Sunday, October 15, 2006

state of uncertainty...

Not quite sure wat to do now... maths results was traumatic.. now i'm so worried abt maths too... haiz... no more peace of mind. 'A's is lyk way too close 4 comfort... n i feel utterly unprepared. Not sure wat i'm doing now is worth it a not. haha. not sure if wat i'm doing now will help. i guess i'll juz have 2 believe in myself. difficult but muz try. if not 2 give up now, i'll regret it 4 life. after all this is for myself.

anyway juz e other day.. suddenly missing e team, missing every1... saw some of them ard sch n juz realised tt it's been a while since we met up.. haiz. i'll have to buck up from now on. Absolutely.

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