Friday, September 21, 2007

lots of things on my mind...n on my schedule

These 2 wks have been quite bz... hmmm lots of things going on...

(10-15 sep)Past wk:

Had lab formal report expt n up til now still havent started on it -.- hope i can still rmber wat 2 do 4 it... last wk was also the dateline for the stupid aero proj... designing ur own airship... really crappy, coz i guess e prof was looking 4 innovative designs but my group only concentrated on making the airship work, meaning that it has zero creativity in terms of design... Oh well, @ least it's over... it took up so much of my time last wk... we met 4 outta 5 days in the wk! the whole wk rather little slp coz gotta do proj n i noe how biz n acct ppl feel... n i slept @ 6am on thurs nite or rather fri morn thx 2 it... my groupmates not any better also haha, one slept abt 5 n e other abt 630am haha... we all were contemplating changing course ... dun wanna do aerospace anymore... lol, apparently we all had e same idea n when we voiced it out, we realised that all of us were thinking of the same thing haha... but i guess for now we're still toying wif e idea, not serious wif it i guess... oh wells... but really, these few days keep thinking along those lines... sigh we'll c....

last sat was also my driving test, failed @ 1st try... haiz i kinda expected it coz i didnt believe that i'll hav such an ez time on my 1st try but i also wasnt confident as i juz felt as if i dun hav enuff prac yet... oh well. Not that i didnt try my best 2 pass... was v tensed b4 n after the test... during test still ok... but i failed anyway... total of 34 demerit points... 20 from blind spot alone... coz i nv check my right blind spot or so the tester said... i did, juz not enuff i guess... he said i could drive but no safety... -.- watever.@ least i noe where i'm weak at now, so will use these 4 mths 2 correct them. Yup my next test date is 7 jan... 1st day of sch, mon 430-5pm... aiyo... that was the closest timing i could get... hopefully 1st day of sch not that packed... not sure yet... was talking 2 rach abt it juz 2 days b4 the test i think... n she was telling me things 2 look out 4... guess i'm still not gd enuff... felt rather down after the test... but then cant b helped, juz gotta wait(super long) 4 e next date... hopefully i'll b able 2 pass then...

Had lunch @ restaurant wif my family b4 my dad fetched me back 2 sch 4 archery trng... go dere lyk wasting time doing bow pulling form trng... they're wasting ppl(wif experience)'s time! Not as if we juz spent dunno how many yrs doing archery 4 nthg. So ridiculous. Juz coz they started out as beginners in uni doesnt mean other ppl r beginners when they reach uni. Things r gonna change in NTU archery... haha... it should anyway, otherwise no improvements will b seen. Got 'interviewed' in the field after trng, juz a few min of questions that dun really touch on my capabilities on being biz mag, so i juz said it all myself, y i deserve 2 b biz mag, their qns werent as valid as it should b so i juz give them ans which i feel ought 2 b given when interviewing for such a position. I guess i chose that position coz well publications n internal log werent really my kinda thing, i so dun wan 2 do logistics, n yup i wanted a main comm position so biz mag was it. Some more no 1 else running 4 e position... i was asking them if an interview was still required n they were lyk eh yah... haha... i got the position in the end so it's lyk 1 gd thing n 1 bad thing came outta that day...

Then after trng went back hall 2 shower n headed out of NTU wif my 2 archery friends who're in hall 9 too... had a pretty gd chat wif 'em on my way 2 bedok 2 get 2 derrick bdae party @ island resort chalet... saw Joker dere... haha they all playing cards upstairs so i not v into cards, ended up chatting wif some guyz outside... nice breeze blowing too... haha quite fun day, bz n fun! :)

This wk (17-21 sep):

Wed was quite bz... OBS briefing at 330 then dinner n bdae celebration for fangjing at the Quad then IIC(-.-) which me n fangjing went late(past 8) n NO MORE SEATS at e back!!! So we had 2 walk ALL e way 2 e front 2 sit down in front of e speaker... that was quite bad haha... n he was almost finishing his talk alr... aiyo... but we go for IIC lyk not 2 listen one so i guess it's ok lol... then went back hall n got free donuts! Lol... archery publications head who's staying my hall my block was doing room service!! lol... was great 2 take a break from studying n gg ard wif him finding all e archers in hall 9... 4 of us in total hehe... great fun... then when i went back hall i saw kenneth at e door... haha apparently he was on his way 2 supper n saw that my room door was open, so he was chatting wif shuyu haha... then later it was juz focusing on studies.... until 2am...

