Thursday, August 24, 2006

kbox outing~

went for kbox outing wif my team! fun! lol.. was initially a simple outing, wif nthg in mind, cept perhaps movie.. not initiated by me.. by some1 who desperately wanted 2 go out.. aka mr artist, ha,give him new name again... anyway.. pushed e organisation 2 junguang who obviously didnt plan it..he tried, he asked some ppl where 2 go.. n he asked no furthur.bleah. so i called every1 up rite after national day celeb which was as usual no fun, or not as fun as mg was.. anyway, realised tt every1 had smthg on until e afternoon.. so i followed my friend 2 toa payoh.. lunched wif her... actually kinda barged in on her day.. it was not planned.. juz suddenly decided 2 go wif her.. haha.. poor xt.. thx 4 being so nice 2 me n showing me ard toa payoh!

yah.. then i went 2 orchard library 2 study... where wendy joined me... after lunching wif her friend downstairs... then 2pm, gg down escalator n wendy saw zhiyu in kino... so we popped in on her n her friend... then we left 4 cine 2gether.. where we found junguang in uniform which was strange coz he came from home... he said he didn't wanna stand out.. lol.. anyway.. had 2 make our way 2 dunno wat floor 2 find fred who was dota-ing or watever it's called. so checked movie timing..felt nthg nice coz some of us watched this or tt b4... yah.. so suddenly decided on kbox! haha, n zhiyu said my face lit up when tt was we went down n got ourselves a room.. partly coz wendy said e previous wkend she got teased 4 havent been 2 a ktv or stuff lyk tt b4.. so yah, it's not juz coz of me lor! anyway... prob sang most of e eng songs in dere, so little songs bleah.. so out-dated too.. but well, not all of us prefer chinese songs wat... anyway.. yupz had fun all e same, was pretty high towards e end.. supposed 2 end at 5.. we drag until lyk 630.. ok lar, me n zhiyu drag until tt time.. but it was fun.. midway weide joined us from badminton game... anyway.. yah.. had fun, kinda ex.. but it's ok... yupz. then home sweet home.. coz a lot of ppl were really tired out.. n initially wanted 2 leave earlier.. but didn't get e chance to do so.. so srry wendy n wd.. anyway... prelims coming. will stop this now. nitez~

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