest each day... hmm i'm not quite making sense again :p hahaha

let's all try to live life to its fullest everyday.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


havent blogged in 3 mths :p Oops haha anyway basically sem 2 was bad n now i'm taking special sem 2 to hopefully make my grades better n eid was ok overall, it was an interesting experience being e group leader to a whole group of guys, thankfully they were really wonderful individuals to begin with so working with them was nice :)

ok i finally blogged coz i wanted 2 say that the itchiness is back :( my skin is officially in a bad mood haha... these few days then suddenly lyk tt :( juz when trng is starting again... outdoors trng :x oh wells i hope it gets better real quick coz i cant afford to hide indoors 2 wait 4 my skin 2 recover at this point in time :s

anyway juz suddenly felt lyk blogging.. juz feel lyk saying that i think i lyk romantic stuff loads (i'm sure loads of ppl do too) but i realised tt i dun do romantic stuff frequently... or even often... um argh... i wanna do wat normal couples do on dates but well... my feelings r so mixed up now... i don't want to be someone tt i don't like but i cant quite help it... why cant i do wat i wan. nvm this aint helping one bit.. i shall get back 2 my studies..

n eh btw today marks the first trng when i'm officially e capt... it was a v slack trng... well hope they enjoyed it, coz soon it wouldnt be anymore..

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

my love for studies (the past)

i was juz looking for a phrase to describe my current position of ignoring everything and anything and juz focus on studying n 'policy of isolationism' popped up in my mind. heh did a 1 sec search on goggle to check if the phrase was correct n i was awash wif thoughts of my past love for history and hence the reason why i took it up together with social studies during sec sch.. i really do love history and geography and especially astronomy. i could even enjoy math in the past. the only prob is that i wan to sit down and savour every word that i read but when you're studying, you're forced to swallow it all and be tested on it.. what i really need is time i think, even for my studies now, i need time 2 practise and be confident in it which unfortunately is not the case. i dun noe how i'm gg 2 survive but i'm still feeling ok, havent lost my temper or started crying due to frustrations etc... yet.

i was quite amazed i didnt throw any tantrums today, shall try and learn to control myself better and better with each passing day! haha coz i was doing thermo tut 9 (n still m) n let's juz say my progress is v little.. anyway i juz wan 2 profess my love for history for astronomy and math. haha the past math n not the now math :p hmm...gotta finish tut 9 tonight! i must!

recent msn nicks:
policy of isolationism

nice quote:
If you are doing what you have always done, you will be getting what you have always gotten (NJC Shooting Club Motto)

short extract of something inspirational:
Mervyn also mentioned about my dream or "vision" as he puts it. What was my vision?

1. That one day, ex-NJC shooters will dominate the shooting scene in Singapore. Not so much to be be smug about it, but to lead the shooting community towards our vision of people development. (We are getting there, trust me).

2. In 10 years, when people from other JCs (who are not in shooting) hear that one of our shooters or alumni is/was from NJC Shooting, they look at you with respect. I have heard from many seniors that we are there already. Perhaps not eveyone recognises us yet. But I have heard that VJC teachers and coach talk about NJC Shooting club as the standard to reach for, in terms of attitude, club spirit, hardwork, and score.

3. That it doesn't matter if an NJC Shooter continues in the sport after JC, the qualities they have developed in the Club over their 2 or 4 (and soon 6) years will persist, such that in 20 years, when a employer or a scholarship board looks at the resume of one of our shooters, they whisper to each other the following "This fella is an NJC Shooter, don't need to see anymore, surely good one). But mostly importantly, in my vision, the scholarship board interviewers or the employer would not have to be from our Club to know that. I believe we are getting there too.

We are not as great as people think of us, or even expect of us. Sometimes, because of these external expectations, we kill ourselves trying to live up to it. Some of us love the club so much that we get frustrated when things are not perfect. I appreciate these seniors for their frustration. The reason why they get so upset is because they love the Club so much. For that, I am truly grateful to them. So should the rest of you. Judge a person by looking at the heart of that person, not his way of showing it.

- Mr Gilbert Lee (ex-teacher i/c of NJC Shooting Club)

Monday, March 30, 2009

meaningful words (song lyrics)

Heh another meaningful song lyrics which actually made me feel better while taking hours doing my thermo tut from dunno how many wks ago... yup.. haha guess e song title?

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned
Leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

hmm think i shall take e time 2 blog abt my idle thoughts one day :) abt how my life so far has been pretty alright, i'm grateful for everything and really appreciate everyone ard me though i may not show it all e time :p ok back 2 tut n studying 4 now! yah muz treasure each day n use it well.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get to know yourself better personality test

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

This quiz is totally fun!!! i wished it had more questions... ahhh so nice!
The link is here:
But eh some parts r quite true, and some are exactly like huiwen's and deb's! Especially the true self one! Wah cant believe we 3 got e same 'true self' :p hehe soooo fun!!!!

