Monday, October 20, 2008

a lot of things 2 write!

basically i wanted 2 blog abt a lot of things (as seen below)

sometimes life brings a lot of surprises...

  • (potential) closure of njc archery

  • if i were a guy...

  • my first thoughts about life in NTU and the startling differences observed

  • matlab & MOM quiz

  • e-learning wk's over... n exams r coming...

but somehow i couldnt find e time :S even now i'm juz stealing time from doing fluids tut :S argh some1 save me... or give me more time in a day... ehh mebbe not, i'll prob juz slp those extra hrs away...
anyway watch hsm2 again todae on ch 5 n well, i would say it's inspirational 2 me hahaha.. or rather i shall try hard 2 get real fit n get a real gd figure ;) (hahaha bet this aint smthg u'll expect me 2 sae but... yah!) After e exams hahahaha n well in e meantime i gotta work hard on studies.. meaning i gotta keep my mood up in order 2 b able 2 study hard these coming weeks... juz b4 e exams.. oh how fast time passes.. but well, smthg 2 keep in mind, is well, 2 enjoy my uni days juz lyk those hsm ppl (though it's juz a movie n all) coz well, this is my one and only chance at uni at this age (of abt 19+) and this time definitely wouldnt come again,... soooo jiayou myself haha... or 2 quote from London from the suite life ( ;) aint i an absolute disney channel fan... i havent grown up yet hahhaa ): yay me!

ok tt sounds totally bimbotic O.o some1 i'm definitely not but well, no harm acting lyk one once in a while... it's a rare mood i'm in @ this moment i suspect.. which therefore explains my wackiness now haha... well back 2 fluids n life in well.. ntu... suffering lyk crazy but well, at this point in time, it's time 2 focus n not think too much abt that oh soo ominous cloud in the sky.

recent msn nicks: njc archery closing :'( it's time 4 battle

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