Wednesday, July 19, 2006

end of season debrief

hm mr lee juz gave us an end of season debrief today. 19 july 2006. same day as last yr, sat at e atrium, juz lyk last yr. juz tt there's more ppl now, n e ppl dere r no longer e same as last yr.don't quite rmber much abt last yr's debrief, juz rmbered tt it was half praise half lecture lyk this yr's. but a friend reminded me tt e capts asked 2 speak last yr... n how they were so emotional tt they were crying.. i forgot abt tt... but it would hav been fun if e capts this yr also spoke.. it would b interesting 2 noe wat they've got 2 say abt this club, abt their team.

Well basically, mr lee brought up a v gd point during e debrief 2dae.abt e archers side 1st, he said tt e jnrs, their acceptance of mediocrity juz totally saddens us all. esp e snrs. he said tt, e j2s put a lot of effort into building this team, put in all our heart n blood n tears(i kinda esp agree wif e tears part..). tt e jnrs don't noe e half of wat we've done 4 this club n they juz accept being average, not aiming 4 higher, not trying 2 reach e we've trained so hard, our grades suffer, but still, trained 4-5 times a wk, (during e hols), n tt's how we got 2 this position at this point in time. he said, i believe that when e snrs saw their jnrs this yr, they were juz bleeding inside, juz crying inside... he's's true.4 me, 4 many of us. when i see this group of jnrs.. who didn't realise tt all we worked for last yr was to make their lives easier this yr... they accept their low scores n even compare who's lower. do u understand e pain we feel inside? e tears tt we shed, whether in our hearts or openly... is proof of how much we feel for this club.yes we were bleeding inside when we saw our jnrs this yr.can't really rmber wat he said alr but it's v true, wish i could write his speech down here... i was juz so sad for us, for our team,... when he said all tt.n i guess on my part as a snr, i didn't really try 2 do anything 2 change their mentality n i'm sad abt this role of mine too... i only observed, as mr lee said of himself... n couldn't do anything. but in my case, i can do smthg... n i guess i'll at least change my attitude 2 this matter now.
mr lee was also talking abt shooters, how some may not win, have not won, but they still continue to fight, that they may hav faced so many setbacks but yet they still continue struggling on. tt's e spirit tt each n every1 of us hav 2 learn i feel.

he was also talking abt wat a cca is abt. it's abt e friends u meet, e character u build from the things u learn, esp being able 2 stay n continue 2 strive 2 improve no matter wat happens, n not quit, n not give's v true, somehow, i managed 2 stay, even though i was on e verge of quitting many times, somehow i managed 2 pull thru, n i really learnt n grew up from this experience. at e v least, i'm proud tt i nv gave up.

oh... i was also thinking... this yr,... whenever e team talk abt having a 2nd invitational next yr.. abt how stuff other than e invitational will b better next yr... i juz always feel tt, will dere really b a next yr? i dunno whether e others think e same way, but this is how i feel.i'm v worried abt a next yr, whether archery will still b a cca in njc next yr. even though verbally i speak of a next yr n how things can b done better next yr... but i feel deep inside me... wondering... if there's really gonna b a next yr... sigh. this is e depth of disappointment i hav in e jnrs i think. abt how i dun believe tt this club will still b around next yr... n tt it will fall apart in their hands. abt how sad tt we reached our peak in 2 yrs n now it's e downhill part alr...i dunno anymore. i can only wish for e best here.. for them.. for the club.. n hope tt our hearts wouldn't hav 2 bleed anymore..

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