Recent msn nick:
i must believe.. i must work harder...
with the strength of an angel

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dere goes my astronomy this holiday :(

nooooo.... how could this be??? special sem 2 subj available are SOOOOO limited! N e worse thing is that dere's NO ASTRONOMY in special sem 2!!! ARGH.... it's only offered in special sem 1!!! WHY WHY??? WHY MUZ EID BE DURING SPECIAL SEM 1??? noooooooo....

Monday, March 09, 2009

latest obsessions: songs

"Tongue Tied"

Bright cold silver moon
Tonight alone in my room
You were here just yesterday
Slight turn of the head
Eyes down when you said
I guess I need my life to change
Seems like something's just aren't the same
What could I say?

I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
And every time that I try I get tongue tied
I'll need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time

I stare up at the stars
I wonder just where you are
You feel a million miles away
(I wonder just where you are)

Was it something I said?
Or something I never did?
Or was I always in the way?
Could someone tell me what to say to just make you stay?

I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
And every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time

I know it feels like the end
Don't want to be here again
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again

What it takes I don't care
We're gonna make it I swear
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again

I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
But every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time

I know it feels like the end
Don't want to be here again
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again

What it takes I don't care
We're gonna make it I swear
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again

-Faber Drive

heh juz really obsessed with this song and 'Thinking of You' by Katy Perry these few days... i think what i like abt these two songs is their melody, their tune is just oh so unique that i cant help but get mesmerised :p

here's 'Thinking of You'
Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed

You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes

You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test

He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into...

You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched and I was burned
Oh I think you should know

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes

Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay...

Hmm the lyrics are pretty meaningful and interesting for both songs... yes indeed, it's hard to settle for the second best when you've alr had a taste of the best :p i hope i don't have to settle for second best in this lifetime :)

Saturday, March 07, 2009

NTU Institutional 2009

It's been duper long since i last posted... nothing unusual there :p but yup so here i am using the time i'm supposed to be doing work to blog =x

Hmm the archery version of IVP just ended.. it was held over the wkend of 28 Feb - 1 Mar and to me, it was a major competition since my last competition half a year ago... and man was it nerve-wreaking and full of unexpected shocks and surprises i suppose...

This time I was even less mentally prepared than I expected myself to be... crap i really lack mental training =x someone start coaching me in my mental strength!

hmm let's say sat sighters started out well :) but eh my 1st round of 60m did not go well :s not quite sure why, seems lyk i didnt get my sighting on fri and couldnt find it on sat either =x haiz... but oh wells, i guess i still need more training at that distance though i'm highly tempted to head to 70m sooner or later O.o heh yah, tempted but not making my move... hmm for the rest of FITA 900, my 50m went superbly well and 40m was good too though not my personal best lyk how i did for 50m but it was still one of my best scores ever :)
Therefore i was ranked 6th place overall :D haha but i was quite a distance from no. 5, debra an ntu archer and no. 4 jorcelyn, another ntu archer... oh wells, but we're in e same team so it's great that our whole team made it into eh top 6? haha
e other gals did alright too though as usual we either flop at this dist or that :p we should really try to reduce that kind of thing... especially at major competitions such as these...

Ok Sunday. Big day. Individual Knockout (IKO) event in the morn plus Team Knockout (TKO) event in the afternoon...
argh got knocked out in the first round for IKO coz i lost due to the other archer (NUS' Linette)'s skill (that i acknowledge) and my lack of mental trng...
i made a mistake i nv made before, shooting 3 arrows when i'm supposed to shoot 6. what a stupid mistake to make but yah i made it, juz lyk my other two team-mates at the lane beside me... we did shoot finish the last arrow (more or less) .. finished during last eh 1 min or less... i can shoot fast that i know, i had the whole team (more or less) cheering for me with my ex-capt on the line trying to reassure me... but 1 min is not enough for me to gain back my composure. I almost cried on the line... Wendy saw it... and well i hope e ntu side didnt see it.. i was wearing shades after all... i guess i'm still not that willing to show my weakness to them that easily.

