Hmm my dec has been pretty much packed wif activities,from chalets to gatherings when i'm not trng,dere's been two chalets i've been to,one for my cousin's 14th bdae n e other juz another family chalet which was seriously e nicest chalet i've been to,ever.e pic above is of tt place:)e place was renovated juz 6mths ago so it's really new n nice!
Anyway since then,i've had e chance 2 meet up wif my hc classmates,my mg friends,my nj archers,went 2 sentosa twice n had an archery camp.actually now i'm on my way 2 meet some of my nj classmates 4 dinner,hope it'll b enjoyable:pbasically my days r quite packed wif working out too,ok nowadays not tt much coz of all those gatherings but i really need 2 bcome fitter!Haha anyway yup lots of stuff filling my day n on a sidenote i was really happy on my bdae,really had fun n had e sweetest guy by my side tt nite,i couldnt hav asked 4 anything better:)perhaps coz of this i wonder if it's too gd 2 b true n whether anything bad will happen soon 2 ruin all these,well let's hope not coz i really wan 2 enjoy e v last of 2008:)