Friday, June 04, 2010

working life and more

Oops i guess i havent quite kept my trend of 1 entry per mth since march... hmm it's the beginning of june already, wow, how time flies ;) anyway my daily life now (@ least for 6 more weeks) includes waking up super early and reaching my attachment workplace super early.. juz today i clocked in a new 'early': 7.11am when reporting time is only at 8am.. haha it's coz my uncle fetches me to work (thankfully) so it's either this or leaving home 2 hrs earlier juz to get to work by 8am so i'm sure it's worth it, yup i juz need to convince myself that when i wake up every morning scrambling to get my things ready before my uncle comes..

anyway juz smthg random, ytd morning i saw a bus flipped on its side in lane 1 of the PIE expressway.. it's lucky that we headed out early coz apparently the jam afterwards (thanks to gawking drivers on both sides of the expressway) lasted til 2pm and stretched all the way to bukit batok when the jam was only at lornie road area... it was quite a worrying sight coz you really hope the bus driver and passengers (if any, hopefully there was none) were ok, after all, accidents are no joke.. you could really get injured in them.. coz recently my sister who juz got her driving license got into an accident, it was the lorry who knocked into her but she seriously juz passed for like 1 wk then get this kind of thing (btw she passed on her 1st try.. lucky girl..), but thankfully my dad and her who were in the car were alright,.. juz backaches but no serious permanent injuries.. it's only the car that needed some repairs though the workshop sure took its time to return the car.. having the car to drive ard is a convenience that is undeniable especially when you have to lug your training stuff around singapore on public transport without it.. but no doubt a car is still not necessary, considering the price of a car nowadays, it seems more of a liability than an asset haha.. at least until i earn super a lot of $$ but that'll take time and effort and work is a bit boring nowadays already (though it's only my 4th wk of attachment) so i dun really know how i'm going to survive years and years of working life upon graduation :x anddd i also dun think i'll earn a lot :x haiz we'll see..

anyway i only juz realised that i got some comments on the tagboard, haha it's nice to see visitors and after reading that march entry again, i wondered how i managed to write like that :p haha seems beyond me..
since i'm on the topic of the previous entry, that being my team, maybe i should give an update..
well the fact that i'm about 3 weeks away to stepping down from the post of captain makes me feel that i should make last-minute amendments for my seemingly not-strict-enough attitude to the juniors in the past year.. i feel that they've been getting out of hand since exams ended or maybe even prior to that and it's not a nice feeling.. it's as if they don't respect my position (or my vcapt's position) after all that we've done for them (hopefully a lot) coz like they don't even bother to tell us properly that they're not able to turn up for trainings (to say it nicely) or why they don't want to come down.. this is really unbecoming of them because past few batches of juniors arent allowed the luxury to not come for trainings due to the past few very strict captains.. so i shall not bother to be nice these last 3 weeks.. haha perhaps that could be my saving grace.. i guess i started out wanting to do a lot but accomplishing little.. though 1 of the juniors i talked to assure me that i've done a good job but personally i don't think so.. i mean how can i think that way when i feel as if they don't have that level of respect for me if they dun even bother with the basic courtesy of informing me beforehand of their absence in trainings.. not to mention they are in really bad shape due to lack of strength and aside from that their form isnt good yet.. haiz.

anyway enough with that, i can't wait to step down actually and really leave the club.. i guess i have had enuff with all the politics and unhappiness which i didnt know exist until this year. how blissful it would be juz 2 b a normal member who doesnt have to be involved with the issues of the main comm..

n as for studies.. i'm worried for my results next year coz i purposely took the 10wks attachment instead of the 6 mths one to pull up my results with yr 3 sem 2 and i think though it worked but it didnt help by as much as i hoped it would so now i'm still in a risky situation.. not 2 mention that yr 4 wouldnt be a breeze either.. haiz..

oh yes, i'm gg philippines for holiday this coming aug! heh cant wait, i really think that learning how 2 dive would be fun and i hope that i will have the energy to capture lots of nice moments (i really hope there will be a lot) on camera.. haha i guess most of all i hope the place wouldnt disappoint though i havent even gotten ard to planning the destination yet :p okok i shall get to reading the 10th edition lonely planet guidebk that i was so happy 2 get my hands on since most of the 10th editions are perpetually always on loan or trace placed :p