Linette was lyk trying to get me to cheer up as we went to collect my arrows but i wasnt happy with myself (and not with her, hope she didnt feel that way :s) so yah... back to my moody self.
Though surprisingly i shot quite well for the last 3 arrows... haha overall my shots were all in the red which was not enough to win Linette who was a yellow-average, haha she's good this time, but next time I wouldnt lose so easily :p

hmm was some dispute between debra ntu archer on my team and another NUS archer when they were shooting their IKO bronze medal match :s ouch alright... i wasnt dere to witness it but both sides insisted that the other cheated... and with my good friends Fred n Wendy on the other team i was torn between the two... coz i juz happened 2 ask Fred abt it when i was wif him at the noticeboard then... so coincidentally (unfortunately) that debra had to walk past n hear wat he was saying... argh when u're being suspected of cheating, you wouldnt juz keep quiet n walk away rite?? so she had 2 defend herself n wat resulted was an almost argument... Fred with that annoying tone of his but not paying her direct attention while she was close to tears, hurt that her integrity was being questioned. And dere i was in the middle of it all getting them both to just STOP IT.
Honestly. i was feeling so bad and when i realised that i couldnt find any1 in ntu archery to talk to... i hesitantly approached the nus tentage hoping to get someone to understand me.. that someone being wendy... She was dere for me, trying to talk it out with me while i openly cried, not caring who saw or watever. I think Fred saw, well he should since he's partly the cause of it. i was just bleeding inside as i was being torn apart by those two... they couldnt consider my feelings when they were doing that did they?? hateful. I didnt noe who to believe, one was my ex-guys team vcapt and the other my current team-mate who was gg 2 shoot team event with me later on, how was i suppose to get back my nonchalence to shoot with her? Of coz Wendy was on her archers' side and well she said to just drop the issue, that was the original decision made on their side and she told me not to worry about it, coz one black sheep isnt gg to ruin their impression of the whole team. I guess it hurt partly coz all the while i was trying to promote friendship between the two clubs and This! this issue just had to come up and ruin it all. what was i supposed to do when faced with this kinda thing?

Guess the morning had alr affected my mood and hence i couldnt take it after trying to be the mediator between the two. I just had to let it all out. And i was hoping that I would be the one giving support all the time during the competition and not the one needing them :s

well yeah. that totally didnt help in my mental preparedness for the team event later on. I was lyk a fragile little bird haha just accept the description lar. Thanks to my oh-so-gorgeous shades no one could see my puffy eyes! haha! yay! yeah lyk that's smthg worth cheering over...

anyway yeah... team event only had to shoot against two teams, NUS and TP... it was ok, i'm glad that i did contribute, though only 1 or 2 shots at the end =x thankfully my team-mates were good... so we got the Gold medal. It was actually alright. Glad that meecheng was the one checking our arrows' positions :) she's good at raising our spirits coz she's so high when we hit yellow on the hit-miss target :p btw the NUS team that i had to shoot against was Wendy's team :s ouch... i barely looked over because I never wanted to shoot against any of my NJ team-mates in the first place.. but everytime i looked she was there giving me a smile and a thumbs-up. I even saw her bf that day though i didnt realise until i finished my round with her... n yup he sure looks good, haha good for Wendy then :)
hmm guess i was a bit disappointed that i couldnt watch the guys shoot as they were shooting at the same time as us... it would have been fun... it's always fun watching your team-mates shoot against others... and they got Gold too...

I was just thinking of how my current team noes how attached i am to my NJ team and this is kind of similar to the situation back then when my NJ team knew how attached i was to my 1st 3 mths hc class... oh wells, wonder if they ever realised that though i may long for my previous team/class, i am in actual fact even more grateful for my current team :) though my current team loves suan-ing ppl loads which isnt exactly fun =x oh wells, no one's perfect...

Monday, February 02, 2009

songs lyrics that i like

Hmm juz realised that my previous post was my 100th post!!! haha i used my hp to post that so i didnt realise it til now, i'm quite amazed that i managed to post so much, especially since i took so long to reach 100, i'm someone who when in the mood for writing, will write a lot so yah, guess i've juz been too bz or too lazy to blog in the 4 years this blog has been ard... this is the 5th year! my gosh how fast time flies when you look at things lyk that, i've lived for two decades already... O.o that's lyk a lot... haha

anyway workload's horrendous right now, with me just stealing a bit of time from doing tutorials to do this.. coz i was just listening to this song of which i found one really nice line inside, or at least to me it's nice so i just wanted to post it here, it's:

You know i'm hoping you'll sing along, though it's not your favourite song :)

haha i wonder if my few regulars to my blog will recognise where this came from. i blog nowadays coz i hav at least these few regulars ard to tell me that i'm not talking to the wall when i blog here :p heh so a big THANK YOU to deb, huiwen and lance. The only other person that i know visited my blog recently was weide and i'm real grateful to all of you. Haha i guess i don't mind the small number coz what i post here aint really something i want sooo many people to know, or at least people who don't know me well, though i know when you blog, everything's public but well, this is just how i feel yup. :)