Monday, June 19, 2006


had our last official comp yesterday. archery. sad to say, history repeats itself. i enjoyed myself last yr, it was a gd learning experience.. yet this yr, it was quite a painful memory.we tried so hard, we came back after 1 yr thinking tt we'll be able 2 do better but somehow... things didn't turn out e way we wanted it to. perhaps our road has been too smooth so far. it's time for a bump in e road. we'll pick ourselves up. life is abt standing up again. yet somehow, lyk my friend said, i really feel tt we deserve a better ending. guess e unconscious pressure from this comp being our last comp... tt we really wanted 2 end it off well... e stress... n we also didn't train in indoor b4 e comp... so mebbe we weren't used 2 e indoor conditions, i wasn't at any rate.

Recalling yesterday, both girls teams sent in ended our climb up in the first round. the guys team which got in, made it to e 4th position n remained there. juz lyk last yr. somehow performance wasn't ideal, we all noe we can do better, n we did better b4. somehow winning was v impt yesterday, deep in ourselves, we placed it higher than e fun we'll get in this experience, e learning points gained. oh well it's past n there's nothing we can do abt it, it's time to move on.

after e comp, watched e prize presentation, sat at e same place we did last yr... n watched as we did last yr. then we had debrief. many regrets, even if not spoken, was felt. then jnrs got reprimanded, for lack of communication, for lack of trying 2 build e team tt's evident within e snrs. then e snrs, us, we juz sat dere after e jnrs left, juz talking, juz joking ard,... having fun... juz staying there... haha, can still rmber how fred was trying 2 shrink himself 2 avoid e numerous rubber bands shot his way. thx 4 being our target. then we accompanied e lonely vcapt 2 eat ice cream at swensens. kinda got e feeling tt we were reluctant 2 leave, but were also lazy 2 go anywhere far... we still had 2 carry our bows.

yupz, had fun. was father's day yesterday. intriguing way of paying e bills at swensens. haha.

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