Saturday, June 10, 2006

had a great day 2dae*

yupz, 2dae, had lots of fun during trng, it's one of those sessions whereby u wouldn't bother looking at ur watch 4 e time coz u're enjoying urself n want it 2 last longer. We were practising team event 2dae, zhiyu n sam were in e same team as i... quite fun, we all, girls' team, including wendy n rach, talked a lot abt tv series n all, ok lar, it was me who started it n fueled it... haha, but green forest, my home is really a nice n funny show! Enjoyed watching all e main characters, they're all so wonderful 2gether! Anyway after tt went orchard mrt 2 meet up wif e rest of e class. i was dere on e dot, but only wingy was dere... should hav known. e 'organiser' aka yushu came lyk 5 min b4 2pm,... not v responsible humph. Celebrated zhijun's bdae at swensen's! had ice cream cake n all... baked rice... yum!

Basically i juz wanted 2 say tt trng was real fun n i'll really miss these kinda sessions... but of coz i'm not interested in those kind of sessions whereby u keep looking at ur watch every few ends, hoping v much tt time would pass faster... dislike this kinda trng sessions. it's only when u hav fun wif ur team mates when e real bonding begins, not tt we needed any ;) Realised i'll miss these kinda trngs in e future... anyway, yesternite, suddenly realised tt nus indoors' next wkend only, my gosh, so fast! n 'A's at e end of e yr! my gosh, only now did it really sink in tt i'm gonna sit 4 e 'A's at e end of e yr... n e end of e yr's not v far away... CT 2's coming too... ahhh.... nvm... sigh... relax... haiz... stop slacking!

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