Thursday, July 16, 2009

thoughts abt the person that i m

hmm was juz thinking wat sort of a person i m, whether i have any friends i can think of that i can count on to be there for me or rather for me to look for them when i'm feeling down or upset or anything and @ first i thought there wasnt many and i was feeling a bit down and then i decided to come to my blog and i saw that weide had commented on my post :D

and yup suddenly it felt like there's actually a lot of ppl out there that i can count on (those that i havent pissed off yet :s) and that's what i shall make myself believe. though i have made many ppl angry in the past (especially the not too long ago past) i realised that if i give it time, the relationship will heal and they'll become friends that i'm closer to than before... haha ppl lyk rach, not sure whether she still recalls that i made her angry before but i rmber it all too clearly and well i'm glad that she's still a v dear friend of mine... sometimes i feel that i'm distancing myself from my friends nowadays, not really gg out 2 catch up with them, juz staying at home/gg 2 sch, using e excuse of studying to well study.. i dunno, i sure dun wan 2 lose them n especially when i noe i have to meet them if i wan e relationship 2 b better than b4 (especially if i made them angry recently)... and well i'm a petty person (my bf noes this v well) so i dun forgive easily or forget fast so if i got angry too, it's true that i havent quite got over it yet and well i dun lyk this part of me but it's there and well, to be a better person, i gotta overcome it asap... but argh the grudge is there but then again when i think more abt it, what's e point of holding onto smthg so insignificant when I should not be holding back in order to live life to its fullest each day... hmm i'm not quite making sense again :p hahaha

let's all try to live life to its fullest everyday.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


havent blogged in 3 mths :p Oops haha anyway basically sem 2 was bad n now i'm taking special sem 2 to hopefully make my grades better n eid was ok overall, it was an interesting experience being e group leader to a whole group of guys, thankfully they were really wonderful individuals to begin with so working with them was nice :)

ok i finally blogged coz i wanted 2 say that the itchiness is back :( my skin is officially in a bad mood haha... these few days then suddenly lyk tt :( juz when trng is starting again... outdoors trng :x oh wells i hope it gets better real quick coz i cant afford to hide indoors 2 wait 4 my skin 2 recover at this point in time :s

anyway juz suddenly felt lyk blogging.. juz feel lyk saying that i think i lyk romantic stuff loads (i'm sure loads of ppl do too) but i realised tt i dun do romantic stuff frequently... or even often... um argh... i wanna do wat normal couples do on dates but well... my feelings r so mixed up now... i don't want to be someone tt i don't like but i cant quite help it... why cant i do wat i wan. nvm this aint helping one bit.. i shall get back 2 my studies..

n eh btw today marks the first trng when i'm officially e capt... it was a v slack trng... well hope they enjoyed it, coz soon it wouldnt be anymore..