Had 3 quizzes all on thurs -.- it was quite a bad day i guess haha... but i didnt hav any violent mood swings or anything that day so it's quite ok.. despite the fact that i messed up all 3 quizzes, phy n mat sci early in the morn followed by computing which was the last lesson for the day... haiz. Cant do anything now, juz gotta work harder for the next tests... but i really did study for these 3 tests, more for phy n mat sci coz computing is more of a surprise(but i knew it was coming so i wasnt surprised haha)... sigh, kinda sad that i dun get the returns i deserve after working hard... guess it's a matter of working smart too... that's not ez for me... haiz... then after that still got trng... tiring but hmmm...

Fri had the RSAF talk n saw some familiar faces lyk weiquan, andy, kennerve n even... the ntu archery capt...that was a super big surprise... almost got heart attack haha... so unexpected, i usually dun c him ard in sch n then now... lol. Was quite cool, made air force out 2 b so fun n all but propaganda, wat can i expect. Though i wasnt convinced coz of diff treatment for girls... which is natural but still... anyway, dere was Gd fd!!! haha n freebie lyk coffee bean card n usb hub... haha... then went 2 check out the mid autumn festival celebrations at yun nan garden which was quite packed, surprisingly haha... but ya... i wasnt really interested n poor shuyu couldnt really enjoy stuff coz i wasnt really n2 abt it haha... we sat ard n check out the chinese structure dere n took some photos... then back 2 hall for a well-deserved rest while shuyu waited dere 4 her friend... yup.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

still ok...

last wed met up wif kay fj n ash 4 dinner... kay n ash were in south spine NBS reading room and free access lab dere while i was in lwn studying a bit of computing @ 430... left 4 can 2 @ abt 530... met fj dere n ate tgt :)

thurs, 1st NTU archery PT session. was quite light i admit, coz it was raining a bit during the 1st 1 n 1/2 hr of trng. So they did form trng for the 1st 1 n 1/2 hr... n they got us wif some experience 2 go ard helping... ;) lol but ya... i didnt really helped, ended up talking 2 e snr n eh distracting her from helping e others... oops... will not b so act pro next time haha. the PT dragged until 720pm, we did circuits, but v light as compared 2 wat nj used 2 hav, n they said this was juz an appetizer anyway haha.. quite ok, 4 rounds wif exercises lyk propping urself up on the ground kind of stuff... Dinner wif dency, fel, shuyu, ki n zhiyuan! haha yah, random class guyz keep turning up. ZY was totally unexpected, dency told me she was bringing some1 along so i thought he'll b kerby but ended up it was zy... haha v weird, i was lyk looking out 4 'em in can 14 then ZY called me... i was lyk how come u're here? haha amusing. Plus he was in uniform... haha quite interesting... anyway dinner was late thx 2 my trng ending late n eh shuyu n fel reaching late... -.- lyk they so free also reach dere later than me.... no excuse lor those 2. ki came wif her friends n ate wif her friends but got sit down n talk a bit so quite ok. Ok meal tgt. when u exclude e fact that zy was bz staring ard 4 pretty girls... his head nv stopped moving left n right haha...

Fri, went home!! yay... oh yah the hey gorgeous! from channel U came to NTU n i saw fiona xie n ben yeo ard sch... during 3 hr lunch break met up wif aero proj group 4 lunch @ can B n they were dere... then went sengwah's hall 2 discuss n then headed back 2 sch 4 aero discovery course n e ch U ppl were outside LT2... so after e lect went wif huiwen, deb n mf 2 c who's the winner,... m1 n f1... ok lar i guess. better than nthg haha...

Sat, NTU org pesta sukan comp @ segar lrt area dere(bkt panjang) that's y i went home fri nite instead of staying over coz gg over from my place abt e same as from boonlay... i stayed e whole dae partly coz of fred shooting n meeting wd 4 dinner wif fred xiangyuan n wendy(who joined us suddenly when fred called her as we passed by her lrt stop)... ate @ siam kitchen wendy's recommendation... great 2 b wif my team again :) So since i stayed whole dae i asked crystal(pres) if i could dun come on sun n she said yes! :) so nice! haha, glad she understands... was so afraid she'll say no... oh well, gotta do smthg abt my attitude...

Sun (2 sept) went JE lib 2 do research 4 proj b4 n after driving lesson, stayed til 9pm when lib closed... driving was 6-730.... after research then i go home eat,.....oh well, cant b helped, coz no time 2 do work, thankfully sun no need go back alr... o/w i will b worse off...

Recent msn nicks: i've an attitude problem... my poor pencil... ;)