Sunday, July 30, 2006

29 July 2006-1st NJC invitational ~end~

our 4 months of preparation have finally amounted to this very day... praying and hoping for the weather to be fine, it was slightly disheartening when it poured around 2pm... juz when there was 2 last ends left to the 2nd round. but thankfully it stopped ard 3pm, e whole comp need not b cancelled, n all our hard work didn't go 2 waste after all. e prize presentation ended ard 8pm... when all e participants hav finally left, it was 9pm when we too left sch grounds. from 630am until 9pm. dinner at some place called 5 stars as recommended by jia pei... 10 pm half of us left, me inclusive... for a well-deserved rest at home... esp wendy, d.o.s. n o.i.c. ... out of which wendy n fred got drenched in e rain in e afternoon... tsk. wendy'll fall sick again at this rate.

due to e fact tt we had 3 details to accommodate the 190+ participants...we were behind time by lyk 1hr b4 e rain... e rain juz made it worse... but it was a welcome break for the poor judges... who have been standing out in the hot sun the whole morning and early afternoon... the various i/cs esp the O.I.C. had their share of tension n frustration... i thank them for being as even-tempered as they had been. we couldn't hav done it w/o 'em... i really wish to thank e air guns ppl 4 being dere n helping as they did... sometimes being scolded even... thx... me... i had my own share of unhappiness but tt was v little compared to e whole affair. i'm glad i had e chance to organise this n watch it happen. to actually see all these archers from familiar institutions gather in nj for our comp, was really a wonderful feeling. seeing e field wif e target boards all lined up neatly, juz as wendy had mentioned... mr lee had this vision abt 7-8mths ago, n it was actually realised so soon.. i nv quite believed him when he said tt, but well, here's e proof for all 2 c. we've come this way n this is lyk our reward for working so hard.. it happened earlier than what many of us would hav expected, bringing us e various lessons n methods tt would serve 2 continue 2 help us make each invitational, a better one.

28 july was e set-up day, setting up e field was so v difficult, squaring e field n all, thankfully we had ppl lyk fangjian around... as expected things didn't go as smoothly as fred planned it 2 b during e setting up of e field n all, but well, everything was completed b4 night fell so tt's really great. hm didn't feel as if i did much, comp day, being tabulator.. was a v light job.. morn was really free n all... oh well, i knew i helped in other areas n i guess tt's wat matters. after e setting up of e field n everything.. n eating pizzas wif e rest of e snrs n some air guns ppl, trying 2 print out e protest forms n sponsors' logos b4 gg home... 830pm was e time when we finally left sch. muz say, @ least e guyz were gentlemanly enuff 2 leave abt 6 slices of pizzas for sam n i... but haha, we can't eat tt much so yah. fun juz wandering ard sch after dark, gg 2 e staffroom.. gg 2 e canteen 4 e non-existent wireless system 2 work... haha. really cool 2 c e field slowly shape into e archery field tt we all hav seen b4, in our minds, in other comp venues, juz not in nj. we even had m'sian participants.. international haha.

e 2nd invitational is apparently going 2 b next jan/feb period... so they've got 2 start planning now... all e best jnrs... e prob now will b who'll take charge, n not choosing which capable one 2 organise it out of those ard... hm.. phrase it better would b 2 say there isn't any1 decisive enough to b e 1 in charge of all these... not something i can help wif anyway. oh well. now's e time 2 really focus on prelims... muz muz muz pass n score so much better than i did in CT2s... no regrets is wat i shall strive 2 achieve... n ms kao's goals for my various subj... shall try my best... try.

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