Monday, February 02, 2009

songs lyrics that i like

Hmm juz realised that my previous post was my 100th post!!! haha i used my hp to post that so i didnt realise it til now, i'm quite amazed that i managed to post so much, especially since i took so long to reach 100, i'm someone who when in the mood for writing, will write a lot so yah, guess i've juz been too bz or too lazy to blog in the 4 years this blog has been ard... this is the 5th year! my gosh how fast time flies when you look at things lyk that, i've lived for two decades already... O.o that's lyk a lot... haha

anyway workload's horrendous right now, with me just stealing a bit of time from doing tutorials to do this.. coz i was just listening to this song of which i found one really nice line inside, or at least to me it's nice so i just wanted to post it here, it's:

You know i'm hoping you'll sing along, though it's not your favourite song :)

haha i wonder if my few regulars to my blog will recognise where this came from. i blog nowadays coz i hav at least these few regulars ard to tell me that i'm not talking to the wall when i blog here :p heh so a big THANK YOU to deb, huiwen and lance. The only other person that i know visited my blog recently was weide and i'm real grateful to all of you. Haha i guess i don't mind the small number coz what i post here aint really something i want sooo many people to know, or at least people who don't know me well, though i know when you blog, everything's public but well, this is just how i feel yup. :)

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