Tuesday, September 26, 2006


today, got back most of prelim results, so disappointing but well, couldn't care less at this stage.. lyk every1 says, 'A's is then e one tt we've got 2 strive 4. guess i finally decide 2 heed their advice. anyway, had 5 days of break after prelims... juz whiled my time away.. quite a nice feeling but i was kinda feeling empty also.. lyk there's nthg 2 do 4 now.. juz dunno how i'm gonna use my time after 'A's but tt's 4 later 2 think abt. for now, it's juz resting 2 e best of my abilities.

was watching princess hrs on youtube during e 5 days... real nice show, guess i got addicted haha, sat in front of comp 4 lyk almost 12 hrs straight..but well, juz wanna watch this finish so tt i can officially concentrate on juz studyin n studying 4 'A's. last sat, had bbq at west coast park wif e archers! haha was real fun! even though e day didn't exactly started out well n all, n how ppl lyk fred, bing n dx couldn't make it, but i'm really glad 4 those we could, esp those wif lyk phy s paper n yet they still turned up.. dunno whether 2 praise them or wat.. still got paper then alr gg out... oh well, had a really great time! e fire was gd, amazingly they managed 2 set it up, still want so much firestarters, ha. e fd esp e chicken wings were gd... oh no mosquitoes too... wat can i say, was real nice. i didnt do any cooking at all haha, i'm lyk super lazy juz sitting there waiting 4 fd.. but tt would b better, if not i'll ruin e evening wif charred n half-cooked fd.. pity e corn was always half-burnt.. jason came too even though his promos r lyk this wk, but v poor thing, he alone haha oh well. Muz really thank jg 4 buying all e non-edibles even though he strictly followed e list n didn't bother 2 buy other stuff... hehe, muz hav been heavy, only he was free 2 do e shopping... n when he arrived he was lyk i noe u all couldnt start w/o me so i was hurrying... yah gentleman, didnt say something stupid lyk i purposely walk slowly make u all wait 4 me... lol, anyway, muz really hand it 2 wendy 4 bringing most of e things too... despite a hangover e previous day:) haha oh well.

guess i'm really glad 4 e 5 days. but i'm really not happy wif my results n all, esp since i noe tt wat's left 2 b revealed isnt gd so e prospect of gg 2 sch tmr isnt v wonderful. let's really really hope tt 'A's will b better, easier in tt sense 4 me 2 score~

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