Tuesday, June 13, 2006

sigh, wat a shock

juz found out yesternite that a fellow archer found out abt my blog ever since e start of this yr or e end of last yr... n he's been nice enuff 2 continue visiting it n reading my entries. Well, it's nice that at least i'm not talking 2 e wall... or talking 2 myself... but it kinda juz feels lyk an invasion of privacy... kinda wanted 2 open this place up 2 'em gradually. mg friends will hav e honour 1st but well,... guess e archers hav e priviledge this time round. n when i apparently gave him e green light 2 read my entries last nite, he kindly read most of my past entries... hm, he said i've changed lots, 4 e better... but well i myself can't really tell. anyway, i'm expecting more ppl, particularly archers who will find out abt this blog soon enuff, if they dun alr noe.

was supposed 2 reflect abt 2dae's trng, hm let's c, was quite bad, apparently lack of strength and focus from lack of slp last nite, slept at lyk 2 am.. was finishing e essay... so i dunno, hope tt's e reason, so tt i hope i can regain my touch 2mrrw... then i shall do my personal best during comp w/o difficulties, hopefully.

Anyway, was doing a 2000 word essay abt a shooter's life in njc yesternite. thought it was a bit too much to ask of me, but realised tt i easily wrote at final count 2250 words. guess i juz had so much to say, i believe tt i had more but well, couldn't really think of 'em offhand. had fun writing it, juz recalling all e fun moments... yah those stuff. it was more of an archer's life rather than a shooter's life but it didn't really matter 2 me coz i juz wrote wat i felt n wanted 2 say, 2 future generations, 2 any1 out dere who'll read it. was kinda referring 2 my blog entries while i was writing it as there's lots here abt archery which helped me recall stuff i may have left out. e entries here, r more or less how i felt at tt point in time... so it was highly useful. i guess i juz dunno wat 2 say alr, this place doesn't really feel as if i can juz rant n rave all i want... but there's no reason 4 things 2 change. haiz, life is as such, guess i'll juz hav 2 get used 2 it.

Told my friend juz coz he noes abt my blog doesn't mean tt i'll mince my words 4 'em.. n i fully mean it. was also thinking tt... sigh, now ppl will noe wat a mean n selfish person i am. wat i prob truly am. a person wif a sharp tongue n harsh words. hm, sigh.
anyway, went out wif some of e archers 2dae 2 watch 'cars' e movie. was a rather nice show, esp e part abt how e king muz finish his last race n all. lyk wendy said, this movie was really more of e more impt things in life than juz winning, juz racing. life's not a 1 man show. u need friends in ur life, 2 make it fun, 2 make it worthwhile. really sweet. also went shopping 4 a bit wif e gals, wendy n rach after e movie.. after e guyz suspiciously left 4 ps.(fred n weide) yah yah... stuff lyk tt... man should b studying now, i'm losing way too much precious time, so signing off now.

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