Monday, August 15, 2005

temper temper- time 2 b tempered*

okies, shall not throw tantrums anymore... or rather i shall try not to ;) anywayz.... update... e wounds on my arms, legs, everywhere r healing now... within a few days, they're almost gone, tt Dr Loke sure is gd. being e responsible me i turned up tt dae, crap, hate it when duty calls... ok, promos, 6 wks left, chem spa, 4 wks left, phy spa, 1 wk left, chem n math tests, 1 wk left... = it's time 2 start revision... rite... n e ipod mini gold colour, apparently it's not in Singapore yet... too bad then... mh... guess u hav 2 wait... haven't lunched wif e 67 galz in a long while... but well... wonder how they're doing now? sigh... it's time 2 study every1... no matter who/where we r...

well i guess i have 2 admit... i'm starting to like my class... they're real fun, almost comparable to 67, or rather wat 67 was. s15, they definitely do not = mugger class... after having a few class outings wif 'em since joining this class... am starting to like e class ONLY, not nj, yucks. they gave us a feedback form 2dae 2 fill up n let's c, there was do u agree whether the facilities n environment r conducive for studying? PUh-leez! e mosquitos! so i put strongly disagree! then later they put are you proud to be part of njc? strongly DISAGREE! whahahaha... so many disagrees n strongly disagrees in 1 feedback, 1st time i disagreed so much... tsk tsk, nj has FAILED terribly! HA! there was 1 option saying if other people are criticising njc, you will defend njc.... STRONGLY DISAGREE!! i was telling my friend, i'll join them in their criticisms man! so funny... it's lyk they've really failed... either tt or i resist too well... my friends n i (2nd intaker galz) were discussing 2dae... when ppl asked wat sch we're from... we would mumble njc... it's so pathetic... i also dunno y... i juz dun feel proud 2 b part of njc... they say it's boring here... but e councillors n every1 r really trying their best 2 make this place fun... but i guess e uniform reduces watever effect they had? it can b pretty fun in here, esp wif my class, but well guess e general idea is still nj is a mugger sch... can't b helped i guess.

btw, i've changed my hp no.... u ppl should hav received my sms otherwise... i dunno... network failure? hahaz... anyway, nitez ppl, mugging time. ;)

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