Friday, January 06, 2012

Year 4 aka Year of Graduation

Gosh, it seems as though I really only blog when I'm super busy (and maybe stressed and tired of it all). Year 4 sem 1 saw me slacking away / resting / enjoying school life to a certain degree by not doing much work and hence the absence of posts. Maybe it also had something to do with me not having much issues to rant about as I noticed that I seem to treat this as a place to reflect on problems that I'm facing or just to complain instead of sharing happier memories here. I should strive to post happy memories here instead so that I wouldn't forget them as time goes by.

Hmm as for sem 2 I think I was just like everyone else, trying to finish our FYP in time for report submission and the final presentation of our university days and naturally to make up for slacking sem 1 away:p

Year 4 was pretty relaxing and I finally felt like I'm in uni, finally being able to enjoy those fabled timetables we could be the envy of everyone else who had 4 or 5 days of classes in a week. Despite the dark cloud of FYP looming overhead, being able to decide on when I would like to do my FYP and having the control over my timetable so I can leave for home anytime I wanted since there were so little classes in a week, was truly a luxurious experience :p

Nevertheless all good things in life will come to an end and I was really grateful that despite all my last minute scrambling to finish my FYP work, I still did decently for my FYP :) Now in the blink of an eye I've already been working for 6 months and those days of studying have finally become a distant and beautiful memory of schoolmates, lecture theatres and tutorial rooms.

The one thing that I really missed is getting the chance to see my friends everyday in school even though with the short timetable that I had in my last sem, I saw quite little of my schoolmates already. To find the energy to meet up takes serious effort because of how tiring it is to work for more than 9 hours per day which inevitably leads to less frequent gatherings. We'll keep thinking that we'll get used to working life soon and perhaps then we can meet up with our friends but I have a feeling that no matter how long we work, the fatigue will always be there so we should just seize the day and arrange those gatherings we have been putting off since forever or we may never get the chance to do so as we get older.

Sometimes working just makes us so tired that we forget to slow down and reflect on our lives which blogging kinda helps me to do and so I guess having regular blogging sessions should help us show down and reflect on where we are in life as well as to consider the direction we are heading towards because unless we do so, we are probably just aimlessly drifting through each day and for all we know, one day we'll wake up and realize that this is not what I want in life but by then it'll be too late for regrets.

So let's take 5 minutes of our week to consider where we are in life before we forget to really live our life in life.

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