Thursday, August 24, 2006

1 of e worst days ever..

monday, 21 august.. was 1 of e worst days ever.. in my entire life so far.. not only did i come 2 sch feeling down, coz was really tired thx 2 e tossing n turning in bed until 2am thing b4 i could fall asleep.. n sun nite looked thru chem til 1 am, started at 12am..coz was doing other work tt had 2 b done..came 2 sch feeling really tired.. when i woke up i seriously contemplated not gg 2 sch tt day.. but dere was chem org test.. anyway.. feeling down.. then chem made it worst.. checked mcq, 1/10marks.. realised tt nthg much went in e previous nite, sigh.. n my 2 yrs of studies apparently didnt help either.. i was so sad.. n i couldnt do nj phy prelim p3 some qns.. 1 actually.. tt was actually a slight conceptual error.. so supposedly no big deal.. but u noe, most of e rest of e qns had little blanks here n dere coz of tt 1st error.. now tt i think back, actually i did it correctly, juz wasnt sure abt tt part.. n anyway, juz felt as if i can't do anything, phy chem, all cant do.. as if my 2 yrs of studies was 4 naught. then coz i was looking so forlorn n kinda 1/2 complaining/sighing away 2 my classmates.. had a lot of ppl cheering me up.. trying 2.. then maths, last period, maths stats mock exam results out.. all except 4 in class didn't get A.. i got a B.. n prelim is supposedly 5x more difficult.. i was so down.. coz if i get B here, who noes wat i'll get in prelims, i wouldn't let this beat me now, no way, i'm gd at maths n i'm not gg 2 let this make me lose my A...

anyway, it's lyk juz when u're abt 2 stand up, smthg comes along n hits u down again.. sigh.. but i got a nice black paper wif comforting msg from 2 of my classmates.. haha, v sweet of u 2... thx guyz.. really appreciate it...then lots of sms trying 2 cheer me up were sent e rest of e day.. from xt, shweta, hx, mitch, amanda, even fred.. who knew coz amanda 4 no reason showed him my sms.. yupz... thx all.. it really helped.. in preventing me from sinking even lower into nthg-ness.. haha...

but these few days, hav been sleeping at 1am.. not even really studying yet, juz doing e hwk n revision stuff they gave us..n e stupid top 3 cca achievements thingy, haiz... i really really really desperately need some time alone 2 myself 2 study.. n i'm being deprieved of tt.. sigh, wat can i say, life is nv easy.. well, read somewhere tt giving up is e easiest thing 2 do, but in so doing, u give up all tt's impt 2 u! i edited it 2 suit my needs, i think it's quite true.. oh well, trying 2 fight on..nv realised tt i'll b so stressed out.. but i guess when u're faced wif e prospect of having wasted 2 yrs.. no way.. tt'll nv happen, trying 2 do my best from now on.. even ms kao msged me 2dae saying tt i look quite worn out this wk.. haha.. not bad, she can tell.. but i guess who cant rite.. every1 prob looks lyk tt nowadays..

wed.. gathered e masses so as 2 speak(quoting wendy) meaning some of e archers 2 sit down n do smthg abt e stupid cca achievements thing.. thx all 4 being so sporting n turning up, esp those who're alr done wif theirs.. lyk fred n weide.. anyway.. tue msged every1 abt it.. n e whole day i didn't receive any replies abt it.. sigh.. thought every1 suddenly hates me 4 watever reason n was quite sad n worried over it... thought mebbe all of them fell sick n cant reply.. 5 ppl- no replies received.. found out on wed tt it was my phone tt was e prob, now it seems ok alr.. dunno y, dun think it has got smthg 2 do wif calling up singtel last nite.. oh well.. found out tt wendy was sick n weide was more or less sick but his was on tue n wendy's one is on tue n wed.. sounds strange referring 2 being sick lyk tt.. oh well.. exams r weakening our immune system.. came back early 2 do work... but now feeling sleepy.. tired.. need 2 do work though.. need 2 study.. need 2 get offline now.. zzzzzzzzz............

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