Saturday, July 30, 2005

~lonely solitude, nostalgic for bittersweet memories~

defn: Unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or persons
bittersweet: Tinged with sadness
lone: Characterized by or preferring solitude in mode of life
solitude: A disposition toward being alone

~lonely solitude, nostalgic for bittersweet memories~

"looking back at the past, how i wish things didn't have to change between us; i've asked myself countless times: why must we be separated? it's a fact, we can no longer be 2gether again, no matter how much we try, we can no longer go back 2 tt time in life, when we were happy, when we were in each other's company."

"i'm waiting for you here, where are you? Are u waiting too? for my appearance in your life? if only e time when we finally meet can arrive faster... i'm adrift in the sea of time, waiting for you to lift me into your arms, before i sink below... so please hurry, hurry here to save me."

"isn't she lucky this hollywood gal? n they say she's so lucky she's a star, but she cry cry cry wif a lonely heart thinking, 'if there's nthg missing in my life, then y does these tears come at nite?' she's so lucky, but she cry cry cries..."

"i used 2 think i had e ans 2 everything, but now i noe, life doesn't always go my way, feels lyk i'm caught in e middle, tt's when i need your love... all i need is time, a moment tt is mine, while i'm in between."

these few days, have been real tired, always falling asleep in lectures n tutorials, i've changed, not for e better n i really hate this me, but i wouldn't let this bring me down, no way.

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