Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Exam time n after :P

Yay! Finally exams r over. As expected, the last paper wasnt ez. neither did i complete it in time so... there goes valuable marks. Hope i still do decently well in it.. in all of the papers. But what really matters is that they're all over so it's time to enjoy! :D

28nov wed: after aero paper had driving lesson -.- then headed down to raffles place to join deb huiwen songwei n justin @ minds' cafe 2 play boardgames :D haha even though i only got to play for less than 2hrs, but it was fun seeing how every1 became a bit crazy towards e end... muz mention tt i got LOST getting dere... for lyk 1/2 hr.. irritating... dirns werent v clear... n it sure took 'em long b4 songwei volunteered 2 come find me.. -.-" irritating... humph. Thankfully got 2 friends of mine msging me @ tt time asking me abt my papers.. they got 2 hear 1st hand how i was lost n everything.. haha thx 4 being dere (though dere's thankfully no chance they'll c this :P )... oh well. pretty fun nite n everything i guess... :)

29nov thurs: My cousin's wedding todae so went 2 their home in e morn.. then later my other cousin (his sis) painted my nails 4 me.. haha still quite surprised tt they're painted but anyway.. yah haha.. didnt really think of dressing up that nite 4 e dinner but did anyway, a bit, juz lack makeup only.. which was gd coz reached home late lyk 1230am haha yup. would've been troublesome 2 remove makeup too... took some photos that nite.. chatted lots wif my 2 sis.. been a while since i seem 2 hav chatted 2 'em lyk tt...prob thx 2 hall life bah... anyway had fun :D that's all tt matters!

30nov fri: driving test-urgh. Not enuff prac.. i knew it alr so was no surprise @ e end of it.. happily msging rach away abt it.. silly me haha... then had lunch wif a friend.. went 2 check out the singapore design festival! pretty interesting things dere! check out Brazilian architecture on 1st floor, design of marina south on 3rd floor as well as the new layout for the old supreme court as the centre of arts for singapore i guess.. haha lousy memory.. but spent super long dere! got quite a lot 2 c bah.. then nv check out e 4th floor though.. coz no time le gotta go meet kay 4 movie @ the cathay. Quite regrettable.. seems as though the 4th floor got interesting stuff.. too bad i guess... nvm... went met kay for 'Fred Claus' @ the cathay wif lance! Nice movie :D Typical christmas-y kind of movie.. but i really did wanna watch 'Enchanted'! Urgh... all thx 2 kay having watched it ALR! Humph. nvm gg watch it this fri hopefully :P should b haha.. Yay! kinda cant wait! hmm meanwhile gotta think abt who i gotta get christmas presents 4... =x this is difficult.. hopefully not so many ppl..? dunno........ oh wells. i'll figure smthg out. Anyway.. had dinner @ manhatten @ PS! Nice nice fd n place.. but queue was long too... anywayz... after dinner kay had 2 go home n pack coz she gg shanghai 4 hol so yah.. checked out christmas lightings @ orchard n reached home 1130pm :P later than wed... Oops.. but it was fun...

1 dec dental appt n trng.. great 2 c some of e archers again :D had fun! haha being silly talking abt nonsense n wat we've been up 2 n stuff... oh wells... hope every session will b as fun.. now tt trng has resumed 2 a 3 times a wk basis.. tue thurs sat.. haiz.. hope can still hav fun in between gg out n stuff!! hehe.

MSN nicks: i guess i'm not as strong as i thought i m

i cannot cannot cannot


this is the life!

sit back relax n enjoy e show!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Exams... in uni... :S

exams... the uni style... hmmm... so far, i've finished 4 papers... yay :D only left 2 more 2 go...

umm as deb n jingxin were saying.. we all hav an obstacle... mine would b physics n tt's over so i'm quite happy.. shall juz work hard for the last 2... last wed was math n econ... morn n evening paper... hmm quite tiring... but dere was dinner 2 look forward 2! haha dinner wif fangjing, kay, yanbing n yifang 2 celebrate ashley's bdae!! haha yah unlucky tt it's on e 1st day of exams but so glad 2 hav e dinner 2 look forward 2 :D then we could happily chitchat during the dinner! but too bad couldnt stay for long coz ash had a paper the nxt dae... so glad yifang came all e way down!! she's so wonderful!! :) but it's been super long since we met up.. humph... uni life... disconnects us 2 e rest of e world... haha the rest of our friends i mean... then after dinner stayed wif fj 2 wait 4 her friend then they walk me back 2 hall! so nice lar they! having so much fun talking 2 fj laughing n giggling away! hahahahaha gossiping lyk mad lar the both of us... v fun though hehe.. then got snacks tt nite also... in the form of ... smarties! haha... a bit erm... haha but nice all e same.. helps make u more grateful towards stuff when u juz had 2 papers in a dae haha..

