Wednesday, October 12, 2005

really wat a day~

2dae... hmm... pon sch 2nd time... 1st time was 2 days ago... oops... haha... no 1 say anything... anyway 2dae, went 2 meet mg friends! had fun talking n chatting... then went for pw op workshop... urgh... but it was ok... kinda boring but oh well... then went 2 surprise eleanor! coz her bdae's 2mrrw... so some mg friends crashed nj 2 surprise her... haha, i went too... then we went johnson's duck 2 eat.. yum... but erm... juz when this fabulous evening was going 2 end... some of my friends decided 2 take a pix wif some signboard...when then leant on it... there was a loud sound of breaking utensils... e restaurant on e other side... had stacked saucedishes leaning against e signboard so it was toppled over... all of us were stunned so as 2 speak... we didn't noe wat 2 do... those friends of mine, they immediately offered 2 help clean up, 2 help compensate... e rest of us were willing 2 help pay if necessary... we were all in nj u,... anyway e manager was really really nice, he told us there was no need... it's ok... such a nice person... it's really great noeing such ppl exist... my friends they were really really srry... e employees weren't happy though,... some woman was lyk muttering away in chinese tt it's those girls playing,... haiz... oh well... it's really lucky for us tt he didn't make a big issue outta it... wonder if nj's reputation was ruined... haiz... me n my friend was lyk we don't care anyway... hahaz... outta e group of 8 ppl there... only 4 were real nj ppl... hahaz... anyway... what a day.

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