Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This was a photo of pocoyo tt i took when i was flipping channels randomly some time b4 sch started,i juz thought tt this little guy was juz too cute 2 resist;)heh anyway it's been million of yrs since i last blogged n i Guess tt's bcoz i was bz..also coz whenever i feel lyk blogging i'm not on my comp so it was juz troublesome..hmm naturally loads hav happened since then,some gd some not so but we all somehow find a way 2 get thru it n looking back juz makes us grateful tt we had company thru e difficult times n tt we could share e happier ones wif those ard us:)
hmm well i spent e first half of my hols trng 4 comp which should b considered fruitful though i didnt get any individual placing (again)but i'm glad i made it 2 e top 10places n could almost get e chance 2 fight it out wif 2 persons tied for 5th placing during nus indoor,well e key word here is almost:p
Then 4 e next half of e hols i slacked on trng 2 hopefully do well 4 accounting elective(which i didnt really so seems as though i wasted my time)but oh well tt's over so it's time 2 move on..
Yr 2 modules r really quite difficult,i'm definitely feeling e stress e pressure mainly from myself but tt's coz i wan 2 do well or at least better than where i m now but well,guess i gotta take things 1 step at a time n slowly work my way thru,think tt's e only way if i wanna survive thru these uni yrs of mine;)
Anyway archery comp is approaching fast n considering tt i havent been trng since i sprained my ankle e wk b4 sch started n my flu last wk,i think i'm way unprepared 4 it but despite it all i really cant give up,somehow i'm in 1 of e 2 teams sent n i hav 2 ensure tt i dun let myself flop coz dere r other ppl at stake here,all their hard work n trng n it's really unfair if we fail coz i havent been trng,i would feel so angry if i were them soo this basically means i gotta work hard,but well despite saying so i'm still not starting any form of strengthening exercises so i guess i'm all talk:p Haha but i cant afford tt so i better jiayou n anyway i'm reaching sch soon,gotta walk in which is tiring coz i hav 0 stamina now heh so i shall end here first:) this post is mainly 4 my dear bf who notices tt i didnt post in a long while n is prob e only one who does;)but in tt sense i'm grateful,really:)
Recent msn nicks:time 2 slow down n walk e garden path of companionship:)

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