Tuesday, April 08, 2008

juz some stuff on my calendar n on my mind..

hmm realised i totally didnt blog in march at all... always cant find time to do so, esp when i'm the biz mag for NTU Open which was in mid-march, think it was 15 & 16 march, sat and sun.. i know i had a math quiz the following week which i totally flopped in.. that time there was a phy quiz during that period which i did average only, but was at least satisfied wif it.. esp considering that i only got 1 qns correct for today's quiz, i better do well in the final exam else it'll b really hard 2 not let my gpa get pulled down by phy.. again -.- so that means i muz work hard, really hard all the way til the exams! which are actually only a week away so not much time 2 show my diligence / sloth watever.. math quizzes were ok overall since lance forced me 2 work hard for the last quiz which helped pulled up overall... but phy is smthg tt i muz force myself in else it'll b very difficult 4 me 2 turn things ard at all.. ok muz really try alr..

anyway was commenting on deb's entries and everything n also realised that she uses perfect english in her entries, not lyk me using shortform whenever i can.. dun bother to capitalise the 'i's too ... heh guess we all have our own style of noting down the little things in our life. These few mths have been hectic, they seemed 2 pass so fast.. though every mth's 28 is remembered coz it's me n lance's 'month-niversary' :) but sch work n the various activities juz keep getting in the way of us having a proper celebration.. ok fine it's me n my unfinished tutorials that keep us from celebrating properly since always hav 2 go back n make me finish my tut for the nxt day's lesson.. i can b so imprudent, foolish, thoughtless, irrational sometimes.. failing to consider this big picture by doing my tutorial earlier instead of leaving til the last min.. a flaw of mine that i'll hav 2 correct for every1's sake.. esp for mine n lance's i suppose..

hmm i'm seriously forgetful sometimes too.. forgot 2 bring tissue for lance coz his nose aint treating him well todae n forgot 2 bring the pages that i printed out for our report for management that we were supposed 2 hand up during the tutorial.. made him run here run dere juz 2 get it 4 us.. i should start carrying post-its ard wif me i think, n write down all e stuff i hav 2 do immediately instead of storing them somewhere in my brain.. apparently the short-term memory gets forgotten for a while before my memory gets jolted and i recall that dere's smthg that i failed to do.. tsk tsk, think it's too much memory work since pri sch that has reduced my brain's ability to store short-term memory well.. even the management tutor notices this phenomenon among singaporeans while our peers from our countries dun seem 2 hav this prob.. or mebbe it's juz our styles of studying.. it's time we learn from them i guess...

ok it's late, i wanted 2 watch the online lect for marketing, but felt that it's too late n i'm too tired... which is true.. was studying in yonghwa's room wif lance dear while they 2 studied astro.. argh, my fav subj but from wat i heard, it sounded pretty content heavy, juz lyk management, v content heavy too.. hmm wonder how m i gonna pass for management.. coz it doesnt seem lyk it's ez 2 pass.. crap i seriously need 2 put some work into management even if i s/u-ed it alr.. i still need 2 pass... okies time 2 rest else tmr cant wake up on time for our glider's final flight, the one that we keep practising for.. let's hope it'll be a smooth flight for our 'black knights' glider :P

recent msn nicks: never again will i.. time is of e essence!

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