Sunday, July 24, 2005

nthg much 2 sae...*

well lyk e title says, i've got nthg 2 sae, but well haven't been blogging in a long while so i guess it's time i blogged again... harry potter n e half-blood prince juz came out, on e 16th of july... i finished reading it on tt sunday, n well... went back 2 sch on mon n every1 was talking abt it... i didn't expect certain classmates 2 b reading harry potter but they were all discussing it... esp e ending... yeah i feel v unfair 4 dumbledore, he trusted him! oh well... guess it teaches us a lesson, believe all u want in a person but don't 4get who he started out as... nay, juz kidding. but well, can tell harry sure matured lots, esp in e last few pages... hope things will b ok in e end...
well, my grad ceremony is 2mrrw, or some refer 2 it as speech day, for mg, it's called founder's day, or rather they arrange e grad ceremony 2 b on e same day as founder's day...
on fri, i went 4 doctor's appointment 2 check out all these 'wounds', yeah all e galz n some guyz out there who noes me would noe wat i'm refering 2... hahaz... almost if not all e galz i noe who've seen me in e past month would noe... they all saw... their observance is amazing i muz admit... well gd thing is tt it's nthg tt bad, it's smthg lyk due to my body itself, then i got bitten by some bug so my body reacted 2 e bite n caused all these things 2 come out... bad news is tt it'll take a few yrs 2 go off... haiz... so much 4 'spotless' skin ... @ least @ e end of it, it wouldn't leave any scars behind... or so e doc says... who noes... hav 2 wait n c...
well, CT... was real bad, got ----, for math, chem, phy n econ respectively... my gp... it's too horrible 4 me 2 b willing 2 publicize it... all of 'em too horrible so i rather not sae here. so i got a tuition teacher, juz had 1st session 2dae, was ok. ok, am tired, shall leave now, bye :)

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