Monday, April 28, 2008

after exams...

Time passes real quick and it's already the end of my first year in NTU Aerospace.. kept wondering how i was going to survive in aerospace but i guess all e yrs in ntu will juz pass lyk that so i should juz let time do its magic n use my brain on my impt matters...

the 5 papers were alright i guess, phy a killer as usual.. dunno wat's wrong wif me, having smthg against phy i guess.. oh wells i cant let this go on, gotta find a way to overcome it coz engineering is all abt phy aint it..? :S haiz gotta jiayou

basically this holiday will b spent on getting my license(hopefully), trng, special sem-accounting (yay my 1st choice! :P), worldview stuff as well as gg out n relaxing at home i should think. No chance for overseas trip partly coz my parents wouldnt let me go wif lance... haiz only 2 b expected.. though i did hope.. nvm. guess i juz gotta wait for some time first, guess it's too fast too early 2 ask. I shall learn 2 b a gd patient little girl...

guess i really gotta jiayou 4 everything.. esp studies...

recent msn nicks: i ans 2 me n only me :P , cant always hav everything u wan, tt's life.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Flight of 8 April 2008 - Black Knights glider

Yesterday saw the 830 lab class having fun throwing their glider after their whole test n everything.. apparently huiwen's pink dolphin got the 2nd best distance in their class n kenneth & sikuan's glider the 'black hawk' hit the other end of the hangar though only prof jorg schulter was ard; so w/o e other 2 teachers ard 2 c its performance, that flight couldnt b counted though here on youtube, huiwen posted that magnificent flight of black hawk's :P

Not bad that she managed to get a gd video of it juz when it decided 2 fly ;)

hmm the 'show & tell' session was alright, jingxin(& yonghwa, timothy, bangwei)'s group was before mine, lance's before theirs and so thankfully by the time it got 2 our turn, the 3 profs were a bit tired of asking qns :P e 3 profs were prof schulter(dunno whether spelt correctly), materials lect prof n prof yongki go (yr1 coordinator). n jingxin was a really gd speaker too, talking so fluently n flawlessly lyk he knew everything though apparently he juz saw the paper juz b4 e presentation n smoked his way thru ;) lucky him.. haha but that meant that the profs were tired of asking qns after their group alr :P yay... coz i had 2 present wif benjamin n i wasnt clear (or that clear) abt the concept n theory... lucky my part aint tt technical n the profs didnt really post much difficult qns, they didnt ask much! :D

Then for the real flight itself... it was cool :P me on e ground was nervous for kitling n yvette on b3 n b3m, think they muz hav felt worse.. whenever it came 2 our group 2 fly our 'black knights' glider (coz we pasted black knights sticker on it as supplied by yvette :p ), they'll always take their time 2 check if the tail is centre n whether the ailerons n elevators r working.. pretty cool watching them do that while the others juz fly their glider when it's their turn coz they looked so pro! lyk they knew wat they were doing which they did of coz :P heh so fun! n when it came 2 distance flight... our glider flew 2 e last pillar from the back so it's lyk 3/4 of the hangar,.. yay! :P 1st try flew that far n 2nd try juz slighter lesser than that... then after that also no one beat that distance so very happy :D
For precision, kitling controlled it pretty well such that both times landed within the 'runway' that was marked wif masking tape on the ground.. 2nd time was slightly better coz slid to the middle of the runway.. :D then the materials prof was commenting to the other profs that 'oh twice also'.. then i was walking past so v happy :D!!
hmm but gliders lyk lance's n jingxin's which were supposed 2 perform didnt really... coz lance's one broke after e 1st/2nd flight.. ouch.. unlucky.. then it couldnt fly well after it broke.. then jingxin's dunno wat changes they made 2 it coz ytd it couldnt fly at all, kept nosediving, they said one of their servo also spoilt so hmm prob combination of unfortunate things..
then after 2 tries still got time so since our group wanted 2 try distance again, i approached the profs 2 get 'em 2 watch again... n i guess all e other groups also wanted 2 try again so i was lyk surrounded a bit by a lot of ppl after i asked e profs.. lol i was lyk woah where did all these ppl came from.. hahaha... so they were all on the 'landing area' but of coz they cleared the middle area for our glider but it was alright coz.... our glider totally flew over everyone n headed for the end of the hangar!!!!!! WAY COOL! hahahahaa kitling so pro lar! he got the glider to pitch up gently everytime it was tilting downwards so it managed 2 fly so long, so far!! i saw the whole thing!! O.O it was woah........! neat man! n i couldnt stop smiling when i went 2 get it back while prof jorg marked e spot :P