nv had so much fun in a while alr... aiyo... mg friends r e best :D hahahaha... miss 'em loads... but realised tt recently i've been missing my archery team back in nj lots too... missing wendy rach... dx is here but i dun c her at all despite us being same hall.. so ironic... but yah... then iris also in faraway australia... but facebk got her! haha shall write on her wall soon.. after exams :)
hmm then dere's fred... who's always on msn but i havent talked 2 in a while.. shall chat soon... weide.. saw him came online twice!! super rare... but didnt talk 2 him coz i was supposed 2 b studying... hmmm junguang (my fellow blue fletch nj archer!) nv hear alr haha... fangjian always c online but nv talk once again.. soon soon... the rest lost touch alr bah... though they're still on my msn... haha... but i miss rach n wendy... was telling rach n she said dun worry will meet up during hols! hope so :) *cross my fingers*

umm... wat else... oh rite back 2 exams... then last fri had phy which was my obstacle paper... was feeling really miserable n horrible e nite b4... e dae b4 spent the whole dae in study room from abt 1030am until abt 10pm -.- cant believe i managed 2 stay dere 4 so long.. studying wif kenneth.. then dinner huiwen came down n ate wif us n we also ate wif muthaiah(dunno how 2 spell his name),huiwen n kenneth's friend wayne n his roomie n some ppl haha.. dunno.. then huiwen joined us in e studyroom then i got stressed so didnt do much le.. realised whole dae didnt do tt much but was ok i guess.. spent 45min in e morn chatting on e phone wif fangjing coz i was falling asleep inside! haha totally left kenneth alone in dere Oops! but i was really sleepy.. oh yah muz thank him 4 all e rides 2 sch! haha hallmate n kinda neighbour.. the time in between math n econ was also spent hanging out wif him n his friends.. haha n his program 'Game.cpp' totally entertained huiwen n deb... n impressed us all haha... but eh will tell him another time, when his ego needs boosting n not deflating ;)

anyway for phy i was juz super glad when it's over... i took my time 2 do e paper n it may seem as though i've given up hope since e 1st qns but thinking back properly, it's more as if i had no regrets coz i did my best :) even though i dunno whether i'll pass this time (yah it's tt bad) but i was juz relieved when it ended... even if i left 4b empty.. i was still glad... been a while since i felt this way.. when e rest were discussing ans i tuned out really... haha... deb n huiwen were saying tt i was quiet on e way back 2 hall but i guess it's juz tt i didnt feel lyk talking bah... was ok though haha though alison could tell i was a bit miserable, ok quite miserable when we met her at the nanyang heights bus stop.. so long nv c her alr... mebbe 1 dae can meet up n eat n chat :)
then after e paper me n deb went wif jingxin 2 JP 2 eat.. @ KFC haha... v long nv eat KFC alr bah,.. n jingxin was in e mood for fried stuff haha so we went dere... but b4 tt muz comment tt jingxin walked ALL E WAY 2 hall 11 bus stop! my gosh so far! haha he missed hall 9 bus stop totally... coz he thought tt it's hall 8 bus stop so yah he continued walking! haha cant believe he didnt complain tt it's so far.. not bad haha.. i think tt was more disbelievable 2 me than the fact tt he overshot.. haha i guess i havent met enuff guyz 2 start judging them haha..

umm then it's been computing todae... quite ok... but prob got some minor errors here n dere... hopefully still can do ok... we'll c... then stupid justin had 2 tell us tt results will come out on my bdae... great... a v nice bdae present... urgh... n he obviously doesnt rmber my name.. -.- haha but tt's only 2 b expected... i dun think i noe him tt well either... after computing had lunch wif deb, huiwen, siewhui, jingxin, nga, justin, zhirui n justin's friend.. dunno who... hahaha but yah.. lots of ppl.. ate @ quad, surprisingly got space, coz deb said tt every1 will think tt every1 else will go quad eat so they wouldnt head dere.. yah it was quite empty when we reached dere but quite full afterwards... umm then it rained HEAVILY! haha then had 2 take shuttle bus from can A n was a bit wet in e process.. then realised tt will hav 2 b a bit wet when walking back 2 hall.. then siewhui jingxin zhirui they all also coz their stop wouldnt b sheltered! haha we only realised when we boarded e bus.. some more e rain was super heavy @ tt time lor... haha as jingxin said take a shower dere n then.. after all clothes r meant 2 b washed.. -.- but yah haha...

