Thursday, May 22, 2008

Driving test

failed again.. stupid driving test..

this time i seriously thought my skills were mostly up to standard.. argh blame my failure in seeing the motorcycle coming my way.. haiz..
n i still need 2 brush up on checking every direction during parking apparently..
n i hav 2 form up correctly else it'll b another immediate failure..
crap so many things despite me being satisfied wif my skills level.. hateful. n this time so many ppl noe i was taking the test.. haiz so it'll b quite painful telling every1 when they ask.. haiz, nvm that way i'll become numb 2 e pain faster ;p
i was pretty confident.. hate feeling such crushing defeat; was it wrong 2 feel as if everything will go smoothly? should hav realised that i should nv hav such high hopes of myself apparently.. guess this depends a lot on luck n the day's conditions. not to mention i thought the tester was pretty strict. oh i need 2 brush up on my // parking.. it has nv been a prob.. juz not used 2 the one in the circuit where the pole is so near the edge of the parking lot.

Haiz. nvm it's over.. i'm juz glad tt i wasnt left 2 my own thoughts 2 sink in self-despair after the test, my dear came over n waited 4 me 2 finish up wif the test n everything.. then we went watch 'made of honour' after which i was pretty much back 2 normal.. he was so sweet 2 me after e test.. hmm kind of like that treatment :P but i noe his normal attention to me is alr a lot so i'm grateful for that.. we went je after that 2 get some cooking bks from the library n cooking/baking supplies n grabbed some dinner despite me not being hungry (it was alr 9plus) n then he sent me home.. didnt sound lyk much but i enjoyed my time wif lance :P hmm the 2nd attempt for my driving test (which was also a failure) was also followed by a day out wif lance too so hmm the company is great as always :) no complaints dere.. juz tt i wanna pass n celebrate wif my dear instead of moping ard n having 2 get him 2 cheer me up n everything.. i juz wanna stop wasting time n $$ both of which i seriously hate wasting.. oh wells, it's been a long n tiring day wat wif LDP meeting in the morn at 10am followed by 2 hrs driving then the test n all so yup time 2 get a well-deserved rest! :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

some little thoughts of mine..

hmm i realise i'm pretty much pessimistic wif my thoughts most of the time, failing to think abt the better things in life, always seeing things in a darker shade of light than it could have been seen in.. i noticed this a few days back while on my way to my driving lesson.. suddenly feeling as if i could see things in a better light, in a better way; be it my family, my friends, my driving lesson.. everything took on a better colour so as to speak... i was grateful for that which i have and a bit regretful over that which i don't but knowing that i already have so much n hence not being too greedy for more.. heh sounds quite deep n all but that was my thoughts at that point in time.. anyway the lesson after that turned out to be pretty bad so my mood took a swing downwards so it was perhaps gd that i had tried to make myself feel better before the lesson.. n in this incident i realise (as always) that my mood is ever-changing, easily swinging from happy to sad with the swift flow of my thoughts.. was juz thinking that i feel quite apologetic towards lance that he has to bear wif me when i'm in my moods.. throwing tempers or juz being downright unhappy... it a gals thing or issit juz me.. a qns i'll juz hav 2 consider but not really bother wif esp since my days are packed wif activities to bz myself wif everyday :P

recent msn nicks: '3 whole days more..' ... 'i reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some'

Friday, May 16, 2008

bitter aint = best medicine


Hate it loads.

Detest it more n more n more!

Always feel lyk puking after drinking it & my stomach feels uncomfortable 4 a pretty long while after. urgh.