Here's our glider: 'Black Knights'

Our group T2-4 and our glider in MAL!

hehe euphoria... apparently prof jorg was v interested in our glider coz after e whole thing when kitling n yvette juz went up again 2 try n c if we can fly it that far again 2 record it down on video he was on the lift up n he asked qns abt our glider :) seems lyk all e effort wasnt wasted.. pity the fuselage broke that time when we tried again after e whole thing.. nvm glued n taped it back n returned it.. anyway it's only worth if it flew well during the flight itself, imagine if all e time it was doing ok but it didnt perform during the most crucial flight then every1 in e group will b pretty sad that all e effort was 4 naught... i should think it's prob lyk how jingxin's n lance's group would hav felt.. hmm well juz glad tt it's over then time 2 focus on other more AUs subj :P yup.. torturous but gotta try 2 score... this time 5 papers only, gotta make sure i do better, else it'll b stupid 2 hav 1 less paper than last sem yet dun do better... yup. gotta force myself 2 hit e bks/notes.. lyk muz.. dun care how i might feel i juz gotta force myself.. this is e only way 2 not feel too stressed hopefully...

btw juz an interesting note.. benjamin wrote E pluribus unum on our glider which means 'Out of Many, one' in Latin.. cool eh... always thought latin was fun.. mebbe i shall go learn it someday :)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

juz some stuff on my calendar n on my mind..

hmm realised i totally didnt blog in march at all... always cant find time to do so, esp when i'm the biz mag for NTU Open which was in mid-march, think it was 15 & 16 march, sat and sun.. i know i had a math quiz the following week which i totally flopped in.. that time there was a phy quiz during that period which i did average only, but was at least satisfied wif it.. esp considering that i only got 1 qns correct for today's quiz, i better do well in the final exam else it'll b really hard 2 not let my gpa get pulled down by phy.. again -.- so that means i muz work hard, really hard all the way til the exams! which are actually only a week away so not much time 2 show my diligence / sloth watever.. math quizzes were ok overall since lance forced me 2 work hard for the last quiz which helped pulled up overall... but phy is smthg tt i muz force myself in else it'll b very difficult 4 me 2 turn things ard at all.. ok muz really try alr..

anyway was commenting on deb's entries and everything n also realised that she uses perfect english in her entries, not lyk me using shortform whenever i can.. dun bother to capitalise the 'i's too ... heh guess we all have our own style of noting down the little things in our life. These few mths have been hectic, they seemed 2 pass so fast.. though every mth's 28 is remembered coz it's me n lance's 'month-niversary' :) but sch work n the various activities juz keep getting in the way of us having a proper celebration.. ok fine it's me n my unfinished tutorials that keep us from celebrating properly since always hav 2 go back n make me finish my tut for the nxt day's lesson.. i can b so imprudent, foolish, thoughtless, irrational sometimes.. failing to consider this big picture by doing my tutorial earlier instead of leaving til the last min.. a flaw of mine that i'll hav 2 correct for every1's sake.. esp for mine n lance's i suppose..

hmm i'm seriously forgetful sometimes too.. forgot 2 bring tissue for lance coz his nose aint treating him well todae n forgot 2 bring the pages that i printed out for our report for management that we were supposed 2 hand up during the tutorial.. made him run here run dere juz 2 get it 4 us.. i should start carrying post-its ard wif me i think, n write down all e stuff i hav 2 do immediately instead of storing them somewhere in my brain.. apparently the short-term memory gets forgotten for a while before my memory gets jolted and i recall that dere's smthg that i failed to do.. tsk tsk, think it's too much memory work since pri sch that has reduced my brain's ability to store short-term memory well.. even the management tutor notices this phenomenon among singaporeans while our peers from our countries dun seem 2 hav this prob.. or mebbe it's juz our styles of studying.. it's time we learn from them i guess...

ok it's late, i wanted 2 watch the online lect for marketing, but felt that it's too late n i'm too tired... which is true.. was studying in yonghwa's room wif lance dear while they 2 studied astro.. argh, my fav subj but from wat i heard, it sounded pretty content heavy, juz lyk management, v content heavy too.. hmm wonder how m i gonna pass for management.. coz it doesnt seem lyk it's ez 2 pass.. crap i seriously need 2 put some work into management even if i s/u-ed it alr.. i still need 2 pass... okies time 2 rest else tmr cant wake up on time for our glider's final flight, the one that we keep practising for.. let's hope it'll be a smooth flight for our 'black knights' glider :P

recent msn nicks: never again will i.. time is of e essence!