ummm dunno wat things will b lyk in e near future.. was thinking tt life is so unpredictable, if i was told back in sec sch tt i'll b in engineering esp aero i wouldnt hav believed a word of it.. haha amazing wat life throws at u... but here, met a great group of ppl whom i believe i can call friends :) juz quite grateful for wat i hav rite now... :)

hmm then realised tt it's harder 2 get into JCs alr.. my sis' turn @ PAE n a bit troubling thinking of which JC 2 apply 2 coz muz c whether can get in... i msged ms chen my ex-form teacher back in j1 who is now known as mrs jalleh! haha anyway yup asked her n she said v hard 2 sae but even if can only half the cohort wif her score can get in bah.. so b prepared 2 b rejected lor.. hmm i even asked kay 2 ask her jc teachers 2 check out the cut-off score... well it's either nj, ac or sa... but the thing is sa is SO far away but tt's the only one where can more or less guarantee tt my sis can get in... haiz... we'll c... hopefully lady luck will smile on her :) guess i didnt realised tt it was so hard 2 get into a jc of ur own choice.. guess i got it ez for my 1st 3 mths n yet i wasnt grateful.. well i shall learn 2 appreciate wat i've got... now...

then e rest of my family juz flew off 2 china for a vacation juz last sunday morning.. then my youngest sis was being her usual rude self.. calling home at 530am! when every1 else was obviously asleep, demanding 2 speak 2 my maid n when i told her tt she's asleep lyk EVERY1 else she totally when ' r u sure a not? auntie leh!' wif the totally obnoxious tone tt told me i'm obviously not smart enuff 2 understand her... then she went 'aiya auntie went church lar' then she totally hung up on me urgh she can so make me angry. hello?! who goes 2 church @ 530am??!! irritating. @ least dere's peace n quiet for @ least a wk which doesnt really make a diff coz i'm in hall anyway. urgh. honestly. she juz keeps reminding me y i'm grateful for staying in hall... for all e wrong reasons i should think.. oh wells.

recent msn nicks:
perhaps 1 dae u might c me..not!
honoured beyond words :)
forgive your enemies but nv forget their names ;) rmber..?
我怀念的... 那不会再有的岁月...

Monday, November 12, 2007

it's time!!!

Time 2 face up 2 reality... the exams r really here.. strangely they feel lyk tests... how come the sense of urgency is lacking... crap, muz b thx 2 work that i'm feeling so nonchalent towards everything that comes my way... this cannot do... i muz work hard!! i muz feel e sense of urgency!! argh... haha...

recent msn nick: hah!I knew that i noe how 2 do computing,juz whether i wan 2 a not! (wif regards to tut 11 NOT the stupid quiz tt i flopped... )

Saturday, November 03, 2007

exams r here :(

exams r almost here n yet i feel as if i havent gotten down 2 any proper studying yet.. crap! gotta finish all e tut n studying for quizzes that dere's no time left for proper studying! Urgh.
Anyway juz had 3 tests on thurs, phy dunno how 2 do q2 n 3 but i feel ok after e paper, same wif mat sci, @ least i got 65%,better than my previous 55%.Gotta work harder for the exams or else :( computing was the 1 that made me feel bad... haiz :'( wonder if i'll even pass... i dun wan 2 get F or D this time round... stupid me.. dere was no time 2 study 4 computing at all wat wif phy n mat sci on the same day too...
then fri met andy n timothy in can B b4 computing lect in the morn... chatting then later zhen ming joined us followed by weiquan haha... so funny how we all met each other.. andy was commenting sit dere can meet so many of us so he should sit in can B n wait 4 us next time lol.. but then dere's no more comp lect so i guess this is the first time we all met up coincidentally n also the last time at least for now ;) but yay had company b4 lect which was nice..o/w always stand outside LT waiting 4 deb huiwen mf quite boring..
also had makeup computing tut at 130..rite b4 aero lect... oh well,@ least i only left 1ex for tut11 that i CANNOT solve YET! i shall consult genius siew hui who got 100% for the quiz coz she could run the whole prog... she's gd... i really admire her brains n intellect haha :D jingxin absolutely insists that it's intellect n not brains whereas i insist that brains hav got more than 1 meaning rather than the physical thing HAHA... then siew hui broke up the 'debate' by saying that she noes we eng-pro lar... Haha... computing tut wasnt that dull ytd thankfully :)

Recent msn nicks: it's beneath me 2 do computing..y muz i do comp??oh e tragedy!
aut viam inveniam aut faciam (i will either find a way or make one)
getting too stressed...